
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
Great partnership betweengood dog 30
3 週前
 • 6 次觀看
Welcome to Nika, the channel for dog lovers! If you are passionate about dogs, you will love our channel. We feature videos of different breeds and personalities of dogs from all over the world. You will learn about their history, characteristics, temperam
Introducing A Golden Retriever Puppy For The First Time! (Cutest Ever!!)
This is the first time Phil met Jessie and the first interaction with any of the pups 1 on 1. Their little tails wagging are adorable, Jessi has a bigger tail than Phil haha. Phil is so calm trying to contain his excitement but its the fastest we've seen h
在哈士奇面前模仿牠喘氣呼吸|#寵物雲 #shorts
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:IG/nasus_ohusky
This Puppy Didn't Slack In Music School
9 個月前
 • 34 次觀看
Puppy Jay's passion for music began with the classic music... Then he discovered light synth pop for, but as you know, it all ended like always hard rock 🤣 I hope you enjoy my new cute & funny dachshund dog shorts video! And... Try not to laugh! ----------
Lonely Day of a Puppy Life...
10 個月前
 • 41 次觀看
Puppy Jay simply cannot live without the company of people... If our parents go somewhere, his world simply collapses, especially if mommy leaves! Even if mom just goes to the bathroom, it becomes the loneliest day of his life... I hope you enjoy my new cu
[日本福岡旅行] 天神mina終於重新開幕 全九州最大UNIQLO 必行商場
等左咗耐,mina終於都重新開幕 好開心呀.. 天神終於都有UNIQLO同GU喇! 重有一間好大間嘅LOFT.. 大家嚟開福岡旅行,都嚟行吓啦! 如果大家喜歡我們的影片, 請 Subscribe、Comment、Like & Share! 讓更加多人看到,給我們肯定! 謝謝!😊 Instagram: 綿花糖: https://www.instagram.com/cotton.c1123 Arista: https://www.instagram.com/arista.lau Wallace: https:/
黑柴偷吃零食被唸「壞狗」 露無辜臉撒嬌...媽秒氣消│寵物│狗狗│柴犬|しばいぬ│Pet│Shiba
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:TikTok/kaina.seven TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@kaina.seven IG:https://www.instagram.com/seven.kaina/
見媽收行李「偷跑進包裡」 歐告無辜眼撒嬌:帶偶去│寵物│狗狗│Pet│
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友/Mier Yap
柴犬把玩具舉高高炫耀 興奮笑容咬住娃娃搖擺│寵物│狗狗│Pet│
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:@薯妮一坨泥、IG/sunisunidog」
26kg米克斯被下減重令 苦守零食櫃哀求媽1小時│寵物│狗狗│Pet│
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友 方塔塔
#寵物雲小編精選 看醫生怕怕! 毛孩好崩潰
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權: 宜蘭橘之鄉觀光工廠 FB@三柴1生 Kimmy & Cooper &Min
消防員任務回來見早餐被偷吃! 調監視器抓凶手竟是「歐告內賊」│寵物│狗狗│Pet│
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友 楊咔蹦
麥造!阿寶寵物店洗澡偷溜 警察騎車崩潰抓膽小敏捷狗│寵物│狗狗│
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爸故意在法鬥面前「嗑零食」 牠用嘴攔截:我也要吃啦!│寵物│狗狗│Pet│
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當初反對養狗...「正式入厝全都變了」 阿公每天陪玩!阿嬤扛25kg抱懷裡│寵物│狗狗
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受傷關籠靜養...哀號像世界末日 萌柴伸舌:讓我嘗嘗自由的味道│寵物│狗狗│柴犬|しばいぬ│Pet│Shiba
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權:網友 黃湘婷
#寵物雲小編精選 戲精貓貓狗狗大集結 不得金馬獎太可惜XD
訂閱寵物雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2SvT5Tx ☛看更多 【吸貓專區】 https://bit.ly/3xfSxSu 【吸狗專區】https://bit.ly/32utpcq 【呆萌動物區】https://bit.ly/2QiSOTT #記得按讚分享跟訂閱唷 #寵物 #毛小孩 影片授權: 網友 Andy Wamg 網友 Kathy Wu TikTok fatcat391 網友