
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
BOX SET: English In A Minute 8 – TEN English lessons in 10 minutes!
Learn English and improve your vocabulary and grammar in this 10-minute super-class! Learn the essential English words and grammar that you need to take your English skills to the next level! All you need to do is sit back and get ready to give your Englis
未來式 Will & be going to
8 個月前
 • 40 次觀看
句型:「主詞+will+原形動詞…(未來式的時間副詞).」 (2) They will have a karaoke night on Friday.(他們在禮拜五將會有一個卡拉 OK 之夜。) will 的否定形式為 will not,縮寫為 won’t。 this week(這個禮拜) this Friday(這個禮拜五) this year(今年) this Christmas(今年耶誕節) this weekend(這個週末) this month(這個月) this morning /aftern
To VR 不定詞&V-ing 動名詞文法
8 個月前
 • 55 次觀看
動名詞顧名思義就是帶有動作性質的名詞Swimming is great for me.(游泳對我而言很棒。)此時的swimming既帶有游泳的意思,又有名詞的性質,拿來當作主詞使用。Cleaning the table is not easy for me.(對我而言清理桌子是不容易的。) cleaning the table可視為動名詞片語,帶有動作的名詞片語。 To play computer games is fun. =Playing computer games is fun. 但如果是兩個不定詞
8 個月前
 • 36 次觀看
第二人稱單複數 You (你) You(你們)
Ozone layer improving: BBC News Review
1 年前
 • 109 次觀看
The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller, experts say. Beth and Phil talk about the language used in the headlines around this story. (Image: Getty) The story: The hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller. Back in the 1980s, countries agreed to sto
Can you use one in a sentence? Follow english.ingeneral . . . . #english #english...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by English in General (@english.ingeneral)
What’s the temperature today? 今天溫度幾度呢?
What’s the temperature today? 今天氣溫幾度呢? It is ten below. ( -10 degrees ) 負10度 It’s 20 degrees Celsius. (20 °C) 今天攝氏20度。 It’s 20 degrees Fahrenheit. (20°F) 今天華氏20度。 It’s five degrees above zero. (5 °C) 五度 It’s 20 below zero.
「動詞+sb+of sth」英文句型 accuse 人of 事
accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人犯某事(罪),指責某人做某事 The housewife accused her husband of debauchery. 該家庭主婦控訴她的丈夫沉迷酒色(放蕩)。 John accused Kevin of cheating on the test. John控訴Kevin考試作弊。 cheat sb. of sth. 騙取某人某物 She cheated
All you can do is VR 你能做的只有...文法句型
All can All that + S + should + do + is/was + VR What have to want to 本句型用來說明「主詞能做的只有…」,注意be動後面接「原型動詞」 All you have to do is be quiet. 你必須做的事就是安靜。 What we should do is do our best to reduce air pollution. 我們應該
2 年前
 • 279 次觀看
take turns +(in)+V-ing 輪流 take one’s turn V-ing/ to VR 輪到sb It is one’s turn to VR 輪到sb 我們日常生活用語中,常使用到的,輪到你了,英文的用語為It’s your turn. 那如果要表達輪流做某事,則是以take turn 的動詞片語來表達。 例如: To prevent the cluste
林書豪『永不放棄 !』---- 國語版
4 年前
 • 136 次觀看
林書豪 2019 年 7 月 27 日在台灣的分享會,想起自己目前在 NBA 聯盟仍未落班,前路茫茫,一時感觸,落淚告白:自謂正處人生低谷,但作為時代楷模,仍須在人前強顏歡笑 ---- 坦白誠懇,磊落光明! 分享會最後,將心比己,林書豪對正處困局之人;對一直在努力不懈,卻未看到成