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【財科暗戰】 ETH 升幅今年會否超越BTC? 丨 ETH 現貨丨ETF坎昆升級丨ERC404?(按CC看中文字幕)章濤丨以太坊丨以太幣丨Dencun丨比特幣
最近以太幣有數個主要消息,第一就是SFC會否批出以太幣的現貨ETF,最遲將會在5月23日知曉;第二就是大家期待已久的坎昆升級,主要是針對TPS的問題,將會令到一眾layer 2鏈的transaction會變得更快和便宜;第三就是以太坊的NFT方面的ERC404協議,簡單來說就是NFT代幣化。這三個消息將會如何影響幣價? defillama https://defillama.com/ ultrasound.money https://ultrasound.money/ 記得訂閱財科暗戰的Facebook、I
Bitcoin inches closer to all-time high as cryptocurrency tests $67,000: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
【財科暗戰】比特幣離ATH(all time high) 還遠嗎?應該高追還是鎖定利潤?丨章濤丨bitcoin丨BTC丨牛市丨加密貨幣
比特幣三天之內就升了一萬,相信有很多朋友現在是有點糾結就是到底應該高追還是鎖定利潤,今集與大家一同透過數據去解答大家的疑問 大家切記不要借錢、不要進行高槓桿,因為往往在牛市中非常容易出現失誤,大家亦要小心一些釣魚騙案,隨時得不償失。 記得訂閱財科暗戰的Facebook、Instagram專頁和UD Blockchain 通訊,獲取最新的區塊鏈、加密貨幣及數字資產資訊,了解全球市場動向: 財科暗戰網站及商店: https://cheungto.io 財科暗戰FB: https://www.facebook.c
Bitcoin dips to start March after climbing 45% in February: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
【財科暗戰】傳統ibanker 由不信crypto 到投入web3的心路歷程 Web3 項目的兩難局面(按CC看中文字幕)章濤丨Yuliverse丨GameFi丨Bitcoin
今天的嘉賓是擁有10年iBank經驗的Chris,他從2021年末也是毅然離開傳統金融市場,創立Yuliverse,有什麼原因令他放下偏見,投入web3項目?在邊學邊做的過程中遇到什麼困難? 記得訂閱財科暗戰的Facebook、Instagram專頁和UD Blockchain 通訊,獲取最新的區塊鏈、加密貨幣及數字資產資訊,了解全球市場動向: 財科暗戰網站及商店: https://cheungto.io 財科暗戰FB: https://www.facebook.com/udomaincheungto 財科
Bitcoin surges past $57,000 to highest level since December 2021: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
MicroStrategy buys another 3,000 bitcoin, total holdings now worth about $10.3B: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
Bitcoin Latest News! 🚨 SEC Losing Crypto War? 💪 CBDC Talks 👿 (Billionaires Selling Stock & More…)
💳 Tangem ► https://bit.ly/Tangem-x2 ⭐⭐ Easiest hardware wallet, size of a bank card! ✔️ Simply tap the card to your phone and you’re in! ✔️ Store and manage all your crypto, NFTs, DeFi! ⚡💰 Get 5% off!! Promo Code: CRYPTOCASEY5 … *Order now!*: ⭐ https://bit
Bitcoin tests $50,000 as spot ETF inflows accelerate: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
【財科暗戰】Cheney十年磨一劍:以AI為主軸的多元企業 為什麼ETH會成為下一間Amazon 或騰訊?(按CC看中文字幕)章濤丨鄭其森丨加密貨幣
今集邀請了鄭其森Cheney上來做嘉賓,他是一位連環創業家,旗下的生意包括:Business Digest和Apoidea等等,致力希望通過 AI 去改善到人的生活,同時他也是一位ETH maxi,他更認為ETH會成為下一間Amazon 或騰訊,原因是什麼? 記得訂閱財科暗戰的Facebook、Instagram專頁和UD Blockchain 通訊,獲取最新的區塊鏈、加密貨幣及數字資產資訊,了解全球市場動向: 財科暗戰網站及商店: https://cheungto.io 財科暗戰FB: https://w
【財科暗戰】比特幣的fair value 應該是多少?如何計算? 減息對比特幣和穩定幣的影響(按CC看中文字幕)章濤丨葉向榮Barry丨加密貨幣丨Bitcoin丨BTC丨現貨
今集Barry向我們介紹了CME中有個叫做FedWatch的一個免費小工具,他就是一些美國債券的買賣持倉,然後計算出大概人們預計的市場會怎樣走,分析的結果是怎樣?另一方面,減息對比特幣和穩定幣的影響是什麼? 記得訂閱財科暗戰的Facebook、Instagram專頁和UD Blockchain 通訊,獲取最新的區塊鏈、加密貨幣及數字資產資訊,了解全球市場動向: 財科暗戰網站及商店: https://cheungto.io 財科暗戰FB: https://www.facebook.com/udomainche
Bitcoin touches highest level in nearly two years as deadline for spot ETFs looms: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
【財科暗戰】年度回顧中找出規律 2024年有什麼展望?(按CC看中文字幕)章濤丨幣價丨加密貨幣丨比特幣丨Bitcoin丨BTC丨ETF
2023年回顧是為了在過往事件中找出規律,從而學習和反思,吸收知識,累積智慧,為你自己帶來一個很大的進步。隨著新的一年,有什麼展望和值得期待的項目呢? 00:00 開首 01:21 在去年的大事年中背後找出規律 04:49 回顧生活中的規律培養智慧 09:09 2024年對幣市的展望:比特幣現貨ETF 11:38 市場的氛圍常常被過分解讀 13:33 比特幣2024年的走勢 15:49 另一個趨勢:RWA 18:45 著重基礎建設 20:52 結論 記得訂閱財科暗戰的Facebook、Instagram專頁
Bitcoin prices retreat, MicroStrategy’s Saylor sells $216 million in stock: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
Bitcoin soars to kick off 2024, topping $45,000 for first time since April 2022: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what’s ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
Bitcoin and ether rise as Fed holds interest rates steady: CNBC Crypto World
CNBC Crypto World features the latest news and daily trading updates from the digital currency markets and provides viewers with a look at what's ahead with high-profile interviews, explainers, and unique stories from the ever-changing crypto industry. On
WOW! Bitcoin 🤯 #Mara #RIOT | Buy Now Or Wait?
4 個月前
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Join Kenan Grace in this insightful video as he explores the latest developments in the cryptocurrency market, focusing on Bitcoin, RIOT Blockchain (RIOT), Marathon Digital Holdings (MARA), and Coinbase (COIN). Gain valuable insights into the world of cryp
Ripple/XRP-WEF Predict CyberAttack, Bitcoin Decline Incoming?,Brad Garlinghouse/Stuart Alderoty
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What’s behind bitcoin’s surge?
4 個月前
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Invest Diva CEO Kiana Danial discusses the surge in Bitcoin and the performance of the cryptocurrency and stock markets. #foxbusiness Subscribe to Fox Business! https://bit.ly/2D9Cdse Watch more Fox Business Video: https://video.foxbusiness.com Watch Fox B