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Gaza: l'Idf nega l'uccisione di civili nell'attacco alla scuola, Netanyahu parlerà al Congresso Usa
Medici e funzionari palestinesi hanno dichiarato che il bombardamento di mercoledì ha provocato almeno 33 morti, tra cui diverse donne e bambini, ma Israele dice di aver colpito solo combattenti di Hamas. Almeno 15 morti nel centro della Striscia e 3 a Jen
Marathon world record-holder Kelvin Kiptum dies in a car crash
Marathon world record-holder Kelvin Kiptum, who was set to be a superstar of long-distance running, was killed along with his coach in a car crash in Kenya late Sunday. READ MORE : https://www.africanews.com/2024/02/12/marathon-world-record-holder-kelvin-k
Kenyan Marathon superstar, Kelvin Kiptum, killed in car accident
The 24-year-old and his coach were killed after their car veered off the road between the towns of Eldoret and Kaptagat in western Kenya READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2024/02/12/kenyan-marathon-superstar-kelvin-kiptum-killed-in-car-accident Subscrib
Kelvin Kiptum: Kenyan athletes react to news of his death
Kenyan athletes have reacted with shock to the news of world marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum's death on Sunday READ MORE : https://www.africanews.com/2024/02/12/kelvin-kiptum-kenyan-athletes-react-to-news-of-his-death Subscribe on our Youtube channel
EU to review UNRWA funding and calls for staff probe after allegations of October 7 involvement
The European Commission said on Monday it will "review" its support to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, following allegations several of its staff members were involved in the October 7 attacks on Israel. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/
Csodával határos kényszerleszállás Portlandben - megint egy Boeing 737 MAX a főszereplő
Az Alaska Airlines egyik Boieng 737 MAX 9 típusú gépéről leszakadt egy panel majdnem ötezer méteren, de a pilótáknak sikerült úgy letenniük a gépet, hogy senkinek nem esett baja. BŐVEBBEN : https://hu.euronews.com/2024/01/06/kenyszerleszallas-boeing-737max
Settimana decisiva per l'Ucraina: in ballo oltre 100 miliardi di aiuti e l'entrata nell'Ue
Discorso al Congresso Usa di Zelensky martedì, mentre giovedì si tiene la riunione a Bruxelles per decidere sui negoziati per l'adesione di Kiev. Pesa l'incognita sul veto dell'Ungheria. Il presidente ucraino e il premier Orban si sono parlati domenica in
Medio Oriente, incontro tra Blinken e Abbas. Per il leader palestinese subito il cessate il fuoco
"Gli abitanti di Gaza non possono essere sfollati con la forza", ha sottolineato Blinken ALTRE INFORMAZIONI : https://it.euronews.com/2023/11/05/medio-oriente-incontro-tra-blinken-e-abbas-per-il-leader-palestinese-subito-il-cessate-il- Abbonati : https://w
Gaza, un'escalation di violenza. Ancora attacchi al campo profughi di Jabalia
Il governo guidato da Hamas punta il dito contro Tel Aviv affermando che Israele ha colpito edifici residenziali nel campo di Jabalia, nel nord della Striscia, provocando molte vittime ALTRE INFORMAZIONI : https://it.euronews.com/2023/11/01/gaza-unescalati
US-supplied ATACMS long-range missiles used for first time in attack by Ukrainian forces
Special Operations Forces claim nine Russian helicopters, an anti-aircraft missile system and an ammunition warehouse were destroyed in an attack on the cities of Berdyansk and Luhansk in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine READ MORE : https://www.euronews.co
Ukraine setzt erstmals US-Raketen vom Typ ATACMS ein
Selenskyj dankt Biden und lobt die Raketen. LESEN SIE MEHR : https://de.euronews.com/2023/10/17/ukraine-setzt-erstmals-us-raketen-vom-typ-atacms-ein Abonnieren Sie! https://www.youtube.com/c/euronewsde?sub_confirmation=1 Sehen Sie Euronews live TV : https:
US-supplied ATACMS long-range missiles used for first time in attack by Ukrainian forces
Special Operations Forces claim nine Russian helicopters, an anti-aircraft missile system and an ammunition warehouse were destroyed in an attack on the cities of Berdyansk and Luhansk in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine READ MORE : https://www.euronews.co
Muere a los 96 años el cantante estadounidense Tony Bennett
Con más de 70 discos y 19 premios Grammy a sus espaldas, el icónico cantante de salón Tony Bennett murió este viernes a los 96 años, solo dos semanas antes de su cumpleaños, el tres de agosto MÁS INFORMACIÓN : https://es.euronews.com/2023/07/21/muere-a-los
Décès de Jane Birkin à l'âge de 76 ans
10 個月前
 • 116 次觀看
La chanteuse et actrice franco-britannique Jane Birkin est morte à l'âge de 76 ans, retrouvée sans vie dimanche à son domicile à Paris, a-t-on appris de source proche du dossier. LIRE L’ARTICLE : https://fr.euronews.com/2023/07/16/deces-de-jane-birkin-a-la
Morreu "The Girl From Ipanema": Astrud Gilberto tinha 83 anos
Óbito foi confirmado por colaboradores e familiares próximos da artista brasileira, ícone da bossa Nova. Recorde aqui a voz que nos deixou esta semana LEIA MAIS : https://pt.euronews.com/2023/06/06/morreu-the-girl-from-ipanema-astrud-gilberto-tinha-83-anos
Girl from Ipanema: Bossa-Nova-Sängerin Astrud Gilberto ist tot
Mit ihrer englischen Version von "Girl from Ipanema" machte die Tochter eines Deutschen den Bossa Nova weltweit berühmt. LESEN SIE MEHR : https://de.euronews.com/2023/06/06/girl-from-ipanema-bossa-nova-sangerin-astrud-gilberto-ist-tot Abonnieren Sie! https
Fallece 'La chica de Ipanema', la cantante brasileña Astrud Gilberto a los 83 años
Popularizó la 'bossa nova', con esa canción mítica que grabó cuando aún no era una intérprete profesional; su nombre no apareció en los créditos del LP original y apenas recibió dinero por ese tema que gracias a ella se hizo tan popular MÁS INFORMACIÓN : h
Trauer um Vivienne Westwood (81) - Enfant terrible der britischen Mode
Die britische Modedesignerin Vivienne Westwood machte nicht nur unkonventionelle, bunte Mode, sie kämpfte für eine bessere Welt. LESEN SIE MEHR : https://de.euronews.com/2022/12/29/die-britische-modedesignerin-vivienne-westwood-ist-tot Abonnieren S
Aquadom zerborsten: Hunderte Hotelgäste in Berlin-Mitte unter Schock
Schreck in der Morgenstunde: in einem Gebäude- und Hotelkomplex in berlin-Mitte ist die Touristen-Attraktion Aquadom auf einen Schlag zersplittert. Das 16 Meter hohe Aquarium ist das weltgrößte seiner Art. Darin befanden sich 1 Mio. Liter Salzwasse