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Neon Abyss 霓虹深淵 從賣電腦到賣150萬份遊戲的人 | BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 4K Game Documentary
#NeonAbyss #霓虹深渊 #独立游戏 #Steam #超级幻影猫 2016年《超級幻影貓》獲得蘋果年度十大遊戲獎,在166個國家獲得約2000多次的推薦,以及Google Play全球推薦。 製作人Jason開始帶著遊戲在美國GDC全球遊戲開發者大會上參展,那時候中國遊戲參展商極少。 後來推出的《霓虹深淵》更是在全球賣出了150萬份,他的發行商就是在GDC上找到的,他對遊戲出海有什麼經驗? 霓虹深淵 從賣電腦到賣150萬份遊戲的人 | BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 4K Game Doc
如何翻過一座叫原神的山?《射雕》上線紀錄片 | BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 4K Game Documentary
#原神 #genshinimpact #shediao #射雕 原神在世界範圍的成功,為中國遊戲驗證了二次元開放世界的可能性,同時也給其它公司帶來了巨大的壓力,如何翻過一座叫原神的山?也成了眾多遊戲公司在思考的問題。 我個人覺得,無論《射雕》這個遊戲的成敗,我們至少可以看到網易的居安思危,他們想在輕社交的原神和重社交逆水寒之間,開闢一個新的市場,他們至少願意拿重金去探索。 我也願意去記錄更多的過程,而不是只記錄一些倖存者,那樣記錄就失去了參考的意義和價值,只是在唯結果論而已。 如何翻過一座叫原神的山?《射雕
《蒼翼:混沌效應》遊戲公司解散 玩家和員工一起復活了公司 | BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 4K Game Documentary
#blazblueentropyeffect #game #steam #gamedocumentaries #蒼翼混沌效應 #錢從哪來 #遊戲紀錄片 很多人已經知道遊戲《蒼翼:混沌效應》年前解散,年後起死回生的熱血故事了,但整個事件中,員工經歷了什麼?他們的生活受到了多大的影響?他們的心理變化是什麼樣的?我們一起來看看 wechat:BBK1nG Twitter: bkingfilm 视频号:导演BK 微博:BBKinG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzFYfLMklS
為打臉前老闆,而做獨立遊戲?《清零計畫2天啟派對》| BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 Chinese Game Documentary
#清零計畫# #天啟派對# #Steam# Wilson曾是一家上海大型遊戲公司專案負責人,他的每一次成長似乎都在對抗老闆們的否定,但證明自己後,沒多久就又會被否定。 好在他在一次次證明自己中獲得了周圍人的信任,最終決定自己出來做遊戲,清零計畫系列獲得了Steam的大力推薦,但也出了很多問題,我們去看看到底發生了什麼? 為打臉前老闆,而做獨立遊戲?《清零計畫2天啟派對》| BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 Chinese Game Documentary wechat:BBK1nG Twitter:
這些遊戲音樂是他們寫的?小旭音樂 BKinGfilm 錢從哪來 遊戲紀錄片 Chinese Game Documentary
#遊戲音樂# #獨立遊戲# #steam# #遊戲開發# 2004年音樂人小旭偶然接觸到遊戲音樂製作,從此開始專門從事遊戲音樂的創作,從端遊、主機遊戲,到頁遊、手遊,20年中,他穿越了中國遊戲的多個週期,他眼中的中國遊戲行業走向是什麼樣的? wechat:BBK1nG Twitter: bkingfilm 视频号:导演BK 微博:BBKinG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzFYfLMklSI University students create games | 大學畢業
GameDevShow #158 - Special Edition!
3 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
https://game.courses/mp - 2024 Multiplayer Mastery Course - Open NOW! CoHosts - Channel Links https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzATh2-NC_xZSGnhZF-cFaw - Andrew (MPG / InfinityPBR) https://www.youtube.com/c/JasonStorey - Jason Storey https://www.youtube.com
How Roguelites Are Taking Over Games - Extra Credits Gaming
Enjoyed How Roguelites Are Taking Over Games? Then why not try our Sponsor Factor! Just use code EXTRACREDITS50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at https://bit.ly/3kHfe03 ! Embark on a journey through gaming history as we explore the rising trend of Ro
What is Unity Thinking!? | New pricing updates
7 個月前
 • 34 次觀看
Yesterday Unity announced a myriad of changes to their licensing, such as increasing the amount of revenue you can make on the free tier, removing the plus tier, and most importantly, starting to charge developers *per install* of their game. Needless to s
Can AI code Flappy Bird? Watch ChatGPT try
1 年前
 • 30 次觀看
I asked ChatGPT to provide me with instructions on how to make Flappy Bird and it also wrote all of the code. I didn’t write a single line of code myself, all code was given to me by ChatGPT. Will this usher in an age of video game development in which hob
Markiplier and JackSepticEye Compete to Make a Game in 2 hours
Join OUR WEBSITE ► https://www.corridordigital.com/signup THIS EPISODE ► Sam and Peter have lost use of their hands in a horrifying hand tools accident. The only way they'll be able to create a cool video game in Unreal Engine is with the help o
Unreal Engine 5 & MetaHuman Creator: Crafting Cutting-edge Digital Humans
The creation of digital life was one fraught with complication and bogged down by huge budgets. But thanks to the MetaHuman Creator, artists can create photorealistic digital humans in a matter of minutes and for free. Welcome to the final video in our 3
Unreal Engine 5: Nanite and Quixel Megascans Blur the Line Between Indie and AAA Development
With the introduction of Unreal Engine 5, the Unreal ecosystem will soon blur the lines between indie startups and AAA titans. Welcome to the first video in a 3-part series, in which we'll explore why you should be excited about the future of next-gen ga
Legosi nunca fez nada de errado, ele só é meio burrinho. Randomizer Castlevania Symphony of the Night Parte 10 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DanaelFernandes