
1 天內
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1 年內
When it's time to nurse, the mother cat calls out to her kittens to gather them together.
The mother cat gathers her kittens together when it's time to nurse. When a mother cat talks to her kittens, the kittens listen obediently and return home. ●Lulu Mother/Scottish Fold/Blue Tabby ●Leo Father / British Shorthair / Shell Silver Shade ●Latte Lu
Cat rescued from flood in Dubai
1 週前
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A cat rescue was caught on camera on a flooded street in Dubai, where roughly a year's worth of rain fell in just 12 hours. Video shows the cat clinging to a partially submerged vehicle before a rescuer arrives in a boat.
给狗狗拍写真,拍成这样一定会被投诉的#puppy #cute #golden #vlog #funny
记录狗狗的每天日常,记得关注我哦!Record the daily life of the puppy, remember to follow me!
Kid Vs. Kat - The House of Scream 😱
2 週前
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🐈 TAP to SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveVbz8zlw4r_1ApEbwVroQ?sub_confirmation=1 -- More from WildBrain Official Website: http://www.wildbrain.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WildBrainKids Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/wildbraink
娘の背中でくつろぐことを覚えた豆大福。 息子の肩に乗ることを覚えた豆大福。 豆大福のレベルアップが止まりません♪ いつもご視聴いただき、ありがとうございます♬ 「猫と暮らす」ひのき猫監修 ▶https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4839983828/ 2024カレンダー ▶https://anistar.shop/?category_id=5cbd227f0b92113fcec97df9 ☆ひのき猫 LINEスタンプ ▶https://store.line.me/stickershop/p
【#乔巴日记】同样都是猫,差距咋就这么大呢?#萌宠成精了 #猫咪 #猫咪的迷惑行为
#布偶猫 #英短猫 #银渐层小猫咪 用后期给你带来快乐的小猫咪,不会伤害任何猫咪。 感谢观看视频,喜欢不要忘记点赞,订阅我的频道。 Thanks for watching this video and don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE my channel if you enjoy it.
ひのきが生まれて7年。 娘は小学1年生、息子は小学3年生のとき。 月日が経つのは早いですね~ 元気でいてくれて、ありがとう~ いつもご視聴いただき、ありがとうございます♬ 「猫と暮らす」ひのき猫監修 ▶https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4839983828/ 2024カレンダー ▶https://anistar.shop/?category_id=5cbd227f0b92113fcec97df9 ☆ひのき猫 LINEスタンプ ▶https://store.line.me/sticker
It's really happy🤣🤣
3 週前
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猫咪舔你的不同部位,居然直接代表了你的家庭地位? #科学养宠攻略 #新手养猫 猫奴十三
Welcome to my Channel 猫奴十三 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaT09uGVbtSHpLQ3xpn1xTg/join
这只金毛是这个世界上最会穿搭,最臭美的小狗#puppy #cute #vlog #golden #funny #fyp #shorts
记录狗狗的每天日常,记得关注我哦!Record the daily life of the puppy, remember to follow me!
Mr. Runner: The new fastest white car (f1)
1 個月前
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I recorded and edited the video. From: “Hello Street Cat” 哈啰街猫 #cat #kitten #cutecat #catmemes #straycat
#Orange Meow #猫咪 #萌宠 “记录生活微甜的真相”🥰 “这是很长很好的一生”💕 欢迎订阅“喵咪叫不苦”👉 https://bit.ly/3B7Jvc3
Protecting Your Pet From Parasites
1 個月前
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☀️ The return of warmer temps and more sunshine also brings the return of those pesky parasites. 🦟 Be prepared for flea and tick season with my guide, Protecting Your Pet From Parasites. Available for download as an e-Book or in paperback. Get the guide:ht
【#冬至不会飞】小猫咪们又体验到了广东湿#回南天 #广东湿
#冬至不會飛 #貓咪 #cat #喵星人 #動物 #萌寵 #小奶貓 #搞怪貓咪 #搞笑貓咪 #奇葩貓咪 #搞笑寵物 #搞笑萌寵 #可愛貓咪 #寵物日常 #貓咪日常 #shorts 更多我家貓咪日常點擊此處👉 https://bit.ly/3AWdSlr 一起來看我家貓的各種可愛場面! 關注我,不會讓你失望!
赶紧自查!这些害死猫的养猫雷品,几乎每个家里都有! #科学养宠攻略 #新手养猫 #猫 猫奴十三
Welcome to my Channel 猫奴十三 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaT09uGVbtSHpLQ3xpn1xTg/join
DIY Valentine's Day Pet Baskets!
2 個月前
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Looking for some Valentine's Day gifts for your pet? Try this amazing diy pet gift basket 💕 🥰 ✨💕🐶Subscribe to The Scoop for our most entertaining pet videos, helpful pet parenting tips, and exclusive deals delivered straight to your email: https://bit.ly/T
Awww-Meow... 💕 Secret Crush Mystery Box Unboxing 😻 Cat love story! 🐾😽 #catlover
▶️ TheSoul Music: https://www.music.thesoul-publishing.com ◉ Our Spotify: https://sptfy.com/TheSoulMusic ◉ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesoul.music ◉ YouTube: / @thesoulsound Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Stock materials: htt
2 個月前
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小天后泰勒絲 Taylor Swift曝光了她在比佛利山莊的溫馨住宅、除了許多可愛的貓咪收藏品外,還要來揭開泰勒斯的小秘密唷! #taylorswift #泰勒絲 #73個快問快答 【VOGUE QUIZ】大S&具俊曄夫妻、搭檔默契考驗會過關嗎? ► http://bit.ly/3g9Xatr 【人生歌單】蔡依林、青峰等歌王歌后人生必聽歌單 ► https://smarturl.it/d5xody 【經典造型回顧】陳美鳳、賈靜雯、等明星回顧經典造型 ► http://bit.ly/3Ecj5rR 【7 Da