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「上集」Reader API 来了,还要啥爬虫?4 种秒转网页给 AI 喂知识的办法,提升你的知识库构建技能 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👉 https://axtonliu.ai ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的内容,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://www.axtonliu.co
Sanctuary’s New PHOENIX 7 AI Robot Demo Stuns Entire Industry With This Tech (ASTRIBOT S1, VIDU)
The world's fastest and most precise humanoid robot is unveiled with the release of S1 from Astribot, plus the new 7th generation of the Phoenix robot is unveiled by Sanctuary AI. AI Marketplace: https://taimine.com/ Deep Learning AI Specialization: https:
Grok-1: Fully Opensource and Uncensored! Largest Opensource LLM!
In this video, we delve into the groundbreaking release of Elon's Grok-1, the largest open-source language model with a staggering 314 billion parameters. Join us as we explore the impact of this game-changing model on AI development and its potential appl
Grok-1: The Open Source Mixture of Experts Model by x.AI
Hello, everyone! In today’s video, I dive deep into the exciting release of Grok-1, the cutting-edge 314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Experts model developed from scratch by xAI. Grok-1 is not just another language model; it's a leap forward in AI technolo
Grok أصبح مفتوح المصدر! أول تحليل للكود
غوص عميق في بنية جروك (Grok) 🤖 ألقِ نظرة متعمقة على ملف النموذج (model.py) الخاص بهذا النموذج اللغوي الضخم مفتوح المصدر الذي يبلغ حجمه 314 مليار معلمة، والذي يأتي بدون أي قيود. رابط النموذج: https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 هذا ملخص لمحتويات ملف model.py
Grok-1 Open Source: 314B Mixture-of-Experts Model by xAI | Blog post, GitHub/Source Code
We'll have a look at the release of Grok-1 and the GitHub repository - model architecture and interesting parts Blog post: https://x.ai/blog/grok-os GitHub: https://github.com/xai-org/grok-1 Weights: https://academictorrents.com/details/5f96d43576e3d386c9b
No, Anthropic's Claude 3 is NOT sentient
2 個月前
 • 10 次觀看
No, Anthropic's Claude 3 is not conscious or sentient or self-aware. References: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family https://twitter.com/_akhaliq/status/1764673955313459560?t=gkBx2uTXfrxLl-5_mL7Btg&s=09 https://twitter.com/idavidrein/status/1764
Claude 3: The AI That FINALLY Beats ChatGPT?
2 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
Claude 3 just came out. Let's play with it! Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://www.futuretools.io/newsletter 😊 Discord Community: https://futuretools.io/discord 🐤 Follow me on Twitte
Claude 3 - 3 New models - Which one is best?
2 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
Claude Opus Colab: https://drp.li/0y6Qh Claude Sonnet Colab:https://drp.li/i1EHk Blog Post: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family 🕵️ Interested in building LLM Agents? Fill out the form below Building LLM Agents Form: https://drp.li/dIMes 👨‍💻Githu
OpenAI 发布地表最强视频模型 Sora - 迈向 AGI 的重要里程碑 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👉 https://axtonliu.ai ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的前沿资讯,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://axtonliu.
AI Video From OpenAI Just Blew Everyone's Minds!
2 個月前
 • 42 次觀看
This one seriously blew everyone's mind! Introducing Sora. Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://www.futuretools.io/newsletter 😊 Discord Community: https://futuretools.io/discord 🐤 Foll
OpenAI acaba de sorprender al mundo con su nuevo generador de vídeos, Sora. Reaccionamos a la noticia y la analizamos en directo. 🚀 ¡MI NUEVO CANAL DE YOUTUBE! ► https://youtube.com/@DotCSVLab --- ¡MÁS DOTCSV! ---- 💸 Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/dotcs
NVIDIA Gana la BATALLA de la Inteligencia Artificial
NVIDIA es hoy lider en la guerra por la IA, por encima de Google, OpenAI o Microsoft. ¿Por qué? Pues porque cuenta con la ventaja tanto por el lado del consumidor como del proveedor de IAaaS de poder ofrecer la infraestructura para ejecutar todos los avanc
Chat with RTX im Test: Wir trainieren die Nvidia-KI mit allen PCGH-Heften - was passiert?
Nvidias Chat with RTX im Test: Wir trainieren die KI mit allen PCGH-Heften ▶ Chat with RTX - was ist das jetzt? Kann ich mich jetzt mit meiner Grafikkarte unterhalten? Fast, denn Chat with RTX ist eine KI, die ich zuerst mit Dokumenten füttere und dann mit
Gemini Ultra is Here! (Google's "ChatGPT Killer")
2 個月前
 • 25 次觀看
In this video, we explore the brand new Gemini Advanced, which is also know as Gemini Ultra, not to be confused with Gemini Pro... But it's definitely not Bard! Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsle
Bard becomes Gemini | Ultra 1.0 and a new mobile app
Supercharge your ideas with Gemini. You can already chat with Gemini with our Pro 1.0 model in over 40 languages and more than 230 countries and territories. And now, we’re bringing you two new experiences — Gemini Advanced and a mobile app — to help you e
免费的 GPT-4 Turbo 香不香?Coze 扣子海外版、中文版双发,深度评测 + 手把手教程 | 回到Axton
✨ 掌握 AI 时代的必备技能,加入「AI 精英学院」 👇 ▶ 「AI 实战派」Prompt Engineering 提示工程超值早鸟价课程 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/ai ▶ 「AI 自动化」教程 ChatGPT + Make + Zapier + 高效Notion模版 👉 https://axtonliu.ai/p/autoai ▶ 获取更多 AI 和自动化工作流的前沿资讯,订阅我的Newsletter 👉 https://axtonliu.com 🤖 好用GPTs 分享 → ht
FIGURE 01 AI Robot Update w/ OpenAI + Microsoft Shocks Tech World (THEMIS HUMANOID DEMO)
OpenAI and Microsoft's $500 million investment in Figure AI propels the development of the Figure 1 humanoid robot, a cutting-edge machine known for its exceptional dexterity and capacity to handle significant payloads, challenging Tesla's Optimus in the r
End to end Machine Learning pipeline with AMD EPYC 9374F
AMD EPYC achieves 2.25X the AI throughput performance of intel xeon 8462y+ Discover more: https://www.amd.com/en/products/processors/server/epyc/4th-generation-9004-and-8004-series.html Subscribe: https://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_AMD Join the AMD Red Team Commu