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'Jets Scramble...': NATO Nation 'Terrified' After Russian Army Rains Missiles On Ukrainian Cities
NATO nation and staunch supporter of Ukraine, Poland scrambled fighter jets after detecting the activity of Russia's long-range aviation. Polish Armed Forces Operational Command in a post on 'X' confirmed that scrambling of the warplanes and putting its ai
US, UK strike Houthi targets in Yemen in response to Red Sea attacks
The U.S. and U.K. have begun carrying strikes on Houthi-related targets in Yemen on Thursday, in response to months of attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea. #Yemen #RedSea #US #UK #Houthi
Ukraine 'devastates' Russian air bases in alleged ATACMS strikes | Ukraine: The Latest Podcast
Day 599. Today, we bring you news from the battlefront as Ukraine strikes Russian air bases, Vladimir Putin visits Xi Jinping in China and Francis Dearnley interviews foreign policy expert and historian James Carafano. Contributors: David Knowles (Host). @
穿音速震波再現!睽違3年!2023清泉崗基地航空嘉年華 預演精彩紀錄TAICHUNG CCK BASE OPEN HOUSE 2023
TAICHUNG CCK BASE OPEN HOUSE 2023 「112年國防知性之旅」空軍清泉崗基地航空嘉年華活動,將於8月12日舉行,活動包含雷虎小組特技操演、F-16V、IDF、M2000-5性能展示、編隊衝場等。 空軍司令部表示,藉營區開放活動,展現國軍建軍備戰成果,增進與民眾接觸及良性互動,凝聚民眾向心,激發全民國防意識。 歡迎訂閱我的頻道: https://www.youtube.com/user/y3526g 歡迎訂閱、按讚開啟小鈴鐺!謝謝! 關注我的IG: https://www.ins
史上首次! F-16首降民用機場!漢光39號演習! First Ever! ROCAF F-16 Lands At A Civilian Airport!
在台灣面臨中共機艦頻繁的侵擾和挑釁之際,國軍正積極強化自身的戰備能力,以應對潛在的威脅。於7月18日舉行的漢光39號F-16V和C-130H起降和整補演練演習成為今年的重要戰演任務。 於台東豐年機場作為演練場地。驗證豐年機場在戰時的應用能力,並已完成相關的先期整備作業。 國防部表示,民用機場和戰備道都可以作為戰時空中兵力轉換的場地,這將提升戰機的存活率和運用彈性。 豐年機場的跑道長度為8000呎,足夠F-16和C-130的起降需求。 漢光39號實兵演習的舉行將進一步強化台灣國軍的戰備能力,並展示出我們在面對
2023漢光演習 F-16V 預演!?影片最後 F-5 出現罕見畫面!
2023漢光演習:國防部公布了今年「漢光39號」演習的規劃。演習分為5月的「電腦輔助指揮所演習」和7月的「實兵演練」兩個階段。 電腦輔助指揮所演習將於5月15日至19日進行,使用「聯合戰區層級模擬系統(JTLS)」推演平台進行連續24小時的對抗演習。該演習將根據目前敵軍可能行動以及近年來的擾台軍演情況進行推演,並結合圖上兵棋推演研討成果以及借鏡俄烏戰事的經驗教訓。這次演習將持續5天4夜,旨在驗證三軍部隊在作戰計畫執行能力上的表現。 而實兵演練則預計於7月24日至28日進行。演習的重點包括精進戰力保存、強化海
陸航第壹女飛徐楓燦 :高考以她命題,開4四種直升機,23歲成人大代表/ Xu Fengcan, the legendary Chinese female pilot
她被寫進高考試卷並以她命題,她是解放軍陸航部隊女飛壹姐,能夠駕駛4種武裝直升機,但是她說自己恐高! 徐楓燦,女,漢族,少尉軍銜,1999年10月出生,2017年9月入伍,2021年7月畢業於陸軍航空兵學院,陸軍首批自主培養的女飛行員之壹。現為第十四屆全國人大代表、南部戰區陸軍某旅飛行員。2020年9月19日,陸軍首批女飛行學員完成首次單飛中徐楓燦以第壹名的成績,排在第壹個單飛。 2022年11月,第十四屆中國國際航空航天博覽會上,徐楓燦駕駛國產直-20戰機亮相,並擔任裝備靜態展示解說員。徐楓燦能夠駕駛小羚羊
2023開工日~ 漢翔 F-16V 構改試飛同場加映:CH-47/空勤隊紅鷹/P-3C/B-1900/AH-1W/C-130(影片最後有IDF紅尾鷹起降)
2023漢翔F-16V構改試飛/同場加映:CH-47/空勤隊紅鷹/P-3C/B-1900/AH-1W/C-130/IDF紅尾鷹起降 我的頻道: https://www.youtube.com/user/y3526g 歡迎訂閱、按讚開啟小鈴鐺!謝謝! 關注我的IG: https://www.instagram.com/eric5825/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric5825/ #lockheedmartin #cck #aviationspotter #f16
Unrestricted Climb in F-16 Fighter Jet - 0 to 15,000 feet in seconds
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What is SWIFT and why isn't Russia being banned from it?
Western leaders have hit Russia with a series of sanctions following its invasion of Ukraine. One of the options not being imposed at the moment is banning Moscow from SWIFT. But what is SWIFT, why is it so important to international global trade, and
F-16 Fighter Jets and MH-65D Dolphin Helicopters, US Aircraft
South Carolina Air National Guard F-16 fighter jets and MH-65D Dolphin helicopters at McEntire Joint National Guard Base, South Carolina, United State, 2018. F-16 aircraft from 169th Fighter Wing and MH-65D Dolphin from USCG Air Station Atlantic
I Flew This F-16 and Pulled 9 G's
2 年前
 • 45 次觀看
I was contacted by the United States Air Force Thunderbirds and they asked me if I wanted to fly an F16. I said yes. What happened changed my life forever and I’m so excited to share the experience with all of you. Not only do I get to share the incredible
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