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【芬蘭瓦薩風光】4K航拍Landscape in Vaasa, Finland, aerial photography全球最幸福的國家之一,北歐旅遊芬蘭自駕攻略,魅力芬蘭風光系列
本片為您介紹芬蘭博滕區的首府城市瓦薩,影片中出現的主要風景名勝有:瓦薩大學、上訴法院、瓦薩市政廳、三一教堂、瓦薩堡、聖尼古拉斯教堂以及世界自然遺產克瓦爾肯群島等。歡迎大家收看!下面是影片中出現的詩詞:This film introduces you to Vaasa, the capital city of Botten District, Finland. The main scenic spots that appear in the film are: Vaasa University, Court
Visiting the Closest Town to Space (Life with 50% less oxygen)
Visiting the Most Crowded Island on Earth (I can’t forget what I saw) ► https://youtu.be/LgQxzYQP4as Subscribe ► https://goo.gl/MKi8tn La Rinconada, the closest inhabited place to the sky on Earth, where people are living above the clouds. At this extreme
2 個月前
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麗江【玉龍雪山路線】攻略~雲南旅遊 #travel #旅遊 #自由行 #旅行 #旅遊攻略#旅遊vlog
World Travel on Social Security Pension Retirement (Nomad Slow Travel Expats)
World travel on US Social Security Retirement Pension is possible. Retired nomad expat slow travelers Norm & Kat join us again today. We met with them two years ago as they traveled on $2200 a year. These Retired Nomad Expats that have chosen to slow trave
중국 황제 메이크업
4 個月前
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#여행유투버 #세계여행 #중국여행
【日本之旅 2023】Day2 - 川越一日遊:東京近郊~穿越到江戶時代 | 東京縮影~Shibuya Sky 夜觀涉谷最繁忙路口 - Kawagoe & Shibuya Sky
⭐本集資料 川越市產業觀光館 (小江戶藏里) https://www.machikawa.co.jp/ 川越 熊野神社 https://www.kawagoekumano.jp/ 時之鐘 https://www.city.kawagoe.saitama.jp/welcome/kankospot/kurazukurizone/tokinokane.html 味噌ラーメン専門店 日月堂 アトレ川越店 http://jincle.com/shop/nichigetsudo Shibuya Sky https://
I Shaved My Eyebrow (again)
1 年前
 • 82 次觀看
Click below for more 🔻 Check me out ► https://linktr.ee/jinnytty And watch me live on Twitch ►https://www.twitch.tv/jinnytty Early access vids on Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/Jinnytty ▶️ Check out full videos on my VOD channel https://www.youtube.com/
Myanmar - 『ミャンマー 大草原に佇む世界遺産』World heritage site on the prairie.
#ご覧いただきありがとうございます、ぜひチャンネル登録お願いします! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW-47YerkFEGa6qQpV-tiXg 我々、Travel the World~世界の絶景をあなたに~は世界各地の絶景や 観光スポット、四季折々の美しい風景を届けるチャンネルです。 日本だけでなく、世界の風景や観光スポットなど お家で楽しめる映像をたくさんお届けしていきます! 前回の動画 https://youtu.be/hlzpJCWpe4k Twitter ht
《葡萄牙+西班牙 自由行2022 - Ep9》人氣景點!高迪設計的「奎爾公園」| 畢加索博物館 - Barcelona, Spain
⭐本集資料 景點: Parc Güell 奎爾公園 08024 Barcelona, Spain https://parkguell.barcelona Museu Picasso de Barcelona 巴塞隆拿畢加索博物館 C/ de Montcada, 15-23, 08003 Barcelona, Spain http://www.museupicasso.bcn.cat 餐廳: Terra Mia C/ Ana Mª Matute Ausejo, 31, 08024 Barcelona, Spa
《葡萄牙+西班牙 自由行2022 - Ep8》烤乳豬 @ 全世界最古老餐廳 Botín + OUIGO火車去馬德里 + 西班牙「油炸鬼」+ 普拉多博物館 + 馬德里王宮 - Madrid, Spain
⭐本集資料 景點: Museo Nacional del Prado 普拉多博物館 C. de Ruiz de Alarcón, 23, 28014 Madrid, Spain http://www.museodelprado.es/ Palacio Real de Madrid 馬德里王宮 C. de Bailén, s/n, 28071 Madrid, Spain https://www.patrimonionacional.es/visita/palacio-real-de-madrid Catedr
토트넘 유니폼 입고 맨체스터에 가면 생기는 일 - 영국 〔07〕
손흥민 화이팅 ⚽️ 법규(ㅗ)는 크리스가 먼저 날리길래 당할 수만은 없어서 같이 날렸습니다... 네.. 저도 무서웠어요.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 협찬 : 음악 : - 아트리스트 음원 사용 - elemen
Where You Should NOT Travel... (according to this country)
...and comparing that to the USA They are trying to hide this... https://youtu.be/GnDk7iBTKQ0 Subscribe ► https://bit.ly/2TaqRvp Want the plushies in the background? UKBall https://www.makeship.com/products/uk-ball-plush CanadaBall https://www.makes
Chị Vê Ăn Uống Mọi Thứ Theo Icon 🍓🍫🍏🥛 - Vê Vê Travel #shorts
#veve #vevetravel #icon Chị Vê Ăn Uống Mọi Thứ Theo Icon 🍓🍫🍏🥛 - Vê Vê Travel #shorts
Khi Tính Bạn Nóng Nhưng Lũ Bạn Lại Nhây - Vê Vê Travel #shorts
#veve #vevetravel #vevechannel Khi Tính Bạn Nóng Nhưng Lũ Bạn Lại Nhây - Vê Vê Travel #shorts
배낭여행자의 초저가 스위스 여행 - 유럽여행 [39]
퐁듀 지옥 스위스발레주 샹페리(Champery) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 협찬 : 음악 : - 아트리스트 음원 사용 - elements.envato.com 음원 사용 카메라 : GOPRO 9 CANON EOS 80D MAVIC MINI