
1 天內
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A new restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan 台北新餐廳 Aug 25th, 2023
A new restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan 台北新餐廳 Aug 25th, 2023
Que Pasaría Si Fusionamos al Borussia Dortmund y al Arsenal #shorts #eafc24
Que Pasaría Si Fusionamos al Borussia Dortmund y al Arsenal Dale like, suscribite, activa la campanita o hace lo que se te cante 2do Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz044exL6iT043VZP4WZOUg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/francopoggi28 TikTok:
Why a Hacked Xbox 360 is STILL awesome in 2023.
6 個月前
 • 35 次觀看
Microsoft recently announced the Xbox 360 Store closure for all digital purchases in July 2024. And in today's episode we take an all-new look at a hacked Xbox 360 and how it's still an amazing system makes it possible to preserve and play the entire Xbox
夠鐘食晏2|新蒲崗美食懶人包| 新蒲崗 | 嚴崇天 | 黎紀君
#shorts 夠鐘食晏2|新蒲崗美食懶人包|新蒲崗|嚴崇天|黎紀君 新蒲崗絕對是臥虎藏龍之地,其中包括一間海膽專門店,食材由世界各國供應,海膽菜式種類繁多。另外也有一間以貝果打響名堂的人氣烘培店,店內還有多款鹹甜麵包。同集還會介紹創意十足的素食料理,和極具心思的全日早餐。 夠鐘食晏2|星期六晚8:00|HOYTV77 #夠鐘食晏2 #夠鐘食晏 #嚴崇天 #黎紀君 #新蒲崗 #餐廳 #LUNCH #推介 #海膽 #貝果 #麵包 #素食 #全日早餐 #HOY #HOY77 #HOYTV -----------
𓏭𓌉`歐洲復古書店主題餐廳´𓌉𓋪 走搞怪玩味風格的旺角餐廳No Money So Lonely,近日進駐銅鑼灣開姊妹店。走進餐廳,深深感受到了店如其名,門口擺放...
𓏭𓌉`歐洲復古書店主題餐廳´𓌉𓋪 走搞怪玩味風格的旺角餐廳No Money So Lonely,近日進駐銅鑼灣開姊妹店。走進餐廳,深深感受到了店如其名,門口擺放的舊書,讓人彷如走進了書店。環境佈置有著濃濃的非洲森林元素,有大量動物公仔及叢林佈置,牆身更掛有不少搞鬼港式字句,貼地之餘又玩味十足。 餐廳提供一系列創意十足的泰式Fusion菜,涵蓋小食、沙律、主食、Pizza、粉麵、甜品及飲品。平日有Lunch set提供,包含餐湯/沙律和飲品,價格比較親民由$98起,難怪午飯時間全店幾乎座無虛席。 ❥ꔛ秘製豬手
GEAR 5 LUFFY (JOYBOY) IN LEGENDS!!! 🤣👒 #DragonBall #DBLegends #OnePiece #Luffy #Kaido #Shorts
Donate through these links: ► https://streamlabs.com/zakinfinity_/tip Become a Member & Increase the Zinobi Alliance! W Emotes to use in chat! ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAIVTu3eSAxu_cpNMdMdcEw/join ───── ► All My Social Links Together In 1: https:
#shorts 夠鐘食晏2|紅磡美食懶人包|紅磡|嚴崇天|黎紀君 紅磡一個落成只有兩年的商場,目標是成為該區的新食街。今集會試食當中的不同餐廳,例如裝潢和食物擺盤同樣用心的多國菜餐廳、融合韓式追星文化的韓國菜餐廳,和以吐司聞名的咖啡店。另外還會介紹區內一間家庭式經營的小店,試食他們的無味精湯麵。 夠鐘食晏2|星期六晚8:00|HOYTV77 #夠鐘食晏2 #夠鐘食晏 #嚴崇天 #黎紀君 #紅磡 #餐廳 #LUNCH #推介 #韓國菜 #咖啡店 #HOY #HOY77 #HOYTV -------------
之前係觀塘已經試過🥰 係銅鑼灣見到就即刻入黎食啦🥳 16OZ Grilled Tuscan Angus Rib Eye Steak $468🥩 上碟已經垂涎欲滴...
之前係觀塘已經試過🥰 係銅鑼灣見到就即刻入黎食啦🥳 16OZ Grilled Tuscan Angus Rib Eye Steak $468🥩 上碟已經垂涎欲滴🤤牛扒用左上等既安格斯牛🐮 加上廚師既7成熟 每食一啖都能感受到肉質既鮮嫩同旁邊有少許牛脂肪 其實我好鍾意食牛脂肪 因為煎得好香又入口即溶🙊 牛扒外層略帶焦香 再配上一些香草調味汁 簡單而美味🤤 Spaghetti Carbonara $168🍝 卡邦尼係我最愛既意粉之一😋簡單卻充滿層次感☺️ 意粉硬度煮得恰到 卡邦尼醬汁濃稠 攪拌後每一根意粉都被掛
STEELFusions Only! Pokémon Infinite Fusion (Fan Game)
Pokemon Infinite Fusion is the ultimate fusion fan game, where you can fuse two any Pokemon you want! Fusions can be amazing, or terrifying, and everything in between! In this run we attempt to beat the game using only STEEL-type Pokemon! Let me know what
Can You Beat Pokemon Infinite Fusion With Only Starter Fusions?
We're back with more Pokemon Infinite Fusion - the best Pokemon Fusion fan game where you can create your own fusions of Pokemon from generations 1 - 7! But can we beat this incredible game while only fusing starter Pokemon together (starter fusions)? Watc
Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? | Drum Cover | Zeben Drums x Zultan Cymbals
Hello Zultan family, Zeben is once again putting together a fine drum cover for you! Today's selection: R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys. Get the cymbals used in this video: -14" Aeon Series Hi-Hat - 8" RAW Mini Hi-Hat -18" Q Series Crash - 22" RAW Ride - 18" Ae
USA vs China, The War You Can't See
1 年前
 • 24 次觀看
The US and China are fighting a war. It's a weird one that's hard to see. Visit https://bit.ly/Scaler_JohnnyHarris to take the free live class. The US and China are fighting a war. It's a weird one that's hard to see. It's being fought in government office
JEFF BECK 1944-2023
1 年前
 • 74 次觀看
Become a Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/andyedwards Andy is a drummer, producer and educator. He has toured the world with rock legend Robert Plant and played on classic prog albums by Frost and IQ. As a drum clinician he has played with Terry Bozzio
Jeff Beck 1944-2023 R.I.P.
1 年前
 • 92 次觀看
On this livestream I discuss the tragic news of Jeff Beck's passing.
Ken block 1967 - 2023 RIP
1 年前
 • 160 次觀看
Well this is not the news we wanted to wake to this morning but I had to check twice that I read it right. Indeed the Sad news that Ken Block a Pro rally driver has died at the age of 55 after a Snowmobile accident. Mr. Hoonigan your be missed, RIP. H
大牌筵席 |Bob私藏深夜食堂大公開!| 林盛斌 | 黎諾懿 | 大排檔
【 大牌筵席 】Bob私藏深夜食堂大公開! 美食達人阿Bob林盛斌今次嚟到佢做DJ時期嘅宵夜飯堂,私藏餐單大公開!呢間茶檔嘅秘製豬扒麵,豬潤咬落去有少少起沙,望落都流口水!大牌檔負責人妹姐承繼經營爸爸嘅遺業都有43年,街坊熟客嘅多年幫襯,都令呢度充滿人情味,高級餐廳都
大牌筵席 | 鼎爺踎大牌檔 私心推介獨家滋味 | 李家鼎 | 黎諾懿 | 大牌檔 | 香港情懷 | TVB綜藝
【 大牌筵席 】鼎爺踎大牌檔 私心推介獨家滋味 好多承載大家舊時記憶嘅大牌檔日漸式微,為咗呢份懷舊風味可以延續,黎諾懿今次就化身導遊,探索美食眾多又有人情味嘅大牌檔同附近旅遊景點。首集嘉賓有出名嘴刁嘅「星級名廚」李家鼎,嚟到經營咗80年嘅中環老字號食靚牛雜,鼎爺