
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
Jeweler Breaks Down Affordable Celebrity Watches | GQ
Moses the Jeweler is back to critique some of the more affordable celebrity watches. From Tyler, the Creator's $30 Casio Quartz to Steph Curry's Movado Museum Classic, Moses the Jeweler breaks down the celebrity watches that lean more budget-friendly. 00:0
KEN Things Ryan Gosling Can't Live Without | GQ
9 個月前
 • 155 次觀看
"If you're a Ken, or Ken-curious, or just Ken-fused like I was, here are my top ten Ken-sentials to help you tap into your Kenergy." From a lightning headband and his roller blades to a surfboard and the watch he wears in Barbie Land, Ryan Gosling shares h
《銀翼殺手2049》、《刺激1995》、《1917》傳奇攝影師羅傑狄金斯回顧他的11部經典作品|明星的經典角色|GQ Taiwan
「如果你們不導的話我們就從此絕交。」奧斯卡獲獎電影攝影師羅傑·狄金斯(Roger Deakins)詳細介紹了他最具代表性的電影,包括《1917》、《司法爭鋒》、《刺激1995》、《怒火邊界》等。 00:00 intro 00:14 1917 03:04 私法爭鋒 06:16 刺激1995 07:49 怒火邊界 10:15 謀殺綠腳趾 12:22 險路勿近 16:17 007:空降危機 18:43 冰血暴 20:15 刺殺傑西 23:09 光影帝國 25:29 銀翼殺手 2049 譯者:this.bryan.
甄子丹回顧《葉問》、《詠春》等經典角色,回憶傳統武打片超瘋狂:「打到噴血縫針隔天繼續拍」|明星的經典角色|GQ Taiwan
甄子丹分解了他最具代表性的電影角色,包括《俠盜一號》、《黃飛鴻II:男兒當自強》、《詠春》、《葉問》系列等。 00:00 intro 00:33 俠盜一號 02:13 黃飛鴻II:男兒當自強 06:50 葉問系列 11:39 英雄 14:21 詠春 16:36 限制級戰警:重返極限 18:05 天龍八部之喬峯傳 譯者:Dutch 徐定遠 #明星的經典角色 #甄子丹 #葉問 【更多熱門主題推薦】 【刺青旅行】瘦子、Josh Lin分享自身刺青背後故事 ► http://bit.ly/3EAQHRy 【明星10
Paul Rudd Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | GQ
Paul Rudd breaks down his most iconic characters, including his roles in 'Anchorman,' 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin,' 'I Love You, Man,' 'Clueless,' 'Knocked Up,' 'This Is 40,' 'Wet Hot American Summer,' 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and 'Ant-Man.' Director - Robe
《復仇者聯盟》「戰爭機器」唐奇鐸回顧經典角色:《地球超人》、《瞞天過海》等|明星的經典角色|GQ Taiwan
唐·奇鐸(Don Cheadle)詳細介紹了他最具代表性的電影,包括《盧安達飯店》、《復仇者聯盟》等漫威系列、《瞞天過海》、《藍衣魔鬼》等。 00:00 intro 00:24 盧安達飯店 03:40 漫威電影宇宙 06:38 瞞天過海 08:44 藍衣魔鬼 11:23 新鮮王子妙事多 13:08 不羈夜 15:24 地球超人
職業獵人吐槽6部打獵電影:「好萊塢總是把獵人塑造成白痴」|經典電影大解密|GQ Taiwan
獵人上集指路 ► https://youtu.be/ag42kjT0CZw 專業獵人和追蹤師史蒂芬里內拉(Steven Rinella)分解了電影中的狩獵場景,包括《神鬼嚎野人》、《獵人》、《決殺令》、《飢餓遊戲》、《家有兩個爸X2》等。 00:00 intro 00:27 神鬼嚎野人 04:32 獵人 12:56 極地之王 18:32 決
【 火影忍者鐵粉認證 Zion Williamson 】 早在今年 4 月 Zion 就拋出了這個前所未有的合作,Jordan Brand x 火影忍者,不止一...
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Future Answers 7 Questions from Celebrity Friends (Julia Fox, DJ Khaled and Jack Harlow) | GQ
Future, GQ's May cover star and "The Best Rapper Alive," drops in to answer some burning questions his celebrity friends have for him. DJ Khaled is dying to know what the "future" looks like according to Future. Julia Fox is curious if he wants more ki
Tony Leung Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | GQ
Tony Leung breaks down his most iconic characters, including his roles in 'Chungking Express,' 'Happy Together,' 'Hard Boiled,' 'In the Mood for Love,' '2046,' 'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,' 'Hero,' 'The Grandmaster' and 'Lust, Caution.' 00:0
一般民眾不能坐消防車?救火英雄現身分析消防員電影畫面 Firefighter Breaks Down Firefighting Scenes from Movies|經典電影大解密|GQ Ta
台劇《火神的眼淚》正夯,來看真實的消防隊員分析好萊塢電影畫面! 知名駭客現身分析26部電影真實性►https://smarturl.it/0fdfki 消防員格雷戈里·謝潑德(Gregory Shepherd)分析了電影和電視中的消防場面,包括“史泰登島國王”,“浴火英雄”,“當我們「假」在一起”,“
Jude Law Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | GQ
Jude Law breaks down his most iconic roles, including his characters in 'The Talented Mr. Ripley,' 'Cold Mountain,' 'Gattaca,' 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence,' 'Closer,' 'Sherlock Holmes,' 'Contagion,' 'The Young Pope,' the 'Fantastic Beasts' series,
Tom Holland Replies to Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ
On this episode of Actually Me, 'Spider-Man' star Tom Holland goes undercover on the Internet and responds to real comments from Twitter, Reddit, Quora, YouTube and more. Does he drink a dozen cups of coffee a day? What is his skincare routine? Still haven
Hugh Grant Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | GQ
From 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' to (you know you've seen it) 'Bridget Jones's Diary' to (you knew it was coming) 'Love Actually,' the British actor walks us through his storied career. Still haven’t subscribed to GQ on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/