
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
Apex Legends Vulnerabilities - Breakdown and Interview
PirateSoftware and ThePrimeagen sit down and talk about the recent Apex Legends vulnerabilities as professionals in the industry. We're joined by Mande one of the top pro-players for the game. Lots of investigation, evolving information, and looking behind
Baron Dodges Best LEC Jungler's Q - Best of LoL Streams 2428
Send your plays: synapse744@gmail.com Business inquires: synapse.sponsorship@gmail.com Follow me on social media: ≧◠ᴥ◠≦✊ Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Synapse144 Discord: https://discord.gg/ZpCuZRa If you want to support me, click here: https://www.patreon
今天(7/11)就是高中職免試入學放榜的日子,放榜後大家就要開始報到了,正好有觀眾詢問說7/14的高中職報到要帶什麼,還有會做哪些事情,這次就花短短2分鐘一次整理給大家,希望對大家會有幫助拉! 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎按讚、訂閱加分享,也歡迎在影片下方留言或私訊我的粉絲團跟我進行討論喔! ★我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/%E9%A3%9B%E9%B7%B9-Baron-407929546469868/?modal=admin_todo_tour ★我的IG: https
今天(6/21)是高中職免試入學志願選填開始的日子,本來我很想要把各縣市的落點都分析一下,但最近期末真的偏忙,只能分享基北區的了 如果你是其他縣市的朋友,我們在6/21和6/22兩天都會開直播,在線上幫各位朋友進行免費的志願選填分析,詳情會放在我的Youtube社群,有興趣的朋友不妨來晃一下喔 #國中會考 #高中志願 #選填志願 #國中教育會考 #112會考 #免試入學 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎按讚、訂閱加分享,也歡迎在影片下方留言或私訊我的粉絲團跟我進行討論喔! ★我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www
Michael Yackson Steals The Baron - Best of LoL Streams 2145
Michael Yackson Steals The Baron Business inquires/send your plays: synapse744@gmail.com I accept clips in the following formats: 1) https://www.twitch.tv/thebausffs/clip/TalentedExquisitePotDansGame?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time 2) https://outplaye
明天(7/27)就是分科測驗成績公布的日子,由於今年是第一年實施,有不少同學都來詢問我分科測驗志願選填的相關問題,因此這次做了詳細的解說,讓大家知道在分科測驗成績公布後要做什麼以及分科測驗志願選填的相關技巧,相信看完後你就知道該怎麼填了 00:00 前言 00:55 分科測驗成績公布後的重要時間軸及詳細解說 02:45 單機版志願選填系統操作方式 03:36 分科測驗的志願選填技巧 04:47 填志願前必須思考的三個問題 06:39 自身經驗分享&總結 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎按讚、訂閱加分享,也歡迎在影片下
10,000 Red Coats Musket Line VS 1 MILLION ZOMBIES! - New Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 UEBS 2
Cheap Games: https://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/DaleyTactics/ DaleyTactics plays the brand new battle simulator called Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator or UEBS 2. This time he does 100,000 Red Coats Musket Line battle vs 1 Million Zombies Army. SECON
UNLUCKIEST BARON... | RNG vs TES [LPL Final] | IWD LPL Co-Stream 2022
Welcome to the LPL Finals! We are checking out the RNG vs TES series today, and dude... that baron... is certainly biased. 🗡️ OPEN me (ง •̀_•́)ง Subscribe To New IWD Clips Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbqrFaYqyycUy1-c_m3hbF
American Civil War EPIC Line Battle! | Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
American Civil War EPIC Line Battle! | Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Today we find out what happens when American troops are forced into an endless Civil War! It's time to see who can stand the longest, no matter what we throw at them. Want my PC
Leading a Napoleonic Era LINE BATTLE in Blood & Iron
Attempting to lead a Napoleonic Era Line Battle as the British vs the French in Blood And Iron, a Mount and Blade Style Roblox Battle Game - It's the Redcoats vs the Blue Coats! Today we go back to the days of Muskets and Bayonets. Nothing more up
Larysa Tsoy - "Kolorowe jarmarki" - Przesłuchania w ciemno - The Voice Senior 3
Wszystkie występy, kulisy, wywiady, pełne odcinki: https://voicesenior.tvp.pl. Żywiołowym wykonaniem piosenki „Kolorowe jarmarki” Larysa Tsoy podbiła scenę naszego programu, zachwycając zarówno jurorów, jak i publiczność. A jak na jej występ
Mouloud à Cannes - Ep 01
10 年前
 • 86 次觀看
LOVE ON THE BEACH - Episode 1 Réalisé à Cannes sur la plage, avec Mustapha en Guest Star, qui négocie comme un as l'achat d'une paire de lunettes.
Borat Press Conference in Australia!
12 年前
 • 108 次觀看
http://www.borat-son.com Fathers Borat go to Melbournes in tiny islands of Australias! Good afternoon, very sorry morning - gentleman and prostitutes! Very nice to meet you in city Melbourne in Australia! G'day mate, put another crustacean on barbecue?