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'Titanic' Actor Bernard Hill Dies
1 週前
 • 23 次觀看
Actor Bernard Hill, best known for the movie "Titanic" and the "Lord of the Rings" films, has died. Hill began acting professionally in the 1970s. He was well-known on British television and films, but it was the 1997 film, "Titanic" that gave Hill greater
"Oppenheimer" Maker Christopher Nolan to Receive British Knighthood | Subscribe to Firstpost
"Oppenheimer" Maker Christopher Nolan to Receive British Knighthood | Subscribe to Firstpost British-American filmmaker Christopher Nolan, who recently won an Academy Award for Best Director for "Oppenheimer", will receive a knighthood from Britain for ser
楊紫瓊《愛似流星》#梁家輝 #新流星蝴蝶劍片尾曲 #奧斯卡金像獎 #最佳女主角 #媽的多重宇宙 #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #AcademyAward #王秀蓮
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【奧斯卡96】遭抗議太搶鏡!傳禁出席奧斯卡 《墜惡真相》狗演員梅西現身頒獎典禮|鏡速報 #鏡星球
第96屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮在台灣時間今天(3/11)上午7點舉行,《墜惡真相》中的狗演員梅西驚喜出現在觀眾席,牠的位子被分配在中間靠走道,還被拍到回眸甜笑的畫面。 #奧斯卡96 #墜惡真相 #梅西 #不正當競爭 -- 🪐訂閱《鏡星球》YouTube 👉 http://pse.is/59enw2 🪐追蹤《FUN大鏡》Instagram 👉 http://pse.is/58jcuj 🪐按讚《鏡新聞》Facebook 👉 https://pse.is/4vtfbr 🪐加入《鏡新聞》官方Line 👉 https://l
你怎麼看《芭比》瑪格羅比沒入圍最佳女主角這件事? - 💄tag 身邊的朋友,也分享你對這屆奧斯卡入圍名單的想法 - 奧斯卡頒獎典禮將於台灣時間3月11日登場。在先...
你怎麼看《芭比》瑪格羅比沒入圍最佳女主角這件事? - 💄tag 身邊的朋友,也分享你對這屆奧斯卡入圍名單的想法 - 奧斯卡頒獎典禮將於台灣時間3月11日登場。在先前入圍名單公佈之際,討論最甚的就是《芭比》!電影雖然票房驚人、締造前所未有的文化現象,在今年獎季卻收穫不大。女主角瑪格羅比、編導葛莉塔潔薇沒有入圍,反而男女配角都入圍。有人覺得可惜,也有人認為《芭比》過譽且通俗,各界看法與觀點不一,你又是怎麼看呢? - |奧斯卡 2024《芭比》爭議:女主角瑪格羅比及女導缺席入圍名單,《可憐的東西》艾瑪史東擠進!女
Must Watch Movie : The Holdovers | Paul Giamatti deserves an Oscar #shorts
Want to become a part of inner circle of Chalchitra Talks? Become a community member and buy our Yearly subscription here : https://www.chalchitratalks.com/memberships Here are the benefits of becoming a member : You get access to all 12 of our exclusive W
📙 他用鏡頭寫詩 每部電影都是一場哲學思辨 帶你認識- 哲學家導演 Terrence Malick 更多介紹,請追蹤 abstractinfluence_202...
📙 他用鏡頭寫詩 每部電影都是一場哲學思辨 帶你認識- 哲學家導演 Terrence Malick 更多介紹,請追蹤 abstractinfluence_2023 你最喜歡Terrence Malick的哪部電影呢? 歡迎在下方留言區與我們分享討論
🌊 再怪的故事都難不倒他 希臘詭異浪潮的造浪者 帶你認識- 鬼才導演 Yorgos Lanthimos POOR THINGS 預告👇 https://www....
🌊 再怪的故事都難不倒他 希臘詭異浪潮的造浪者 帶你認識- 鬼才導演 Yorgos Lanthimos POOR THINGS 預告👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFu7ZH4y6J4 更多介紹,請追蹤 abstractinfluence_2023
Oscars 2023: Lady Gaga RUSHES to Help Photographer on the Red Carpet
'Oscars 2023: Lady Gaga RUSHES to Help Photographer on the Red Carpet' Lady Gaga won the unofficial award for being the kindest celeb ever... watch our short to see! #oscars2023 #oscars #ladygaga Follow us for more red carpets, celeb news, and interviews!
Cate Blanchett speaks on preparing for the role as a troubled musical conductor in 'Tár'
The best actress nominee speaks on what it was like bringing a skill that she loves to a skill she knew nothing about. #CateBlanchett #Tár #Hollywood #Oscar #Oscars #AcademyAward #actor #bestactress #ABCNEWS
Todd Field on Making his film TÁR
1 年前
 • 46 次觀看
►Subscribe to AFI on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubscribeAFI Todd Field (AFI Class of 1992) talks to AFI Conservatory Fellows about making his film Academy Award-nominated film TÁR. ►Follow AFI: https://instagram.com/AmericanFilmInstitute https://www.tiktok.co
Anna Kendrick Gets the Giggles While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
Anna Kendrick is an Academy–, Emmy–, and, Tony Award–nominated actress whose resume includes everything from acclaimed Broadway performances, to beloved indie films and record-shattering movie franchises. Her latest project is the psychological thrill
GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S PINOCCHIO | Official Teaser | Netflix
Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro reimagines the classic Italian tale of PINOCCHIO in a stop-motion musical adventure. Follow the mischievous adventures of Pinocchio in his pursuit of a place in the world. Directed by Guillermo del
The Unforgivable | Sandra Bullock | Official Trailer | Netflix
In Select Theaters November 24 and on Netflix December 10. Released from prison after serving a sentence for a violent crime, Ruth Slater (Sandra Bullock) re-enters a society that refuses to forgive her past. Facing severe judgment from the place she o
【娛樂透視】助攻《陽光普照》進奧斯卡 文策院全球擴散台灣影視力|鏡週刊
奧斯卡季來臨,代表台灣角逐金像獎最佳國際影片的《陽光普照》近日接連獲美國媒體肯定,聲勢看好,文策院也將助攻,進一步打開台灣電影能見度。 文策院成立一年多來,除提供業界諮詢、參與投資、協助文創內容作品參加全球展會活動,同時以產業化、國際化、品牌化為目標,提出各
5 部你沒聽過,但一定要看的歐洲電影!
自從2012年開始經營『那些電影教我的事』以來,我們介紹了超過1000部的電影。雖然大家很喜歡看我們介紹現正熱映中、或是討論度很高的院線電影,但也有不少人希望能接觸到更多非商業大片、或是主流以外的電影。 這讓我們開始構思這個『欠推好電影』的主題,希望可以介紹一些雖然
Julianne Moore - Still Alice | Fandango FrontRunners Season 3 (2015)
Subscribe to FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1osIIuS Get the latest FrontRunners News, Articles, & more at Fandango: http://fandan.co/1xhLF2U Julianne Moore - Still Alice | Fandango FrontRunners Season 3 (2015) Anger. Fear. Denial. Rejection. Comfort.
Robin Williams Tribute Video (1951 - 2014) - Movie Montage
Paying tribute to one of our most beloved actors. Watch all of our favorite Robin Williams moments: http://goo.gl/l9lOz0 Robin McLaurin Williams was born on July 21, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, a great-great-grandson of Mississippi Governor and Senator