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SpaceX Launches Third Starship Flight Test
2 個月前
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SpaceX is targeting Thursday for the third flight of Starship. The license from the FAA was acquired. The flight will feature several upgrades to Booster and Ship, as well as a modification of the flight path to the Indian Ocean, instead of Hawaii. In spac
Full Replay: SpaceX Launches Second Starship Flight Test
SpaceX is targeting Saturday for the second flight of Starship. The company has received regulatory approval for the flight. The flight will feature the newly added hot staging ring, allowing the Ship to separate from the Booster while the Booster engines
SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches O3b mPOWER 5 & 6
6 個月前
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This week’s fourth and final Falcon 9 launch is planned to take two O3b mPOWER satellites to an equatorial MEO transfer orbit for the satellite telecommunications network provider SES. SpaceX announced that the launch is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 12 at 4:
SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches CRS-29 to the International Space Station
SpaceX CRS-29 is a Commercial Resupply Service mission to the International Space Station. The mission is contracted by NASA and will be flown by SpaceX using a Cargo Dragon. Within the cargo travels the ILLUMA-T experiment that tests technology to provide
SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Starlink 6-27
6 個月前
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A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is set to lift the next batch of 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into orbit from SLC-40 in Florida. B1073-11 will attempt landing on Just Read the Instructions. Window opens: November 7th at 11:00PM EST (04:00 UTC on the 8th) Window
SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Starlink 6-24 Mission
6 個月前
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A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is set to lift the next batch of 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into orbit from SLC-40 in Florida. B1080-4 will attempt landing on A Shortfall of Gravitas. Window open: October 21st at 10:16PM EDT (02:16 UTC on the 22nd) Window clo
Crew Tower Segment Rolls to SLC-40
8 個月前
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Elysia Segal, Presenter Edited by Sawyer Rosenstein
【ispace公式LIVE配信アーカイブ】HAKUTO-R ミッション1 月面着陸発表会
2023年3月21日にランダーは月周回軌道への投入に成功し、近月点(月に最も近い地点)高度が約100km、遠月点(月に最も遠い地点)高度が約6,000kmの楕円軌道で月を周回した後、2回の軌道制御マヌーバを行い、高度約100kmの円軌道で月を周回する軌道に到達しました。 ispaceのランダーはこの後、2023年4月26日午前0時40分頃(日本時間)に高度約100kmの円軌道から降下を開始し、着陸態勢に入る予定です。降下段階において、ランダーは自動制御状態で主推進系を逆噴射で燃焼して軌道速度から効率的に減速