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“Mbështetja për Izraelin, e hekurt”, Biden: Do t’iu mbrojmë nga sulmet e Iranit
Mbështetja e SHBA ndaj Izraelit është e hekurt. Këtë është kujdesur ta theksoje Presidenti amerikan Joe Biden, pas kritikave të bëra në emër të aletit të tij Benjamin Netanjahu për luftën në Gaza. Biden zotohet se do të bëjë gjithçka për të mbrojtur Izrael
क्या भारत 🇮🇳 कर्ज़े में डूब रहा है?😳 #shorts #indianeconomy #youtubeshorts Dr. #arvindarora
India has 5 times more debt than Pakistan! Is India really buried under a debt of 635 billion dollars or is this issue also being used only for politics? To build and develop infrastructure in any country, more and more money is required! And all this mone
Ahmetajt iu dogj mandati në arrati, Plarent Ndreca bëhet sot deputeti më i ri i Kuvendit
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मालदीव निकला अहसान फ़रामोश तो भारत ने कैसे दिखाई औक़ात ? #shorts #youtubeshorts by #arvindarora
What did India not do for the ungrateful Maldives? There was a time when a coup was about to happen in Maldives, to stop it, the Indian Army saved Maldives by running Operation Cactus. Be it flood or earthquake, we were the first in the world to provide he
🔴【VAN-直播】#4/邊開車邊聽跨年直播🎉/極限競速 地平線5/forza horizon 5
DIGU9生活百貨蝦皮:https://reurl.cc/QjmKAZ ---------------------------------- 綠界贊助斗內:https://reurl.cc/q1xjbN 歐付寶贊助斗內:https://reurl.cc/35VG7V ---------------------------------- 目前直播時間為每天半夜12點多左右開始 如果喜歡我的影片歡迎點讚和訂閱。我會非常感謝的! 有任何意見都可以在底下留言喔!再次謝謝大家收看!
新北市 三重區 | 「新北大都會公園」 全家大小男女老少寵物都愛的好所在
台北市有大佳河濱公園 新北市有新北大都會公園 多年前就已經來過 (2008年開始建造已經長達13年的歷史了) 後來幾乎每年至少都會來一次 因為這裡真的太大(相當於16座大安森林公園) 太美太舒服了 一年一年的看著它 變得愈來愈好 滿是感動 不管是情侶夫妻姊妹談心散步 帶毛小孩玩耍 解放小小孩 各式路跑 拍婚紗 網美拍照 來這裡就對了!!! 覺得連樓梯都這麼用心設計,就拍下這張照片了~~ 其實這裡是由很多公園所組成的大台北都會公園(荷花公園 疏洪公園 幸福水漾公園。。。) 其中有一區還特地開放給民眾認養 種東
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閃光燈多次曝光人像攝影創作 / 小閃燈創作 / Flash Multi Exposure / #粵語無字幕 新一年第一段分享影片,祝大家新年快樂! 回顧2022 疫情下的作品集: https://youtu.be/Mlpi5CvZlOw 回顧2021 疫情下的作品集: https://youtu.be/HTKArBUkkGo 回顧2020 疫情下的作品集:
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दुनिया के सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति का Resume 😮| A2 Motivation |#shorts #ashortaday #a2_sir
Recently, Bill Gates, one of the world's richest people, shared his resume of 48 years ago by 66 years old Bill Gates to increase the confidence of millions of youth around the world. Do watch the video for more information. Be a member of A2 family, joi
95% लोग कहाँ करते है invest ?| A2 Motivation |#shorts #ashortaday #a2_sir
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क्या है Bill Gates की सफलता का राज? 😱| A2 Motivation |#shorts #ashortaday #a2_sir
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कैसे Justin Bieber का आधा चेहरा हुआ बेज़ान😮|Justin Bieber Face Paralysis|#shorts #ashortaday #a2_
Topic Cover In this video :- Justin Bieber Face Paralysis | Justin Bieber Paralyzed | Justin Bieber Paralysis | Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Hindi | Be a member of A2 family, join our channel membership now. Click the link below 👇 https://www.youtube.com/c
क्या Elon musk खरीद लेंगे Twitter😮| A2 Motivation |#shorts #AShortADay #a2_sir
Be a member of A2 family, join our channel membership now. Click the link below 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ERimtc5zFrn7x6Bk3HaHA/join The way Elon musk grabbed tesla from 2 engineers. Now in the same way he is planning to grab Twitter. Act
Tesla नही है Elon musk की कंपनी😮| A2 Motivation |#shorts #AShortADay #a2_sir
Be a member of A2 family, join our channel membership now. Click the link below 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ERimtc5zFrn7x6Bk3HaHA/join Whenever we talk about Tesla, the name of Elon Musk comes to our mind, but do you know, Tesla was not the
तो क्या Possible है Time Travel 😧 | A2 Motivation | #shorts #ashortsaday #a2sir #backtobasics
Be a member of A2 family, join our channel membership now. Click the link below 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ERimtc5zFrn7x6Bk3HaHA/join Guys Time Travel is a concept that cannot be denied, because if we believe the theory of scientist like A
Netflix की आदत क्यों पड़ जाती है लोगों को 🤔 | A2 Motivation |#shorts #AShortADay #a2_sir
Download Our Official App- "A2 App" 👇 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atwomotivation.courses Be a member of A2 family, join our channel membership now. Click the link below 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ERimtc5zFrn7x6Bk3Ha
अचानक क्यों गिर गई Crypto🔥 करेंसी की प्राइस😱| Cryptocurrency Downfall |#shorts #backtobasics #a2_sir
Be a member of A2 family, join our channel membership now. Click the link below 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ERimtc5zFrn7x6Bk3HaHA/join Today there is a panic in the world of Cryptocurrency, the real reason for this is that the Government of India
2021年2月份最新手機遊戲推薦!| 《尼爾》IP的新手遊《尼爾:康乃馨》終於登場!| 與《糖豆人》一樣屬於多人派對玩法的《蛋仔派對》| 二次元美少女養成遊戲《碧藍檔案》| 更多手機遊戲推薦!
哈嘍大家好,歡迎來到大鹿的頻道!這期為二月份的最新手機遊戲介紹影片,這次遊戲的陣容很豐富,其中就要大鹿最喜歡的《尼爾》系列的手遊新作《NieR Re[in]carnation 尼爾:康乃馨》,與《Fall Guys 糖豆人》一樣玩法的多人派對玩法的《蛋仔派對》,二次元美少女的養成遊戲《Blue Archive 碧藍檔案》,還有三頭身少女戰鬥 io 遊戲《Shojo Calibur.io 少女聖劍.io》以及其它不錯的新作等等。 但是這期大鹿比較喜歡的是《NieR Re[in]carnation 尼爾:康乃馨