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GPT-4o:全能、免费、最强大模型,OpenAI 春晚震撼发布 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👉 https://axtonliu.ai ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的内容,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://www.axtonliu.co
OpenAI Unveils NEW ChatGPT: FREE, FASTER, and Talks & Reasons Like a HUMAN! (GPT-4o)
OpenAI has introduced GPT-4o, a groundbreaking AI model that is accessible for free and features enhanced capabilities, including real-time voice interaction. This advanced version not only talks and reasons with near-human accuracy but also supports multi
「上集」Reader API 来了,还要啥爬虫?4 种秒转网页给 AI 喂知识的办法,提升你的知识库构建技能 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👉 https://axtonliu.ai ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的内容,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://www.axtonliu.co
Humane AI Pin - убийца смартфонов с ChatGPT!
Это новая эпоха смартфонов или полный провал? Humane AI Pin это совершенно новый тип устройств, которому не нужен экран, потому что он работает с ChatGPT. Рассказываем! Подпишись на канал: https://www.youtube.com/c/therococom ПОСЛЕДНИЕ ОБЗОРЫ: Лучший камер
AI Never Sleeps: This Week's News That Shook the AI World!
This week's AI news features Chrome's "Help me write" tool, Adobe's AI for document assistance, and Google's app recommendations. Learn about Groq's AI processing speeds, Apple's AI developments, and the impact of ChatGPT and Google Gemini. Stay informed o
Google Introduces GEMMA and Changes the AI Game Forever!
Google's Gemma represents a significant advancement in AI technology, emphasizing ease of use, ethical development, and broad compatibility with existing AI frameworks. This introduction showcases Gemma's unique position in the AI community, offering pre-t
OpenAI 发布地表最强视频模型 Sora - 迈向 AGI 的重要里程碑 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👉 https://axtonliu.ai ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的前沿资讯,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://axtonliu.
OpenAI's SORA Shocked the Whole Internet - A Giant 'F*ck You' to Reality!
OpenAI introduces Sora, a groundbreaking AI model that converts text prompts into hyper-realistic videos, marking a significant advancement in AI technology. This video delves into Sora's innovative diffusion model and transformer architecture, showcasing
NVIDIA "Chat with RTX" AI Chatbot Is Changing the Game in AI!
NVIDIA's "Chat with RTX" introduces a groundbreaking AI chatbot capable of running offline on Windows PCs with RTX 30 or 40 Series GPUs. This demo showcases NVIDIA's advancements in natural language processing and AI, offering users privacy and versatility
免费的 GPT-4 Turbo 香不香?Coze 扣子海外版、中文版双发,深度评测 + 手把手教程 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👇 ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的前沿资讯,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://axtonliu.com 🤖 好用GPTs 分享 → ht
AI Rabbit R1 Device | This LATEST AI Assistant is Buzzing the Internet - Here's Why!
Rabbit R1 AI Device: Why is the internet buzzing about Rabbit R1? Rabbit Inc., a US-based firm, has revealed 'Rabbit,' a pocket-sized artificial intelligence (AI) assistant that can operate apps on a person's smartphone on their behalf. This has sent shock
🤖 👾Rabbit R1- 5th Batch sold out again | Rabbit R1 Review and Updates 🤖👾
This video explores the shockingly smart Rabbit R1 device that sold out in 24 hours and could make smartphones obsolete! Running the proprietary RabbitOS and Large Action AI models, this nostalgic gadget acts as a personal assistant that accomplishes tasks
Microsoft Bing's New AI Deep Search & New AI Alliance: Meta + IBM + AMD + Oracle and more!
Microsoft Bing's Deep Search powered by GPT-4 is a game-changer in web searches offering detailed, user-friendly results. There is also new AI Alliance led by IBM and Meta, uniting over 50 companies to ensure responsible AI development, ethics, and innovat
Sam Altman's exit shocks tech world | Mira Murati interim CEO | World News | WION
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has left the company, causing shockwaves in the tech world. The departure follows a review process by the board, which concluded that Altman was "not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its abi
OpenAI Finally Announces the Arrival of the Groundbreaking GPT-5!
"Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has announced the development of GPT-5, the next-generation AI model succeeding GPT-4, with improvements in understanding and generating text and staying current up to 2023. In partnership with Microsoft and other organizations,
Elon Musk and X.AI Introducing GROK - The Chatbot That Thinks Like Elon Musk!
Elon Musk has launched a new AI chatbot named Grok through his company xAI, aiming to transform how we interact with AI by adding humor and a human-like understanding to conversations. Grok is designed with ethical guidelines and is trained on Oracle's clo
OpenAI Introducing ChatGPT ENTERPRISE: The Next Big Thing
ChatGPT Enterprise is OpenAI's new business-focused chatbot that's giving Microsoft's Bing Chat Enterprise a run for its money. Designed for top-level data security and unlimited usage, it's already been adopted by leading companies like PwC, Canva, and Bl
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Reveals Shocking GPT-5 Details + OpenAI Academy
OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, reveals plans for GPT-5, promising improved memory, reasoning capabilities, unlimited message length and more, transcending the impressive features of its predecessor, GPT-4. Taking AI to a new level, OpenAI Academy, a project lev