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1 年內
Introducing Novie & Cosy Family Catch Ups
3 週前
 • 17 次觀看
⇢ Introducing Novie & Cosy Family Catch Ups Alfie's Video: https://youtu.be/dBsaJT3gNQI Links below marked with a "*" are affiliate links - which means I receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing products through this link. This does not aff
Daughter Survives Every Bully At School
1 個月前
 • 8 次觀看
Rebecca Zamolo's daughter Zadie has to survive every grade from preschool to high school even college with her bully. Can she complete each grade or will Rebecca instantly regret her decision to have face these bullies? It all started When Rebecca Zamolo p
Kid Does Handstand on Dad's Arm - 1480562
2 個月前
 • 71 次觀看
This man and daughter duo decided to perform a partner gymnastic trick. She did a handstand on his arm. Initially, he helped her balance by holding her legs while she stood upside down on his arm. After a few seconds, he let go, and the kid did an awesome
#女兒小莫 #育兒日常 #日常趣事 === 我的頻道 https://youtube.com/@pillarli_mo 訂閱請點 https://www.youtube.com/chanUCoBwh7Cdt-DIy_p9okPItPw/+sub_confirmation=1 開箱文 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB_C5CwVrxWNwIDBb4PBtkTEprs5xQ-uO 親子共讀 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis
Kountry Wayne Fought To Get Daughter Out Of Foster Care | CLUB SHAY SHAY
Kountry Wayne fought to get his daughter out of foster care: “I didn’t even want no Hollywood deals or anything cuz I’m like ‘Man, I can’t get no deal and be on TV knowing I’m fighting for my daughter in court…' I fought for her and even the court was clap
8 年前弒母案的女孩出獄了,為什麼多數人卻都是一片祝福? 👉🏻 Gypsy Rose Blanchard 患有白血病、需要輪椅代步、七歲智商、用鼻胃管進食,從小...
8 年前弒母案的女孩出獄了,為什麼多數人卻都是一片祝福? 👉🏻 Gypsy Rose Blanchard 患有白血病、需要輪椅代步、七歲智商、用鼻胃管進食,從小由母親 Dee Dee 一手扶養長大! 👉🏻 2015 年,Gypsy Rose 卻和網路認識的男友 Nick 因為母親不認可這段感情,一同計畫並殺死了母親! 👉🏻 沒想到真相是 Gypsy Rose 根本沒有病,一直都是母親在灌輸女兒各種藥物,甚至剃光頭髮說有癌症、在牙齦塗麻醉劑讓她一直流口水! 👉🏻 經過醫生事後評斷,認為母親患有「代理性孟喬森症
已當爸?小孩已經6歲了🤯挑戰1打2帶兩個女鵝好累థ౪థ 我需要老婆了...
一次擁有兩個女鵝好幸福💗 但有好車雪鐵龍會更舒服👇🏾 🚘雪鐵龍C4現在有試駕、試乘分享活動 活動詳情 https://bit.ly/C4_Photo 車款資訊 https://bit.ly/C4_BlackDragon 👉🏿特別感謝 陽榮生態農場 👉🏿勾追的甯甯https://reurl.cc/M8nKxL 👉🏿哇係黑龍臉書底家!!! 按讚咖緊欸啦https://reurl.cc/MkYZVm 👉🏿黑龍的花絮都在IG裡 https://reurl.cc/OXagzD 合作or商務邀約請寄信至下方email
My beloved wife was bullied by evil people, and the billionaire CEO stood up for my beloved wife.
We emphasized the compliance of the video content and there is absolutely no bad guidance or dangerous behavior. Hello everyone This is the Drama Chasing Alliance 💖 We are committed to providing a wide range of high-quality short drama content to our users
#女兒小莫 #育兒日常 #日常趣事 === 我的頻道 https://youtube.com/@pillarli_mo 訂閱請點 https://www.youtube.com/chanUCoBwh7Cdt-DIy_p9okPItPw/+sub_confirmation=1 開箱文 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB_C5CwVrxWNwIDBb4PBtkTEprs5xQ-uO 親子共讀 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis
父親再婚現場:女兒大鬧婚禮給母親出氣!Father's remarriage scene: Daughter causing a big fuss to vent anger on mother!
父親再婚現場:女兒大鬧婚禮給母親出氣!Father's remarriage scene: Daughter causing a big fuss to vent anger on her mother! #wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom #sing #singer #horse #matchmaker #wife #husband #couple
大家好,我是果妈的双倍幸福 是一个双胞胎宝妈 在这里我会和大家分享孕期、产后、育儿、养宠各种生活。 喜欢我视频的朋友们,欢迎大家订阅,持续关注精彩内容 https://bit.ly/3M40UY1
#女兒小莫 #育兒日常 #日常趣事 和逸飯店的早餐 妹妹只愛吃飯 吃到滿臉跟兩手都黏滿飯粒 不時觀察隔壁桌的哥哥 真是有趣 === 我的頻道 https://youtube.com/@pillarli_mo 訂閱請點 https://www.youtube.com/chanUCoBwh7Cdt-DIy_p9okPItPw/+sub_confirmation=1 開箱文 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB_C5CwVrxWNwIDBb4PBtkTEprs5xQ-
#女兒小莫 #育兒日常 #日常趣事 妹妹發現餐廳沒有能吃的 自己帶葡萄來吃 === 我的頻道 https://youtube.com/@pillarli_mo 訂閱請點 https://www.youtube.com/chanUCoBwh7Cdt-DIy_p9okPItPw/+sub_confirmation=1 開箱文 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB_C5CwVrxWNwIDBb4PBtkTEprs5xQ-uO 親子共讀 https://www.yout
Hilarious Toddler GoPro Hide and Seek (baby POV)
Hilarious Toddler GoPro Hide and Seek (baby POV) | Anazala Family One of my daughters and whole families favorite games to play is Hide and Seek! So today we setup a bunch of hidden cameras and played an Extreme game of Hide and Seek with our Son Noah wher