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Relaxing With Chinese Bamboo Flute, Guzheng, Erhu || 中國傳統音樂 笛子古箏名曲 放鬆音樂 - 古典音樂 安静純音樂 中國古典長笛音樂, VOL 8
------------------------ 中国古老的旋律将帮助您放松身心,享受美好的浇灌生活 旋律可以跳中国传统舞蹈... 关注我的 you tube 频道以更新最新的有用视频。 -------------------------------- Chinese ancient melodies will help you relax, enjoy the beautiful watering life melodies can dance traditional Chinese dances...
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.84
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.84 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation, healing and relaxat
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.81
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.81 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation, healing and relaxat
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.82
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.82 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation, healing and relaxat
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.77
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.77 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation
繁花(二胡)- 闫国威 / Blossoms (Erhu) - Yan Guowei
繁花 / Blossoms 作曲:王瑞 / Composer: Wang Rui 献给不负韶华的新时代“美丽中国” 演奏家 / Performers: 二胡独奏:闫国威 / Erhu Solo: Yan Guowei
How to play Erhu! Ghibli‘s Castle in the sky: Carrying you [Kimi wo nosete/君をのせて] |Cover
IMPORTANT: The song was much longer but I had to cut one minute out because of copyright claims. Sorry for that. I hope you can still enjoy.❤ In the video where I talked about Shamisen and Koto, I asked a question about your favourite song. The reas
Slovak girl plays Erhu! (Eng sub/中文字幕)
4 年前
 • 97 次觀看
Today I will play Erhu for you! About 4 years ago I started to play Erhu. At that time I did not think I would end up liking it so much but Erhu has already become a very important part of my life. I would like to introduce you to this wonderful instrum