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汪感應到哥回家門旁等 竟然真的被牠等到了!|#寵物雲 #shorts
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:IG/mai_and_black
貓乘機車進得來速討摸太可愛♥|#寵物雲 #shorts
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:IG/immomo_0503
在哈士奇面前模仿牠喘氣呼吸|#寵物雲 #shorts
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:IG/nasus_ohusky
This Puppy Didn't Slack In Music School
9 個月前
 • 34 次觀看
Puppy Jay's passion for music began with the classic music... Then he discovered light synth pop for, but as you know, it all ended like always hard rock 🤣 I hope you enjoy my new cute & funny dachshund dog shorts video! And... Try not to laugh! ----------
Cute 😍😍
9 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
#cutebaby #vairal #kid #shots #youtubeshort Welcome to our heartwarming YouTube video where we celebrate the irresistible charm of cute babies! Join us on an enchanting journey as we showcase a delightful compilation of adorable moments that will surely me
Lonely Day of a Puppy Life...
10 個月前
 • 41 次觀看
Puppy Jay simply cannot live without the company of people... If our parents go somewhere, his world simply collapses, especially if mommy leaves! Even if mom just goes to the bathroom, it becomes the loneliest day of his life... I hope you enjoy my new cu
黑貓瘋狂鑽紙袋探頭! 網友萌翻:在忙宅配嗎│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:FB/陳林圓仔與搗灰的家
黑柴偷吃零食被唸「壞狗」 露無辜臉撒嬌...媽秒氣消│寵物│狗狗│柴犬|しばいぬ│Pet│Shiba
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:TikTok/kaina.seven TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@kaina.seven IG:https://www.instagram.com/seven.kaina/
活潑小白貓在家愛運動 飆速踩滾輪媽:我超廢│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友 黃崇政
見媽收行李「偷跑進包裡」 歐告無辜眼撒嬌:帶偶去│寵物│狗狗│Pet│
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友/Mier Yap
豹貓超執著狂啃紙跳台 咬出饋手洞變凶狠大哥│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友 Yang Yuqi
正妹花3小時自製毛拖鞋 喵皇試穿不屑甩手:拿開│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:TikTok/butterfly_0406
蟑螂起飛!奴才怕爆 求救主子慘被當塑膠...│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:TikTok/guanjhong IG/w.g.j_0305
Using Ai to Create Sphere Creatures #shorts #ai #aiart #midjourney #funny
Let's use Ai to blend animals and objects into spheres! Cats, dogs, GLUBO controllers, Minecraft, and more! In this video I use the artificial intelligence image generator called Midjourney. It generates AI art! Follow me! TikTok - https://www.tiktok
Using Ai to Combine More Animals #shorts #ai #aiart #midjourney #funny
Let's blend sharks with squids, tigers, zebras, people, and GLUBO controllers. In this video I use the artificial intelligence image generator called Midjourney. It generates AI art! Follow me! TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@greenskulltok Instagram
貓吉拉大戰模型餐廳! 一整坨霸佔鐵道超萌❤│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:ジオラマ食堂 てつどうかん^^、Twitter/officia8683997
爸進元宇宙「觸感超真實」 一看竟是貓咪狂抓大腿XD│寵物│貓咪|猫|ねこ│Pet│Cat│Kitten
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:FB @辛卡米克
乖巧寵物蛇超愛撒嬌! 被馬麻摸頭一臉享受❤│寵物│Pet
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友 呂小姐 IG:pang2_ballpython