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免費的基礎AI課程及銀髮族適用AI教學 這基礎課程 適合銀髮族、初學者! 教學 ChatGPT3.5免費版 | ChatGPT APP
歡迎來到GOGO的基礎AI課程及銀髮族 ChatGPT AI 教學,在本集中,我將深入介紹人工智能的基礎知識,回答我在無遠弗界教學教室官方LINE帳號上收到的一些最常見問題。許多人一直在問有關基礎AI課程的推薦,以及什麼樣的學習材料適合銀髮族。顯然,沒有人想在這個快速發展的AI世界裡被落下。 經過廣泛的研究,我意識到許多現有的課程相當昂貴,並不一定適合初學者。因此,我決定將我在一家傳統公司進行的一次受到好評的講座轉化為這個教學影片。我的目標是幫助你節省基礎課程的費用,並使你能夠在本影片中使用智能手機進行實操
【北農精彩演講】GOGO的基礎AI課程及銀髮族適用AI教學 這基礎課程 適合銀髮族、初學者! 教學 ChatGPT3.5免費版 | ChatGPT APP
歡迎來到GOGO的基礎AI課程及銀髮族 ChatGPT AI 教學,在本集中,我將深入介紹人工智能的基礎知識,回答我在無遠弗界教學教室官方LINE帳號上收到的一些最常見問題。許多人一直在問有關基礎AI課程的推薦,以及什麼樣的學習材料適合銀髮族。顯然,沒有人想在這個快速發展的AI世界裡被落下。 經過廣泛的研究,我意識到許多現有的課程相當昂貴,並不一定適合初學者。因此,我決定將我在一家傳統公司進行的一次受到好評的講座轉化為這個教學影片。我的目標是幫助你節省基礎課程的費用,並使你能夠在本影片中使用智能手機進行實操
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Google Gemini 核彈級的 GPT-4對手來了,這次能擊敗OpenAI嗎?內容為雙語字幕演示,評測,ChatGPT,gemini
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Sam Altman執行長被炒!OpenAI 開發者大會到底發生了什麼?
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GPT-4 OpenAI est là ! Et c'est une dinguerie ! Explications et démos
⁣Oui, le nouveau modèle IA GPT-4 de OpenAI est arrivé et il est possible de l'utiliser sous certaines conditions. Dans cette vidéo, je vous montre quelques démos de OpenAI ainsi que quelques tests que j'ai pu réaliser. Je vous indique aussi comment y accèd
GPT-4 : Napkin Developer
1 年前
 • 83 次觀看
GPT-4 is pretty impressive, especially with the new image parsing capabilities. That gap between AI and your job is closing, make sure to level up. #chatgpt #gpt4 #softwareengineer ▶️ coders won't SURVIVE in the new world - https://youtu.be/Y4jBxd_Rc4Q ▶️
OpenAI's ChatGPT API in Python first look
1 年前
 • 122 次觀看
First look at OpenAI's new API endpoint for the new GPT 3.5 model powering ChatGPT — gpt-3.5-turbo. We take a look at a few demos of the new endpoint in action, how we can use the new openai.ChatCompletion.create endpoint, and the parameters that come with
Прохожу СОБЕСЕДОВАНИЕ при помощи ChatGPT? 🥴
Телеграм-канал "Лоубанк в деле" - https://t.me/+JnGL7FZCs5dkN2Ni Разверни! Попробуй бот-аналог ChatGPT - https://t.me/chatsgpts_bot В конце декабря я уже делал ролик о том, что будет если наврать на собеседовании, однако в этот раз мы решили пойти по еще б
🔥 Melhor que o ChatGpt? - Nova I.A do Notion é Fantástica e GRÁTIS - ASSISTA!
Confira o vídeo sobre a nova IA do Notion, Notion AI! Será que ela é melhor do que o ChatGPT? Veja como isso funciona, e como ter acesso e faça parte do seleto grupo de pessoas que conhece essa super ferramenta. —— ⚠️ LINKS IMPORTANTES 🤖 Playlist A.I + Cha
ChatGPT vs Google é GUERRA! - Google LANÇA A.I BARD Concorrente do ChatGPT
O Google lança a sua nova ferramenta de IA, o Google BARD. Será que isso pode ameaçar a posição do ChatGPT? —— ⚠️ LINKS IMPORTANTES 🤖 Playlist A.I + ChatGPT 👇 👉 bit.ly/inteligenciaartificialrob 🧠MEU CURSO DE CHATGPT e A.I
Can Microsoft Use ChatGPT and Dall-E 2 to Become an AI Leader? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | WSJ
Microsoft is positioning itself to be at the forefront of artificial intelligence, spending billions to invest in OpenAI. But how does it plan to incorporate programs from the creator of ChatGPT and Dall-E 2? And how are competitors reacting? WSJ Micr
Is Chat GPT Protecting Groomers?
1 年前
 • 40 次觀看
AI is creepier than I thought… Don’t forget to like this video, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and ring the notification bell so you never miss a future upload! Become a DailyWire+ subscriber today to get exclusive weekly content! https://bit.ly/3U
Como ganhar R$ 200 POR HORA com Chat GPT
1 年前
 • 49 次觀看
200 reais por HORA com CHAT GPT🤖 Meu instagram: instagram.com/danielpenin A inteligência artificial está se tornando parte cada vez mais importante de nosso cotidiano. Auxiliando na resolução de tarefas diárias, essa tecnologia está tomando de
ChatGPT: The Next Level in Conversational AI
1 年前
 • 205 次觀看
►Try it: https://chat.openai.com/ ►OpenAI's blog post: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ ►What is GPT-3: https://youtu.be/gDDnTZchKec ►What is Reinforcement Learning: https://youtu.be/C5_NfQy_kZU ►Join our Discord community: https://www.louisbou
¡ESTO ES BRUTAL! | Probando ChatGPT
1 年前
 • 117 次觀看
ChatGPT es una Inteligencia Artificial con la que puedes tener conversaciones inteligentes y realistas, lo que abre un mundo de posibilidades en el futuro. Le puedes pedir que te ayude a programar, que escriba un texto o hasta que cree un plan de entrena
Open AI Gives us a Sneak Peak at GPT-4? - First Impressions & Examples of ChatGPT
The ChatGPT phenomenon refers to the use of a language model called ChatGPT to enhance online communication. ChatGPT is a variant of GPT-3, which is a powerful artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI. By using natural language processing an
Cómo usar CHATGPT ▶ TUTORIAL: Chatea con una Inteligencia Artificial GPT 3.5
En este TUTORIAL te explico como CREAR TEXTOS Y CÓDIGO con ChatGPT. Esta herramienta te permite generar cualquier tipo de lenguaje mientras chateas con ella. Descarga mi guía gratuita para Stable Diffusion: 👉 https://bit.ly/guia-stable-diffu