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'24.03.27【財經起床號】Mr.Jamie 林之晨談「AI模型大戰!NVIDIA走向生態系 打造高度競爭門檻!」
主持人:陳鳳馨 來賓:台灣大哥大總經理暨 AppWorks 之初加速器董事長及合夥人 林之晨 主題:產業創新 × 科技新知 AI走向生態系 打造高度競爭門檻! 00:00 鳳馨播早報 11:20 📌NVIDIA GTC 21:57 📌AI Pin 29:52 📌Google 與 Open AI 模型大戰 40:22 📌Anthropic 的 Claude 3 42:33 📌Open AI的未來 47:00 ⭐新創推薦:WORD UP 聰明學習 49:46 📌蘋果放棄電動車轉戰AI 節目時間:週一至週五 早上
Apple demandada en EEUU, la IA de Google en el iPhone, iOS 17.4.1 y más noticias Apple
🛜 Protege tu información en internet con Incogni. Usando este link tienes un 60% de descuento: https://incogni.com/manzana ¡No te pierdas las últimas noticias y rumores sobre Apple! En este recopilatorio semanal, te contamos todo sobre los inminentes lanza
Pruebo el MODELO MÁS INTELIGENTE disponible 🤯 ¿Es mejor Claude 3 que GPT-4?
Anthropic presenta Claude 3 y afirman que es el modelo más inteligente, superando a Gemini Ultra y GPT-4. Lo pruebo y te comento mis primeras impresiones. Recibe toda la INFO de mi ACADEMIA 👉 https://bit.ly/curso_ia_ 📕 Descarga mi guía gratuita para crear
Claude 3: The AI That FINALLY Beats ChatGPT?
2 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
Claude 3 just came out. Let's play with it! Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://www.futuretools.io/newsletter 😊 Discord Community: https://futuretools.io/discord 🐤 Follow me on Twitte
Benchmarks Say Claude 3 is Better than GPT-4, But is It?
Anthropic has released a new version of its Claude Large Language Model. The new LLM, called Claude 3, comes in 3 versions. According to the benchmarks, Claude 3 Opus is better than GPT-4. But do the real-world tests show the same thing? Let's find out. --
Claude 3 - 3 New models - Which one is best?
2 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
Claude Opus Colab: https://drp.li/0y6Qh Claude Sonnet Colab:https://drp.li/i1EHk Blog Post: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family 🕵️ Interested in building LLM Agents? Fill out the form below Building LLM Agents Form: https://drp.li/dIMes 👨‍💻Githu
Is Claude Now Better Than ChatGPT For AI SEO?
2 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
It's been a while since we talked about Claude 3 on this channel, and I wanted to test its basic capabilities in a specific use case which ChatGPT 4 has been struggling with - getting contextual arguments from a large volume of data or text Although ChatGP
New Claude 3 “Beats GPT-4 On EVERY Benchmark” (Full Breakdown + Testing)
Anthropic just dropped Claude 3, a cutting-edge model that performs better than GPT4 across the board, according to benchmarks. I'll tell you all about it, and then we'll test it ourselves! Join My Newsletter for Regular AI Updates 👇🏼 https://www.matthewbe
Claude 3: New AI model DESTROYS ChatGPT!
2 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
Don't watch the AI Revolution from the sidelines. Be part of it. Act now and join us: https://www.skool.com/new-society Follow me on Twitter - https://x.com/DavidOndrej1 Please Subscribe. Anthropic just released Claude 3: the best AI model in the world, su
Claude2 免VPN台灣註冊免費使用 ! ChatGPT VS Claude 2 這場AI之戰是chatgpt或Claude2 勝利呢?
Claude2終於開放台灣註冊,這個號稱ChatGPT的最強之對手,到底有什麼過人之處,就讓GoGo一一道來,話說這一場AI之戰,原來戰場只有英國與美國可以註冊Claude2,但隨著claude 2擴充設備後,目前已開放許多地區註冊,而美麗寶島臺灣也是其中之一,還沒有嘗試過的人,趕快去註冊囉! Claude2 網址如下: https://claude.ai/login?returnTo=%2F ChatGPT網址如如下: https://chat.openai.com/auth/login 值得一用的理由:
The Amount of AI News This Week Was Insane!
11 個月前
 • 66 次觀看
There has been an insane influx of new AI news this week, including a ton of Google's I/O event. Settle in because there's a lot to cover today! Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://ww
【全集】擋BNT的「藏鏡人」曝光了!郭台銘拋震撼彈! - 【57新聞王】20230509
街口年虧2億還要減資補虧損?泰山「36億買40、4%股權」為哪樁? 「年貢獻獲利破5成」泰山放生全家金雞母!寧出清也要換現金? 科大訊飛推「星火大模型」中文能力超越ChatGPT?華為影武者? 華為給錢給單悄組「AI team」?意外曝旗下「最神秘投資公司」? 黃金價格「半年漲近18%」背後…、全球「盡帶黃金甲」藏貨幣重整訊號!? 中國黃金儲備連六增、石油貿易人民幣結算! 習近平「去美元起手式」!? 來賓:張甄薇、汪潔民、張延廷、黃世聰、王鴻薇 #泰山 #66億 #街口 #拜登 #白宮 #AI #晶片 #黃
Blockchain Metaverse知識分享目的: 幫助精英釀啤酒,防止百姓吹泡泡,揭露騙子割韭菜。 加入會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUra3nG9Ib_e0T73gsf-lNA/join 收費合作項目: 1、區塊鏈與數字經濟授課。全球範圍。博士、碩士、本科、執業培訓等。 2、區塊鏈領域的各類諮詢、項目評審。一對一,一對多。 微信:Robertlee7777 (本人1) Robertlee518 (本人2) LINE: Robert Lee Email:
Auto-GPT Unveiled: Autonomous GPT 4 w/ 7 New Abilities + 10X BETTER AI
Auto-GPT is a highly experimental open-source application powered by OpenAI's GPT 4 to use multiple AI agents to autonomously complete much wider, more detailed tasks, as well as control robotics. Anthropic is headed by multiple ex OpenAI employees who are
GPT-4 was in Bing all along…
1 年前
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