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《#變形金剛:萬獸崛起》接續《#大黃蜂》:超可愛!你不可不認識的主角們🔥新加坡專訪 |【爆米花看電影】23-06-07
#transformers #singapore #anthonyramos 變形金剛通通有🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzZQsQPs--0&list=PLZkITK9pr_lLJPrOGDQR0VFRIidnq522w 全球首映直擊🔥 https://youtu.be/YRaUN4R05M0 新加坡記者會進場囉🔥 https://youtu.be/xzZQsQPs--0 🍿喜歡影片的話,可以用YouTube「超級感謝」功能支持爆米花喲❤️ 🍿每月49起,幫助爆米花
(專訪)爆料結尾藏驚喜?!《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》開啟新篇章 新一代「變形男」樂當穿上盔甲第一人
電影《變形金剛:萬獸崛起》開啟「變形金剛」系列全新篇章,片中飾演人類角色擔當的安東尼拉莫斯、多米妮可斐許巴克、托貝紐維吉受訪時對於能參與演出都表示相當驚喜,安東尼更說一開始還不敢相信,「我以為他們在騙我!」除了興奮,更思考自己可以為這部新片帶來什麼樣的貢獻。 尤其安東尼在片中成為史上第一個在真人《變形金剛》電影中穿上「變形金剛盔甲」的人類,直說「能參與戰鬥真的是太好了!」
影音專訪|《變形金剛7》放大絕釋放叢林巨獸 新變形男懸賞3萬找親娘彩蛋|壹蘋新聞網
【《變形金剛7》釋放叢林巨獸 新變形男懸賞3萬找親娘彩蛋】 https://tw.nextapple.com/entertainment/20230606/08F43EFC68B40BCB49DEC8FFD8E5CE4C ------------------------------------------ 👉《壹蘋新聞網》臉書粉絲專頁👉https://www.facebook.com/nextapplenews.tw 👉看看《壹蘋新聞網》網站👉https://tw.nextapple.com/ 👉下載《壹蘋
《#變形金剛:萬獸崛起》#瘟疫 x #雅希 配音本尊原來是他們!超不受控專訪來囉😂 |【爆米花看電 】23-06-08 ❤️PETER DINKLAGE &@lizakoshy INTERVIEW
#transformers #peterdinklage #lizakoshy big love to @lizakoshy ❤️ 變形金剛通通有🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzZQsQPs--0&list=PLZkITK9pr_lLJPrOGDQR0VFRIidnq522w 全球首映直擊🔥 https://youtu.be/YRaUN4R05M0 超可愛!不可不認識的主角們 🔥https://youtu.be/3isu_1Yf78U 新加坡記者會進場囉🔥 https
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts | Official Trailer (2023 Movie)
UNITE or FALL. Watch the new trailer for #Transformers: #RiseOfTheBeasts - in theatres June 9. Sign up for EXCLUSIVE content and updates: https://paramnt.us/TROTBSignUp Returning to the action and spectacle that have captured moviegoers around the world, T
When Moving Out Takes a Dramatic Turn | Swarm
1 年前
 • 62 次觀看
Marrisa (Chloe Bailey) has had enough of Dre’s (Dominique Fishback) careless antics. She tells her that she's going to move in with Khalid (Damson Idris) and Dre isn't happy. Watch Swarm on Prime Video. » SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwSIJCMW
Watch Billie Eilish's CREEPY Acting Debut in Swarm
Billie Eilish makes her acting debut in ‘Swarm.’ The GRAMMY winner's scenes were released as part of a sneak peek of the Prime Video series. Dominique Fishback toplines the show, playing an 'obsessed fan of the world’s biggest pop star.' In addition to Bil
Dominique Fishback on Vanity Fair Oscar Party, Not Being Able to Drive & Playing a Killer on “Swarm”
Dominique talks about moving to LA from Brooklyn, not being able to drive, going to the Vanity Fair Oscar party and being part of a remarkable photo, talking to Jonathan Majors, learning sign language, and playing a killer on her new Amazon Prime show “Swa
Project Power | Pembuatan Lirik | Netflix
3 年前
 • 61 次觀看
Artis Hip Hop, CHIKA, bekerja sama dengan Dominique Fishback dan para sineas Project Power untuk menulis semua lirik yang dinyanyikan secara rap oleh Robin di sepanjang film ini. Mari mengulik proses yang dijalani Chika dan Dominique dalam membuat lirik ya
Project Power | Behind The Lyrics | Netflix
3 年前
 • 50 次觀看
Hip Hop Artist CHIKA teamed up with Dominique Fishback and the Project Power filmmakers to write all the lyrics rapped by Robin throughout the movie. Get an inside look at Chika and Dominique's process for getting the lyrics just right for the cameras! Wat
《超能計劃》| 歌詞創作幕後花絮 | Netflix
Hip Hop 歌手 CHIKA 聯合 Dominique Fishback 及《超能計劃》製作團隊,創作片中角色蘿賓饒舌演出的所有歌詞。快來一窺 CHIKA 和 Dominique Fishback 如何為本片打造出完美的詞句! 在 Netflix 觀賞《超能計劃》:https://netflix.com/projectpower 訂閱:https://bit.ly/39caHHE 關於 Netflix: Netflix 是全球首屈一指的串流娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有 1.93 億名付費
Project Power starring Jamie Foxx | Official Trailer | Netflix
What would you risk for five minutes of pure power? On the streets of New Orleans, word begins to spread about a mysterious new pill that unlocks superpowers unique to each user. The catch: You don’t know what will happen until you take it. While some deve
Project Power Dibintangi oleh Jamie Foxx | Trailer Resmi | Netflix
Apa yang rela kamu pertaruhkan demi mendapatkan kekuatan sejati selama lima menit? Di jalanan New Orleans, tersiar kabar bahwa ada sebuah pil misterius baru yang bisa mengeluarkan kekuatan super yang berbeda bagi masing-masing penggunanya. Sayangnya, kamu
占美霍士主演之《超能計劃》| 正式預告 | Netflix
為了短短 5 分鐘的究極超能力,你願意付出什麼代價? 新奧爾良街頭掀起熱議,據說有一款神奇的新藥,能讓每個人展現獨一無二的超能力,重點是你必須吃下它之後才曉得你會獲得什麼樣的能力。有人皮膚刀槍不入、有人得到隱身能力、有人力大無窮,有人卻出現致命反應。這項神奇藥物導致市內犯罪率激增,整個城市岌岌可危。一名當地警察(祖瑟夫哥頓利域,Joseph Gordon-Levitt 飾)、青少年毒販(Dominique Fishback 飾),以及懷抱秘密私仇的退役士兵(占美霍士,Jamie Foxx飾)展開合作力挽狂瀾