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The Super Rich Divide and Rule
3 個月前
 • 16 次觀看
The super rich are taking everything... if we don't stop them we'll soon have nothing left. The Trading Game by Gary Stevenson is coming this March in the US and the UK. UK readers: A special pre-order offer now available for 20% off at Waterstones with di
什麼是「匯率操控」,香港、美國有操控匯率嗎?|普通市民可以做什麼?🙏 【施傅教學】 #貨幣 #港幣 #錢
匯率變動,看似和我們這些普通人沒有關係,最多是去日本、韓國消費力受影響,事實上它卻會影響我們生活每一部分,今次我們便深入淺出,講解一下各國是如何操控匯率,以及對我們有甚麼影響,除了被動接受之外,有沒有方法保護自己,甚至從中獲利? 先學習,再投資,新手教學 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZUR1nnsEKrlo6j3KDS7wWp8TTbHptsn 施傅【1️⃣0️⃣年財務自由】 免費簡介工作坊:https://gregorysy.com/?utm_sour
一生借錢3大原則!「欠債」決定影響一生!什麼是「好債」、「壞債」?【施傅教學】 #富人思維 #好債 #借力打力
普通人一聽到欠債,心都涼一截,更不要說借錢去投資,創業。事實上債只是中性的工具,如果善用得當,可以助我們達成人生目標,更快達致財務自由。要駕馭這個工具,先決條件是懂得分辨,債的「好與壞」。 先學習,再投資,新手教學 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZUR1nnsEKrlo6j3KDS7wWp8TTbHptsn ════════════════════ 施傅【1️⃣0️⃣年財務自由】 免費簡介工作坊:https://gregorysy.com/?utm_sou
中國5年大蕭條⚠️經濟3個最深矛盾!港人不投資亦會失救?😱【施傅教學】#躺平 #內地 #內房
自疫情後,港股一直表現平平,即使開關解除封控,都未見扭轉。加上港股的結構已大幅改變,主要成分股均為內地企業,在內房債務違約的陰霾下,前面更是困關重重。未來的港股,是否仍然值得投資?今集會分享我的看法,歡迎大家留言討論。 先學習,再投資,新手教學 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZUR1nnsEKrlo6j3KDS7wWp8TTbHptsn ════════════════════ 施傅【1️⃣0️⃣年財務自由】 免費簡介工作坊:https://gregory
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How Netherlands is Secretly Becoming Insanely Rich & Powerful
Today we take a look at a seemingly small country that has power well beyond its size. The Netherlands are rising to power once again post their colonial days. Join us as we explain how the Dutch are controversially using their farming, food and technologi
現代貨幣體系崩潰!比特幣「救世計劃」?爭議與真相 【施傅教學】#bitcoin #美元
2008年全球次按爆煲,多家公司骨牌倒閉,偏偏就有公司大得不能倒,有政府出手拯救,不單止安然無恙,高管更是賺得盤滿鉢滿,受害的是無辜民眾,更要全球人埋單。為了不再讓政府予取予攜,有人提出新一代的貨幣,完全獨立於政府、中間人能自行運作,亦即比特幣。 原本一切都是從好處出發,為何問世10年後,救世主自身竟成為坑害散戶的惡龍!?難度真的如尼采所言「凝視深淵過久,深淵將回以凝視。」? 先學習,再投資,新手教學 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZUR1nnsEKrlo
Flipkart and Amazon Restrictions ⚠️, Freshworks, Elon Musk, Binance, SBI, World Bank, Disney, Oyo
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0yTzhyCOykbC8LLDBDheGA/join #ipo #worldbank #bankruptcy 11-Year-Old Kerala Girl Creates AI App To Detect Eye Disease, AI will cost the world two-thirds of its jobs, Codiak, The int
The Netherlands is Controlling China, And Trying To Takeover The World Economy...
This is the town of Veldhoven in the netherlands. Its a fairly modest town with a population of 45,500. But what if I told you, that the entire world economy, is based around this town. Because, what is happening here, in Veldhoven, has been catching the a
平Yen不再?日圓識睇要咁睇!真正關鍵角色 【施傅教學】 (附課堂內容) #套息交易 #避險貨幣
在股時回調時,我們經常聽到日元拆倉,到底甚麼是拆倉?為何要拆倉,股市又和日圓有何關係?今集再來知識系列,和大家一同剖釋。 先學習,再投資,新手免費學 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuZUR1nnsEKrlo6j3KDS7wWp8TTbHptsn ════════════════════ 【茶敘64】WEB 3.0 再成爆升焦點 立即購買門票: https://edu.money-tab.com/pages/teatalk-64-offline?edu=202
Beijing Admits Defeat to Avoid Global Financial Crisis
In today's show, you will how corporate executives plan to send stock prices higher which could crash stocks later as the economy slows, why Beijing raised the white flag on Evergrande's technical debt default, why the ECB's balance sheet taper is bullis
Panic at the Fed as they Rush to Avoid a Monetary Disaster
In today's show, you will learn what the Fed's worst nightmare is and why they are worried, how the Fed is attempting to solve this big problem, what retail sales and industrial production indicate about the economy, and how capacity utilization indicates
The Fed Will Crash Stocks By Trying to Save the Banks
In today's show, you will learn how the Fed is trapped in a lose-lose situation as they attempt to save the banks from too much liquidity which will lead to a crash in stock prices. Why The Markets Will Collapse https://youtu.be/feWM_lknqL4 Momentum Ti
Behind Costco's Treasure-Hunt Shopping Strategy | WSJ The Economics Of
Costco is one of the biggest and most successful retailers in the country. In this video, WSJ’s Sarah Nassauer dissects the wholesaler’s unique approach to doing business. Photo: Qian Weizhong/ZUMA Press The Economics Of How do the world's most successful