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Slow Horses — Season 2 Official Trailer | Apple TV+
New Spies. New Threats. Same old Jackson Lamb. Slow Horses Season 2 premieres December 2, only on Apple TV+ https://apple.co/_SlowHorses Slow Horses follows a team of British intelligence agents who serve in a dumping ground department of MI5 – Slo
窺探 (The Woman in the Window;窗裡的女人)--【心硯影評】--『Believe』當中有個『li
人們常說:漢字的演進相當經典, 有時候甚至從表象的字形組合,便能夠猜想到該字所蘊藏的意涵, 然而,英文其實也不遑多讓,就以本片海報所點出的Believe一詞為例, 「相信」裡頭居然會存有「謊言」(lie)的詞彙, 意謂著相信並不直接對映到真相, 您所深信不已的事物,其實也有
藥命交錯crisis電影好看嗎|影評|藥物濫用|蓋瑞歐德曼|GARY TALK導演頭殼
藥命交錯CRISIS是一部懸疑犯罪劇情片,講述美加邊境的非法藥物運送與藥物氾濫的問題。 藥命交錯改編至真實事件,導演編劇花了9年時間考察當初撲朔迷離的案情並且加以改編,使這個案件更有張力與批判性。 00:00 開場 00:27 藥命交錯評論開始 00:38 藥命交錯背景事件 01:09 藥
The Woman in the Window Trailer #1 (2021) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out The Woman in the Window Official Trailer starring Amy Adams! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Visit Fandango: https://www.fandango.com?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of all the latest movie trailers? Subscribe
藥命交錯 (Crisis)--【心硯影評】--罰金成本化、公益化的風險社會(2021-03-18)
新藥的發展非一蹴可幾, 少說得經過動物、一二期人體臨床試驗,乃至於後續繁複的藥證申請, 稍具療效規模的藥物,沒個三、五年的淬煉,根本不可能達至。 但現實所面臨到的,是來自籌資層面的困境, 在無法提前獲益、給予股息的前提下, 新藥公司只能藉由不定期利多消息的發布,
Crisis Trailer #1 (2021) | Movieclips Trailers
3 年前
 • 101 次觀看
Check out the official Crisis Trailer starring Gary Oldman! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Watch on Vudu: https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/Crisis/1662137?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of all the latest movi
Mank Trailer #1 (2020) | Movieclips Trailers
3 年前
 • 117 次觀看
Check out the official Mank Trailer starring Gary Oldman! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Sign Up For a Fandango FanALERT: https://www.fandango.com/mank-2020-223741/movie-overview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of al
MANK | Official Trailer | Netflix
3 年前
 • 55 次觀看
MANK. In Select Theaters November and on Netflix on December 4. Starring Academy Award Winner Gary Oldman, Amanda Seyfried, Lily Collins, Arliss Howard, Tom Pelphrey, Sam Troughton, Ferdinand Kingsley, Tuppence Middleton, Tom Burke, and Charles Dance. Dire
MANK | Trailer Resmi | Netflix
3 年前
 • 63 次觀看
MANK. Di Bioskop Tertentu November dan di Netflix 4 Desember. Dibintangi Pemenang Piala Oscar, Gary Oldman, juga Amanda Seyfried, Lily Collins, Arliss Howard, Tom Pelphrey, Sam Troughton, Ferdinand Kingsley, Tuppence Middleton, Tom Burke, dan Charles Dance
Mank Teaser Trailer (2020) | Movieclips Trailers
3 年前
 • 136 次觀看
Check out the official Mank Teaser Trailer starring Gary Oldman! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Sign Up For a Fandango FanALERT: https://www.fandango.com/mank-2020-223741/movie-overview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notifie
MANK | Teaser Resmi | Netflix
3 年前
 • 195 次觀看
Hollywood era 1930-an dievaluasi kembali melalui sudut pandang kritikus sosial yang berpandangan tajam sekaligus penulis skenario alkoholik, Herman J. Mankiewicz (Gary Oldman), ketika dirinya berpacu merampungkan skenario Citizen Kane untuk Orson Welles (T
MANK | Official Teaser | Netflix
3 年前
 • 72 次觀看
1930s Hollywood is re-evaluated through the eyes of scathing social critic and alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz (Gary Oldman) as he races to finish the screenplay of Citizen Kane for Orson Welles (Tom Burke). Starring Academy Award Winner Gary O
《曼克》| 正式前導預告 | Netflix
3 年前
 • 186 次觀看
1930 年代,文筆犀利但嗜酒如命的社會評論家兼編劇赫爾門·曼克維奇(加利奧文,Gary Oldman 飾)與時間賽跑,趕著為奧遜威爾斯 (Orson Welles)(Tom Burke 飾)完成《大國民》劇本。藉由此片,觀眾能從赫曼的觀點,一睹當時截然不同的荷里活風貌。 《曼克》由大衛芬查 (David Fincher) 執導,並由奧斯卡得主加利奧文、雅曼達施菲 (Amanda Seyfried)、Tuppence Middleton、莉莉歌蓮絲 (Lily Collins)、Tom Burke 和 To
🌃喺IFC睇Batman喺IFC跳落嚟,ff男神就喺我附近😆 ⋄ 可惜今日有啲攰,仲連續喺戲院坐足4粒鐘,即使連場戲肉、幕幕高潮,都覺得152mins真係太長喇!...
🌃喺IFC睇Batman喺IFC跳落嚟,ff男神就喺我附近😆 ⋄ 可惜今日有啲攰,仲連續喺戲院坐足4粒鐘,即使連場戲肉、幕幕高潮,都覺得152mins真係太長喇! (其實關鍵係Christian Bale出場唔夠😂我話鍾意第一集多啲得唔得🥴) ⋄ 另外今集最大敗筆係「Rachel」,太入戲的人係唔會接受到轉演員(唔理你咩原因都好),仲要轉個冇咁靚的,點解要咁🤥 ⋄ 辛苦陪我睇戲嗰個,佢以為睇蜘蛛俠,點知蜘蛛🕷️變咗蝙蝠🦇 😂😂 ⋄ ————— ⧫♟⧫ ————— ⋄ “Whatever doesn't ki
The Laundromat Trailer #2 (2019) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out the official The Laundromat Trailer starring Gary Oldman! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Buy Tickets for The Laundromat: https://www.fandango.com/the-laundromat-2019-220027/movie-overview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to
★ 加入官方粉專掌握最新消息:https://goo.gl/QWs7k7 ★【黑暗騎士】奧斯卡影帝 #蓋瑞歐德曼,首度挑戰恐怖驚悚「慄」作! ★ 繼【鬼修女】【哭泣的女人】後,又一駭人淒厲女鬼震撼大銀幕! ★ 讓人驚聲尖叫的恐怖體驗,【絕鯊島】編劇再造恐怖新「驚」典! ★ 詛咒鬼船,怨靈附身,#最驚悚的海上死亡之旅,讓你無從脫逃! 【劇情介紹】 <登上鬼船,無從生還> 努力為生活奮鬥的父親(蓋瑞歐德曼飾演),滿懷希望地準備展開租船事業。他在拍賣會上購得一艘名為「瑪麗號」的古船,並興高采烈地帶著妻子(艾蜜莉莫
★ 加入官方粉專掌握最新消息:https://goo.gl/QWs7k7 ★【黑暗騎士】奧斯卡影帝 #蓋瑞歐德曼,首度挑戰恐怖驚悚「慄」作! ★ 繼【鬼修女】【哭泣的女人】後,又一駭人淒厲女鬼震撼大銀幕! ★ 讓人驚聲尖叫的恐怖體驗,【絕鯊島】編劇再造恐怖新「驚」典! ★ 詛咒鬼船,怨靈附身,#最驚悚的海上死亡之旅,讓你無從脫逃! 【劇情介紹】 <登上鬼船,無從生還> 努力為生活奮鬥的父親(蓋瑞歐德曼飾演),滿懷希望地準備展開租船事業。他在拍賣會上購得一艘名為「瑪麗號」的古船,並興高采烈地帶著妻子(艾蜜莉莫
The Laundromat Trailer #1 (2019) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out the official The Laundromat Trailer starring Gary Oldman! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Buy Tickets for The Laundromat: https://www.fandango.com/the-laundromat-2019-220027/movie-overview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to