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【數字人教學7】免費數字人 無痛搞定使用 videoretalking Facefusion 兩套免費數字人工具免費下載 ( 附下載網址 )
本集教學 免費數字人的製作方法 video retalking 下載網址如下 https://gogoplus.net/?p=14323 萬能君三合一換臉網址下載如下 https://gogoplus.net/?p=14290 覺得數字人太貴無法入手嗎?那一定要看看今天的教學,GoGo提供了一個全面的教學,介紹如何利用免費工具來創造數位人,即在影片中改變嘴型以匹配音訊,從而產生看似真實的虛擬形象。視頻中展示了使用如萬能君的三合一換臉軟體和video retalking開源程式的步驟。此外,也強調了使用這些技
免費 Pinokio AI 簡單安裝多種AI開源軟體 - 本集示範 一鍵安裝換臉程式 Facefusion Mac/Win - Pinokio 顛覆您的想像
如何使用Pinokio AI 輕鬆安裝Facefusion換臉程式,歡迎來到GOGO的技術分享頻道!在今天的視頻中,我們將探索AI技術的一個令人興奮的應用——Facefusion換臉程式。我們知道,許多朋友在嘗試安裝這類換臉軟體時遇到了各種挑戰,特別是Mac使用者,因為軟體對不同的系統架構支援不盡相同。 但別擔心,我們為你帶來了解決方案——Pinokio!Pinokio是一個基於流覽器的AI工具,它可以自動幫你處理安裝過程中的複雜環節,讓Mac、Windows甚至Linux的用戶都能輕鬆享受到AI換臉技術的
一、更聰明的Siri 蘋果曝新技術:優於GPT-4 蘋果正全力發展AI人工智慧,研發更聰明更有用的 Siri,據了解,蘋果推出一個名為ReaLM的新系統,它可以同時理解使用者螢幕上的內容和正在進行的操作...... 完整閱讀: https://www.technice.com.tw/issues/ai/104342/ 二、手機版Chrome可能將有自動整理分頁功能 不論電腦或手機只要開啟多個分頁瀏覽,若長時間沒有把閒置頁面關閉,就可能佔用手機記憶體資源、拖累性能,甚至影響手機操控的流暢性,為了改善這個問題.
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Nvidia's Breakthrough AI Chip Defies Physics (GTC Supercut)
Highlights from the latest #nvidia keynote at GTC 2024. Topics include @NVIDIA's insane Blackwell B100 GPUs, the Grace Blackwell GB100 superchips, NVIDIA's new AI supercomputer and AI factories, and how they will power generative AI technologies like #chat
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Grok-1 is Open Source | All you need to know!!!
1 個月前
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X just released Open Weights of the Grok-1. Here is all you need to know about this new model. 🦾 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/t4eYQRUcXB ☕ Buy me a Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/promptengineering |🔴 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PromptEngineering 💼Co
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Benchmarks Say Claude 3 is Better than GPT-4, But is It?
Anthropic has released a new version of its Claude Large Language Model. The new LLM, called Claude 3, comes in 3 versions. According to the benchmarks, Claude 3 Opus is better than GPT-4. But do the real-world tests show the same thing? Let's find out. --
5 Things To Know About Claude 3 - Anthropic’s New GPT 4 Killer
Anthropic's Claude 3 is here, potentially outperforming OpenAI's GPT-4. Early access reviews hint at its remarkable capabilities, setting new benchmarks in the AI field. This video covers the top 5 insights about Claude 3, including its AGI potential, acco
Claude 3: New AI model DESTROYS ChatGPT!
1 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
Don't watch the AI Revolution from the sidelines. Be part of it. Act now and join us: https://www.skool.com/new-society Follow me on Twitter - https://x.com/DavidOndrej1 Please Subscribe. Anthropic just released Claude 3: the best AI model in the world, su
Google Gemma Released | First look at the Technical Report
Google Gemma is here, their major open weights model to compete with Llama from Meta. 🦾 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/t4eYQRUcXB ☕ Buy me a Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/promptengineering |🔴 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PromptEngineering 💼Consulting:
Google Introduces First Open Model Gemma While ChatGPT Tweaks Out
Google unveils Gemma, its first open AI model, amid ChatGPT's technical mishaps and Gemini's controversy. This video explores the impact of Google's move towards open-source AI, the partnership with Hugging Face, and the broader implications for AI develop
How Bad is Gemma Compared to Mistral?
2 個月前
 • 11 次觀看
In this video, we will look at a comparison between Google's Gemma and Mistral-7B-Instruct LLMs on our custom tests. The tests will surprise you. 🦾 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/t4eYQRUcXB ☕ Buy me a Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/promptengineering |🔴 Pat
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NEW AI MODEL: Google is going Open-Source now?!
2 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
Don't watch the AI Revolution from the sidelines. Be part of it. Act now and join us: https://www.skool.com/new-society Follow me on Twitter - https://x.com/DavidOndrej1 Please Subscribe. Try Perplexity Labs: https://labs.perplexity.ai/ Google just release
The Fastest LLM Ever (and It's Not Gemini or ChatGPT)
Groq's new LLM project sets a groundbreaking speed benchmark in generative AI, offering near-instantaneous responses and redefining user experience. Explore how this development is reshaping perceptions and expanding the realm of AI possibilities. The AI B