
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
【我的爸爸是條龍】一口氣收獲12條龍的祝福! | 龍年賀歲曲《龍行運》Daddy Loong's Chinese New Year's song for the Year of Loong
中國的十二生肖是由十二種動物組成,每一年有一個不同的動物來代表。每十二年輪一次,以此類推。在每年農歷春節,我們會迎來新的生肖年。2024年,就是龍年。 在中國人心中,龍是一種能呼風喚雨,騰雲駕霧的神物。帝王自稱自己是真龍天子,每一位百姓都是龍的傳人。 龍的故事從幾千年前開始就在華夏大地流傳,綺麗的神韻自仰韶文化延綿至今。人們相信,有龍在的地方會遇見好運。因此,在龍年的第一天,我邀請了我的龍族父老鄉親好友們共同來祈願,祝福大家在新的一年裏:龍騰九霄,萬事興龍! 對了,再向大家介紹一下我的龍族朋友們: 應龍:上
【精選】比擠痘痘更爽的是...擠老公的痘痘!Even better than popping a pimple is popping your husband's pimple. #搞笑
#原創 #cartoon #cute #funny #animation #original 龍媽看到痘痘就手癢,東東以後可要小心咯... Mummy Loong is out of control when she sees pimples. DonDon, you should be careful in the future...
Did You Know In ZOOTOPIA…
1 年前
 • 80 次觀看
There happens to be a scene that plays on the titles of other Disney animated movies. When we are first introduced to Duke Weaselton in his scene with Judy and Nick, we see that he is selling “officially licensed movies”. All of the movies that he has
Did You Know In ZOOTOPIA…
1 年前
 • 81 次觀看
There is something quite sentimental about Nick’s outfit. In the short scene that flashes back to his childhood with his mom, you will see green wallpaper with a pattern on it as young Nick is looking in the mirror. This color and pattern actually matche
Did You Know In ZOOTOPIA…
1 年前
 • 64 次觀看
This movie happens to continue a trend for a certain actor who lends his voice to the movie. For actor Alan Tudyk, who voices Duke Weaselton in this movie, this is the fourth consecutive Disney animated movie where he happens to play an antagonistic role
【精選】真正的兄弟总會在你缺錢時出現,并带来...A real brother will show up when you need money...#動畫 #warm #cute
#家庭 #warm #動畫 #恩愛 #funny #抖音 #shorts #夫妻 #anime #lovestories #dragonfamily #日常 #搞笑
【精選】這可能就是傳說中的“四大寬容”定律之壹:來都來了……One of the fabled "Four laws of tolerance" : Since I'm already here……
#家庭 #warm #動畫 #恩愛 #funny #shorts #anime #lovestories #dragonfamily #日常 #搞笑#原创
The Art Of Great Table Manners With Wednesday Addams | The Addams Family 😅
Good food and good manners will open doors that the best education cannot 😋 . . . . Food is true love! 😋 . The Addams Family (1991) Paramount Pictures. Columbia Pictures
【精選】靠超能老婆维持的婚姻生活... 下 Thanks to my super-powerful wife, our marriage can be maintained Pt2.#原創動畫
老婆持家超有一套的嘿嘿~買菜砍價+料理家務樣樣行!和老婆比起來我不過是條鹹魚罷了...My wife is very good at housekeeping! I'm just a salted fish compared to her... ——————————————————— #funnyvideos2022 #cartoon #原創動畫 #動畫 #funny #shorts
Did You Know In COCO…
1 年前
 • 86 次觀看
There happens to be a certain color that connects two characters throughout the movie. From when we meet her, we see that Mama Imelda is shown to wear a lot of purple in her clothing, even having purple markings on her skull in the Land of the Dead. Ther
【精選】靠超能老婆维持的婚姻生活... 上 Thanks to my super-powerful wife, our marriage can be maintained Pt1.#原創動畫
老婆持家超有一套的嘿嘿~買菜砍價+料理家務樣樣行!和老婆比起來我不過是條鹹魚罷了...My wife is very good at housekeeping! I'm just a salted fish compared to her... ——————————————————— #funnyvideos2022 #cartoon #原創動畫 #動畫 #funny #shorts
【精選】原來打工人摸魚的盡頭是...It turns out that the result of mess around is...#動漫 #搞笑動漫 #打工人的一天
打工人們!今天你認真工作了嗎?!龍爸終於忙了起來~太荒谬了,整天摸魚竟能使人愛上工作! Hi guys!Did you work hard today ? ! Daddy Loong is finally busy~ It's ridiculous that mess around all day can make people fall in love with work! #cartoon #funnyvideos2
【精選】當恩愛夫妻的二人世界出現第三人..When a third person appears in the world of a loving couple#動漫 #愛情 #warm
爸爸們都面臨這種情況嗎?有了孩子后,向老婆撒娇越来越无效了😫這期視頻就帶你體驗孩子是如何破壞夫妻二人世界的...Acting like a spoiled child to wife is becoming more and more ineffective after having children😫This video takes you to experience how children
【精選】看到這樣的龍爸你們心動了嗎? Have you guys got crush on such a Daddy Loong?#cartoon #dragonfamily #原創動畫
#cartoon #lovestories #warm #funnyvideos2022 #funny #我的爸爸是條龍#dragon#family
【精選】噓,不要説話,用心享受(本集佩戴耳機效果更佳)Hush, don't talk, enjoy with your heart
(this episode is better with headphones) #家庭 #funny #lovestories #恩愛 #我的爸爸是條龍#warm
【精選】夫妻之間扒耳朵竟是因爲...Husband and wife are scratching their ears because...
#家庭 #warm #動畫 #恩愛 #lovestories #dragonfamily #日常 #搞笑 #夫妻#anime#抖音#shorts
【精選】沒想到愛的力量如此強大...I didn't know the power of love was so powerful...#恩愛 #cartoon #lovestories #動
#家庭 #warm #動畫 #恩愛 #funny #抖音 #shorts #夫妻 #anime #lovestories #dragonfamily #日常 #搞笑