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✅ 60分鐘免費股票公益課報名連結(名額有限) https://www.chiefpapa.com/10X-class ▶︎ 公開給你【如何在股市長期安心超級贏利💰】 https://www.chiefpapa.com/10X-class (限時公開、附中英字幕) ■-------------------------------------------------- 影片主題介紹: 之前影片提及過去美元化和銀行危機,另外還有兩個大問題會出現,其一是美國的債務危機,另外傳統來說五月是基金經理的休假,這兩個因素
AMD财报分析! 苹果指引疲软! 估值/支撑位更新! 手游广告行业不行?【美股分析】
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First Republic expected to collapse by Monday, but Fed won’t pivot - Michael Lee
Michael Lee, Founder of Michael Lee Strategy, joins Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News to discuss the unfolding banking crisis in the U.S., including the fate of the beleaguered First Republic Bank. They examine what the latest
The Credit Crisis Has Already Begun | The Fed's About To Make It MUCH WORSE!
The Federal Reserve isn't done with their rate hikes and this could trigger a horrific credit crisis. This is the real threat to the economy. Powell is going to keep fighting inflation because the data looks great and the big banks on Wall Street are now p
Betting Big on Bitcoin at $1M: $2 Million Bet for Price Milestone 🎲📈
Video Host: Michael Sikand👈 Follow Michael⤵️ • TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ourfuturestories? • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/michaelsikand/?hl=en • LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-sikand-b021aa109/ • Twitter - https://twitter.co
'Emergency' Fed rate cut by June, only 6 U.S. banks will be left by 2025 paving way for CBDC - Dowd
Edward Dowd, Founder of Phinance Technologies and former BlackRock fund manager, and Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News, discuss the Federal Reserve's latest rate hikes, and why Dowd thinks Fed Chair Powell will be "forced" to c
Future of Credit Suisse hangs in the balance amid UBS takeover talks
The hours between markets closing on Friday and Monday are the opportunity for major financial moves that would otherwise cause market chaos. All weekend, frantic negotiations have been taking place in Switzerland to deal with the troubled banking giant Cr
186 Banks Near Collapse 🚨 Fed Will Not Save Them All! 💣 🏦 (Bond Market Signaling Tsunami 🌊!)
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银行破产事儿根本没完!绝对不是你想的那样,全球几大银行一夜之间纷纷破产!引发的危机根本拦不住...各国政府已无力招架,金融危机海啸一触即发.美联储不断加息已把全球都推入了坟墓! 感谢富途对本期视频的支持,富途牛牛国际版本,一个账户投资全球股票。以下是我们澳洲Henry频道的粉丝专属福利,注册开户赠送价值110美金的亚马逊Amazon+腾讯音乐TME股票点击以下链接立刻领取 澳洲/美国(或持有SSN)/新加坡/东南亚/日本身份:https://j.moomoo.com/00wU67 香港/其他海外国家及地区(
🔴 Fed's Balance Sheet Confirms QE5 - Ep 880
1 年前
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Live Podcast 💬 Join my Locals community to get The Peter Schiff Show ad-free and a day early! Plus get access to special live reports and Q&As. Visit https://schiffradio.com/premium/ to become a member. 📈 Invest like me: https://schiffradio.com/invest 💯 RA
US Bank Crisis | Will Recession Come Again In India Explained In Hindi | Rahul Malodia
Another bank in USA is on the urge to fail. First Republic Bank had $70 Billion in its favour but people are loosing trust in such banks. In this video Rahul Malodia will elaborate First Republic Bank crises and how it will impact the future of small banks
As another bank collapses, US regulators race to prevent spread of crisis I DW News
Governments are rushing to reassure citizens that their money is safe, after the US saw its biggest banking collapse since the global financial crisis. Silicon Valley Bank's demise was closely followed by that of New York-based Signature Bank. The US insis
美股下周要崩盘?硅谷银行引爆银行风暴,2008年次贷危机重现?|美股周复盘干货视频 #美股 #usstockmarket #硅谷银行 #金融风暴 #金融危机 #股灾 #2008年 #spx500
美股下周要崩盘?硅谷银行引爆银行风暴,2008年次贷危机重现?|美股周复盘干货视频 #美股 #usstockmarket #硅谷银行 #金融风暴 #金融危机 #股灾 #2008年 #spx500 1、本周十分不平静,silvergate清爽,引爆硅谷银行,硅谷银行引爆美国银行风暴,第一共和银行暴跌28%, 2、拜登提出万亿增税计划惹来不少争议的同时,大非农数据喜忧参半,美联储鲍威尔接下来要如何应对通胀以及金融风暴,美国大银行都扛不住了,房地产的危机还有多远呢? 3、黄金持续暴起是意味着加息减缓或结束加息吗,
How did Silicon Valley Bank Collapse? | CA Rachana Ranade
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次贷危机2.0(2008)又来?硅谷银行48小时倒闭,还有10多家银行排队倒闭?这给鲍威尔出了一个大难题 #金融危机 #金融风暴 #crisis #硅谷银行 #usstockmarket #非农
次贷危机2.0(2008)又来?硅谷银行48小时倒闭,还有10多家银行排队倒闭?这给鲍威尔出了一个大难题 #金融危机 #金融风暴 #crisis #硅谷银行 #usstockmarket #非农 #非农就业报告 #第一共和银行 闪电破产!硅谷银行48小时内倒闭,第一共和银行昨夜跌28%,后面还有10家在排队倒闭?昨晚报出的非农数据喜忧参半,这给鲍威尔出了一道大难题,本来要加大加息力度,硅谷银行先扛不住了,还有10多家银行也开始发晕,金融风暴又要来,点个订阅我们一起来解读 美国金融业出现2008年以来最大的倒
[九哥話] 2023-03-07 鮑威爾作證,會繼續扮超級鷹?(精簡版)
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1 年前
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Boy, were they wrong! Credit Suisse shares tumbled as much as 12%, after the Swiss bank unexpectedly posted a bigger-than-expected loss for the fourth quarter and even more unprecedented client outflows, exacerbating the difficulty for new CEO Ulrich Koern
HUGE Bank Run RIGHT NOW! ( Get Your Money Out Of The Bank )
The Economic ninja talks about the credit suisse collapse and why you will want to get your money out of the banks as more and more people are taking their money out of banks as bank runs start in other countries. Many people are asking, is my bank safe? Y
[九哥話] 2023-01-31 鮑威爾會成為超級鷹?之二 (精簡版)
有興趣收看完整版視頻,請支持「九哥話」PATREON 專頁 https://www.patreon.com/bd9gor #九哥話 # 鮑威爾 #超級鷹 歡迎來到「九哥話」頻道,準備了一些視頻連結包括: 1.‘08雷曼系列 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWoPdZ8wdt2mBC9KV4wni8gHtAkV-UO-J 2. Th