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Edward Snowden Reveals Shocking 2024 Bitcoin Prediction!
Edward Snowden just made a Massively Bullish Bitcoin Prediction for 2024 that could accelerate HyperBitcoinization faster than ever imagined! What do Russia, Warren Buffett, Michael Saylor, and Jeff Bezos have to do with this?! You don't want to miss this
Where Will Nvidia Stock Be in 2025? | I Update My Prediction for Nvidia Stock in 2 years!
Nvidia stock has been on fire as enterprises rush to get their hands on its popular GPUs. Fool.com contributor and finance professor Parkev Tatevosian evaluates Nvidia and its prospects for the next two years. A portion of this video is sponsored by The Mo
What's Going on With Tesla Stock? | TSLA Stock Analysis | Tesla Stock Update
Tesla's fourth quarter earnings highlighted challenges to the company's profits in the next year. Fool.com contributor and finance professor Parkev Tatevosian discusses Tesla's prospects for 2024 after the company's fourth quarter earnings release. A porti
交易市場的一個規律 本金越多,越敬畏市場,預期也低了,風格也不同⋯ 1、1000萬元以上的人,特別是機構資金等,他們一輪牛市只求收益3~5倍,喜歡持有一些大餅...
交易市場的一個規律 本金越多,越敬畏市場,預期也低了,風格也不同⋯ 1、1000萬元以上的人,特別是機構資金等,他們一輪牛市只求收益3~5倍,喜歡持有一些大餅以太等市值較大的幣種 2、500萬元本金的人,預期略高5~15倍,他們在囤幣的基礎上會適當性的參與一些波段操作。 3.100萬元本金以下的人,預期略高超過20倍,這些人基本上要拿出一半甚至更多的資金來玩山寨。 4、10萬元本金以下的人,每天都在尋找百倍幣干倍幣,他們喜歡埋伏在各大社群,對各種研報研究的頭頭是道,感覺甚是“精通”,再搞不赢了就合約梭哈,還
這個世界上唯一不變的就是變化!其實,在趨勢面前,能力並不是那麼重要。雷軍名言:站在風上,豬也會飛!你沒聽說過幣圈,你沒聽說過區塊鏈,你不相信,並不代表它不存在。在幣圈是非常賺錢的,俗話說 “一日幣圈,十年人間”! 2023.11.12 #bitcoin #bitcoinnow #bitcoinATH #比特幣 #以太幣 #虛擬貨幣 #bitcoinvalue #bitcoins #比特币投资 #比特币 #比特精神 #投資 #investing #tesla #tsla #elonmusk #Warrenbu
富養自己最好的方式:十練。 1、練自律。 早睡早起,堅持運動,飲食有規律。 2、練閉嘴。 言多必失,三年學說話,一生學閉嘴。 3、練臉皮。 練強大的內心,練出厚臉...
富養自己最好的方式:十練。 1、練自律。 早睡早起,堅持運動,飲食有規律。 2、練閉嘴。 言多必失,三年學說話,一生學閉嘴。 3、練臉皮。 練強大的內心,練出厚臉皮。 1. 練自信。 2. 練氣質。 多讀書,“腹有詩書氣自華”,書是一個女人最好的化妝品。 6、練沉穩。 控制自己的表達慾望,學會傾聽。 7、練口才。 看TED演講,看辯論賽。 8、練格局。 看歷史紀錄片,看人物傳記。 1. 練身材。 2. 經濟獨立。 永遠不要過手心向上的日子。 每年都要學一門技技能,提升認知,讓自己變得值錢。 2023.11.
千萬不要亂買 股票!危機正在來?我們應怎樣投資?巴菲特的最新策略是什麼?
✅ 60分鐘免費股票公益課報名連結(名額有限)https://www.chiefpapa.com/10X-class ▶︎ 公開給你【如何在股市長期安心超級贏利💰】https://www.chiefpapa.com/10X-class (限時公開、附中英字幕) ■-------------------------------------------------- 影片主題介紹: 股神巴菲特的波克夏.海瑟威(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.) 2023年致股東公開信要點公開, 巴菲特信中提及只需
HSBC - The Bank of Tax Cheats (Documentary)
1 年前
 • 65 次觀看
#hsbc #documentary #stockmarket #banking Panorama documentary on HSBC The Bank of Tax Cheats (2015) Panorama reveals how Britain's biggest bank helped some of its wealthiest customers dodge tax. With Tax Evasion at the centrer, HSBC knew clients were
3 BEST Mutual Funds for Salaried People
1 年前
 • 88 次觀看
►My new stock market course starts in October 2022 [SEATS FILLING FAST]: https://wisdomhatch.com/finance/ _______________________________________________________ ►Sign up for the Study Abroad Bootcamp here [begins 25th August, 2022]: https://forms
Why we are in a BULL RUN and why this might be your LAST CHANCE to invest big...
►Check out this exclusive offer by Vested ($10 credited to every funded account who signs up using this link) : https://go.vestedfinance.com/Akshat COUPON CODE: AKVES100 ►My "Vest Every Month US" on Vested [Which stocks am I investing in]: https
Última Oportunidad: Esto Subirá 530% en los Próximos Meses |🚨Warren Buffet y Berkshire Hathaway 2022
👉 Esta inversión puede ser la diferencia entre que puedas ganar mucho dinero y perder mucho dinero en esta INFLACIÓN... Mi nombre es Luis y en este canal hago todo lo posible por enseñarte mis experiencias sobre la bolsa de valores, comparto notici
Why RICH PEOPLE are buying and selling these stocks? | Buffett invests 20Bn$ #Investing
►Check out this exclusive offer by Vested ($10 credited to every funded account who signs up using this link) : https://go.vestedfinance.com/Akshat COUPON CODE: AKVES100 _______________________________________________________ ►We will be offering 5
Buy STOCKS or WAIT? [Buffett invests $20 BN....] | Economic Analysis of 2022 Markets
►Check out this exclusive offer by Vested ($10 credited to every funded account who signs up using this link) : https://go.vestedfinance.com/Akshat COUPON CODE: AKVES100 _______________________________________________________ ►Check out my stock ma
Bitcoin could go to zero: Crypto billionaire
2 年前
 • 294 次觀看
Bitcoin Foundation chairman Brock Pierce discloses if he's still buying bitcoin during the market sell-off on 'The Claman Countdown.' #FOXBusiness #TheClamanCountdown Subscribe to Fox Business! https://bit.ly/2D9Cdse Watch more Fox Business Video: h