
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
This Isn't Just A Chatbot (OpenAI Should Be Scared...)
I heard nvidia was doing some chat bot stuff, but Chat With RTX ended up being much more interesting than I expected. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a fascinating new technique and I'm curious how we see it adopted over time. Compared to ChatGPT a
A Deeper Look at OpenAI's Sora
2 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
OpenAI is on a roll. From ChatGPT to Dall-E to...Sora? Interesting choice of name. Regardless, the quality of the video generation I'm seeing here is insane enough to genuinely scare me. Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg SOURCES h
BREAKING: Figma Might Be Doomed
4 個月前
 • 19 次觀看
Figma's an incredibly important tool for all us web and app devs. The Adobe deal ending is very scary. Not just for Figma, but for the entire world of start ups. How do y'all feel about the EU jumping in on stuff like this? Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Di
I could NEVER have predicted the new OpenAI CEO...
5 個月前
 • 18 次觀看
Well, I guess Emmett is CEO of OpenAI now. I could never in a million years have predicted this, but at least I can be useful. My experience at Twitch has never felt more relevant. Nor has Candyland.
5 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
...I give up. Sam Altman is now a CEO at Microsoft. OpenAI will continue working with them. Greg is going there too. I have no idea what to expect. Well done, Satya, well done.
Why OpenAI Un-Fired Their CEO
5 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
I did NOT think OpenAI would flip this quickly. What a wild story. Sam Altman is clearly well loved by his team. ChatGPT, write me a Netflix script for a documentary about OpenAI's board firing their CEO Steve Jobs style, only to have him return days later
OpenAI Just Fired Their CEO
5 個月前
 • 13 次觀看
OpenAI and ChatGPT have changed the world in short time. It seems like that wasn't enough to keep them from canning Sam Altman :( Blog post: https://openai.com/blog/openai-announces-leadership-transition Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https:
Github Is Changing
5 個月前
 • 16 次觀看
Github's new direction is...interesting. Getting weird vibes from their Github Universe announcements. As much as I love Copilot and AI stuff, I am not sure it's the right direction. Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg S/O Ph4seOn3
The Unity Drama (A Dev's Perspective)
7 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
Unity is a decent game engine. It's a bit rougher as a company. I'm scared to think about how this will affect the industry ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): http
Build Your ChatGPT AI App in React use OpenAI Api | MERN tutorial | Machine Learning
Welcome back friends. In this video, we are going to build AI chat app like ChatGPT by using api from OpenAI. What are the features of this project? - Sign up / Sign in - Chat with AI bot What are the technologies in this project? - Front end - Vite - Mate
軟體工程師等級!! 你對應的哪一階? 應該要領多少薪水? 職涯成長框架解析!! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
影片開頭的課程問卷連結,再麻煩各位幫忙填寫囉 http://bit.ly/3IqQEKj 自從接觸管理職之後 我更明白職涯等級規劃的重要性 也因為在這個位置學習挑戰這些事 必須得規劃團隊未來走向跟人員編排 目前我修改過後的版本在團隊內試行一陣子 基本上能夠給大家一個成長的方向跟等級認知 所以做了這支影片想分享給更多的軟體工程師 一起來看看影片 和我分享你自己在哪一個等級囉! == 影片中提及的連結 == Dropbox 職涯框架:https://dropbox.github.io/dbx-career-fr
Using AI To Code Better? ChatGPT and Copilot change everything
ChatGPT, OpenAI, GPT4 and Copilot have stirred up a ton of excitement and concern in the dev world. It's clear these tools will help us move faster, but will they replace us? Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are improving fast, and Advent
🔴 Let's build Deliveroo 2.0 with REACT NATIVE! (Navigation, Redux, Tailwind CSS & Sanity.io)
I asked Sanity to hook up some free stuff for this video... They made a custom 🔥 boosted free plan 👉 https://www.sanity.io/sonny ❗️Join the world’s BEST developer community “Zero to Full Stack Hero” NOW: https://www.papareact.com/course --- T
工程師淪為開會專家!? 我有技術演講你來嗎? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
自從 2022/02 升職技術總監 (VPE) 之後 我從軟體開發專家變成開會專家 這過程轉變之大也讓我心態不斷學習調整 有滿腔熱血也有倍感無力的時候 雖然現在沒這麼長時間碰技術了 但還是想挑戰自己做出一點貢獻 所以今年 7 月 COSCUP 我有投稿議程也很幸運的上了 我的議程:https://coscup.org/2022/zh-TW/session/LCMWZZ COSCUP 官網:https://coscup.org/2022/zh-TW 7/30~7/31 我會在 COSCUP 現場,歡迎來抓包我
開發軟體五年,我學習的每一項技術 | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
進入職場開始直到今天,我成為軟體開發工程師已經滿五年了 這支影片會和你分享,過去我的整個學習旅程 包含我是如何開始的,以及這過程中所學習到的每一項技術、語言、框架跟工具 章節: 簡介: (0:00) 在我寫程式以前: (0:17) 2016 - 開始我的軟體開發職涯: (03:30) 2017 - 飄洋過海來爆肝: (04:17) 2018 - 發展第二支技能樹: (05:25) 2019 - 不同特性的程式語言: (06:25) 2020 - 成為 Team lead (07:29) 2021 - 超頻滿
閱讀能力就是決勝點!! 當工程師才發現書根本讀不完! 如何有效提升閱讀速度?| 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
我認為做任何事情一定都有改善效率的空間,閱讀也不例外 尤其工程師的職業生涯中更要閱讀大量的資訊 提升閱讀速度絕對是一個值得投資的技能 這支影片會和你分享我常用的三個小技巧,來提升閱讀能力 Hiskio 電子書活動特價中,快去領卷省荷包 ► 電子書活動網頁:https://bit.ly/3nP64fy 喜歡影片的話!可以幫忙點個喜歡以及分享、訂閱唷!😘 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、直播留言優先回覆 ✔ 不定時在會員社群分享私有資源(學習資源、優惠卷等) ✔ 未來
想轉職軟體開發! 這個年齡來得及嗎? 萬用思考框架帶你做! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
雖然我自己是本科系出來的工程師,但在職涯的漫漫道路中 我有因為工作需要、朋友需要,意外帶領超過 20 位以上非本科系的朋友成功轉職工程師 也因為瞭解不同領域轉職會遇到的困難,自己也是從小白一路受幫助走上來 所以我想這類型的問題,不會是個簡單的是非題 適合你的答案絕對不是問來的,而是靠自己找到的,這支影片希望能夠幫助到有類似疑問的朋友 -- 本公司持續徵才中 https://www.yourator.co/companies/BitoEX ▸▸ 了解更多書籍資訊 https://reurl.cc/Mk2LWk
Side Project 經驗分享! 軟體工程師如何累積作品集? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
很多人都說要寫 Side project 提升競爭力、增加作品,但是不是總迷惘,要如何開始呢? 這支影片會和你分享,過去我從無到有,利用下班時間累積的 Side project,帶給我個人成長的好處 我的部落格文章: 1. 2 個月擁有 6000 用戶 Side project 這樣做(一) https://blog.niclin.tw/2019/09/03/start-your-side-project-beiyi-app-1/ 2. 2 個月擁有 6000 用戶 Side project 這樣做(二)h
面試沒有錄取的原因? 成為技術面試官才知道的事!! 如何建立好的面試過程? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
經常面試是學習及瞭解自己價值的捷徑,然而這些面試的所累積的經驗,直到我換了一個視角 成為了軟體工程師的面試官時,才發現面試大概十分鐘左右,基本上就會決定這個求職者有沒有下一步了 這支影片和你分享我成為面試官之後,一路找人的心得以及如何讓自己成為更好的面試官 因為每個人想法不同,每間公司的團隊文化和做法也不同,有些我在乎的點不一定是其他面試官也在乎的,但主要的關鍵核心不會偏離一個好的面試者應該如何表現 影片章節: 00:00 成為面試官後 01:23 什麼樣的求職者會被拒絕 02:01 履歷或對話沒有線頭 0