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Рекордные наводнение в Дубае
Рекордные наводнение в Дубае Эпизоды: 0:00 - Устрашающий потоп в Дубае после самого мощного ливня за 70 лет 0:33 - Наводнение аэропорта Дубая 1:33 - В Дубае затопило торговые центры, дома и дороги 2:33 - Потоки воды затопили подвалы и первые этажи домов. 3
仔仔 Club Med 桂林冬日旅行團【CC字幕】|Boyscation x Club Med |桂林山水甲天下|Club Med Guilin|精緻全包式度假概念|高鐵遊|輕鬆一下!
池姐鴨仔團又有新搞作! 今次池姐帶住 Nelbon Nathan Felix Hoho Juzco 五個仔仔,再拉埋 Anne 表姨,Juzco又帶埋藍爸爸,仲有一大班粉絲一齊搭高鐵去到桂林冬日遊🎄 【📍Club Med 桂林】嘅精緻全包假期 — 全包式度假概念 就最適合我哋一大班人出嚟一齊過呢個冬日, 這個冬天不太冷!! Club Med 度假村咁多嘢好玩,仔仔仲要帶埋Anne表姨去桂林地道遊,一集梗係唔夠啦!『仔仔 Club Med 桂林冬日旅行團』 🔥 一連四集 下集見 ***************
elemental pt-2 😂😂 #shorts #viral #movie
5 個月前
 • 60 次觀看
elemental pt-2 😂😂 #shorts #viral #movie elemental trailer elemental full movie elemental song elemental dungeons elemental movie elemental full movie in hindi elemental full movie in english elemental review elemental trailer in hindi elemental trailer 202
Five Grand Elemental Spirits (Spoilers) | SHAMAN KING | Clip | Netflix Anime
Everyone's here! This video is available in multi-audio. Click the settings icon then select audio track! ©Hiroyuki Takei, KODANSHA / “SHAMAN KING” Production Committee, TX Subscribe: https://bit.ly/33okaL0 About Netflix: Netflix is one of the world's lead
M&H Elements Sherry Cask 46%
2 年前
 • 61 次觀看
品飲: M&H Elements Sherry Cask 46% 時間: 2021.06.09 14:53 杯子: 社團專屬 ISO 杯 C: 金黃 N: 柑橘、香草、花香、軟糖、木頭、白巧克力 P: 入口細微澀感,木頭、花香、生薑 F: 花香、藥水 這瓶 M&H 小樣是四款為一組的禮盒裡其中之一瓶,而看一下自己的品飲紀錄是 4 月
What Are PFAS And Why Are They in Our Drinking Water?
PFAS are present in our soil, air, water, and bodies and we don’t know how to get rid of the human-made chemicals. But recent work promises a way to break down these compounds that most of us are exposed to every day, and the solution involves plasma. » Su
沖縄県出身2人組ボーカルグループ 5th Elements(フィフスエレメンツ) 2018年12月 ストリートライブ in韓国 ★★★★☆ 4月に行って以来の韓国! 音楽に国境はないと感じた日! 韓国の皆さん寒い中聴いてくれてありがとうございました‼︎ 감사합니다. 5th Elements/願い iTun
Palladium - Periodic Table of Videos
11 年前
 • 43 次觀看
For our updated Palladium video, we are mining the Royal Society archives for the story of its discovery - a tale of money, an asteroid and stolen samples? The discovery was made by William Hyde Wollaston. Royal Society (Romantic Chemistry Exhibition until
Looping HUD elements - After Effects Tutorial
12 年前
 • 117 次觀看
This tutorial shows how to create a looping abstract cirtcular HUD element in After Effects. Content Grid effect Using masks Create different shape layers (fill, stroke, dashes, repeater, position,etc.) Create looping animation using the loopOut expres
港鐵荃灣線全程 MTR Tsuen Wan Line
12 年前
 • 17 次觀看
This is a video of me riding the entire length of the MTR Tsuen Wan Line (港鐵荃灣線) in Hong Kong. The line begins from Central (中環) and ends at Tsuen Wan (荃灣). The line passes through the following stations: Admiralty (金鐘), Tsim Sha Tsui (尖沙咀), Jordan (佐敦), Y
Ink Drip in Water Stock Footage | ToobStock: Free Stock Video!
Want to see more free stock video? Help us, help you by making a donation via PayPal: http://bit.ly/vgaxgS DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/262939/InkDrip_Down_720p.mov Why is stock video and footage so expensive when us video
Rahzel Beatbox - Four Elements
14 年前
 • 85 次觀看
Rahzel beatboxing the four elements : Earth , Wind , Fire , Water.
Red Bull BC One: Circle - Bboy Ronnie
14 年前
 • 84 次觀看
Bboy Ronnie from Supercrew explains the vital fire of the circle, his first cypher battle and its relation to Red Bull BC One. Red Bull BC One, the worlds most important b-boy battle, comes home to the birthplace of Hip-Hop: New York City. Hammerstei
Red Bull BC One: Voice - Kid Sister
14 年前
 • 60 次觀看
Rising Star Kid Sister talks about working the crowd as the MC and how bboys can inspire the flow and its relation to Red Bull BC One Red Bull BC One, the worlds most important b-boy battle, comes home to the birthplace of Hip-Hop: New York City. Ha