
1 天內
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1 年內
運動量★★☆☆☆ 難易度★★☆☆☆ 手軽さ★★★☆☆ *ヨガ初心者OK! *ヨガマットの準備をお願いします◎ この動画は背中を強くしなやかに動かして、固まってしまった背中をほぐすヨガの練習です。 ガチガチに固まってしまった背中を放置しておくと、肩こりや腰痛の原因にも… この動画では背中全体(首・肩・腰)をしっかり動かすので、ヨガが終わった後には背骨が楽にまっすぐ伸びる感覚を感じられると思います。 是非練習してみてくださいね! 《ヨガを始める前に》 ・食後は避け、空腹の状態で行いましょう。 ・体調が良い時に行
15 MIN FULL BODY STRETCH - Improve Mobility and Flexibility
Join ​⁠@MarieSteffen and I for a 15 min full body smooth stretch routine! This will help you recover faster and increase your range of motion. All you need is flat space, use a mat for extra comfort! Just remember, mobility is key for many HIIT and Strengt
Day 13: 30 Min SOLID UPPER BODY Workout with Dumbbells [Killer Drop Sets] // 6WS3
Download our FREE 6 Week Shred 3 Home Workout Program schedule: https://bit.ly/WorkoutSchedules Get access to ad-free and no-music (timers only) versions of our workout programs. Become a premium member today! Your membership helps support our channel so w
15 Min Sweaty Pilates HIIT | Full Body | Burn Fat + Tone Muscles, Feel Strong, No Repeat
Ready for a quick and effective Pilates HIIT workout. Let's do it! ❀Full Body Workout ❀Time: 40 sec on/ no rest Calorie Burn 150 - 200 Cal *The number of calories you burn will vary from person to person but this might serve as a guideline. ❀ My Supplement
Day 29: Full Body Strength & Power / HR12WEEK 4.0
2 個月前
 • 6 次觀看
Today's FULL BODY STRENGTH workout is loaded with dumbbell strength training exercises mixed with intense explosive movements for power! We are getting in a total body workout designed to build strength, improve endurance and increase power. Challenge your
45 MIN ISOMETRIC FULL BODY | Strong Full Body Workout | Deep Core Work | With Repeat | Deep Work
#45minfullbodyworkout #trainwithkaykay Hey team #everydawarrior, New 45 Min Isometric Full Body Workout - No Equipent, are you ready? ❤️ This Workout is designed for increasing strength and balance due to lots of static holds. Furthermore it increases our
25 MIN INTENSE FULL BODY HIIT and STRENGTH Workout + Weights, Home Workout with Dumbbells
An intense full body HIIT & Strength Workout with Weights to improve strength and overall fitness. Grab your medium sized dumbbells, a mat and water 💦 Feel the sweat drip, muscles burn and push it to your limit! Let’s do it! Team when you feel like quittin
Full Body Sculpt & Burn with Abs | 30 min At Home Pilates Workout
This full body sculpt & burn with abs pilates workout challenge will help you tone and burn body fat in 14 days. It's an intense 30 minute at home full body pilates workout and I challenge you to do this for 14 days and let me know how you do in the commen
Day 27: Upper Body Strength Supersets & AMRAP / HR12WEEK 4.0
In today's UPPER BODY STRENGTH workout we have four different strength supersets to make our way through. We will be targeting the arms, shoulders, chest and back. And just to make sure that we really get each of these muscle group we will add on a killer
正月太り解消🔥お腹の脂肪燃焼運動💨New Year lose belly fat exercise🌅
YouTubeメンバーシップでは7人制少人数グループでのダイエットサポートを開始しました! [特徴] ▶︎モチベーション:少人数制(7名)で一体感がある! ▶︎目標達成:1週間ごとに目標を決めるから無理なく達成できる! ▶︎課題解決:毎週のzoomミーティングで細かく課題を解決できる! 16年間ダイエットサポートを行なっている中で、現在考えられる最高の制度です! 🌟YouTubeメンバーシップ→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb4-om3UY151Hu1uCR8Q19Q/
30 MIN Total Arm Toning // HR12WEEK EXPRESS : Day 6
7 個月前
 • 42 次觀看
It's time for a Total Arm Toning Workout! We are working the biceps, triceps and shoulders today. We will combine dynamic, strength exercises with some killer, light weight, high-rep burnouts. Get ready to feel the burn in those arms! #HomeWorkout #HR12WEE
Day in my life | Arm & Shoulder Workout, Cooking my Favourite Dish, Best Dumplings in London.
WHOOP Fitness tracker: https://join.whoop.com/en-uk/breakthemould Back from Italy and getting my life together. My training routine and making one of my favourite dish, will i ever get married. CROSSLIFTR Training (Conventional or Crossfit Box) Program: ht
30 MIN FULL BODY MOBILITY WORKOUT | Daily Mobility Routine | Beginner Friendly | Feel Energized
#trainwithkaykay #mobility Hey team #everydaywarrior ✨ The requests were high for a new Mobility Sesh. So I just created this new 30 MIN full body mobility workout routine for you, to feel buttery smooth. It can be done whenever you feel like moving your b
Home Workout - 2 Min Full Body Cool Down Stretches
10 個月前
 • 52 次觀看
Incorporate these 2-minute full body cool down stretches into your post-workout routine for optimal recovery and flexibility. Stretching helps prevent muscle soreness and improves circulation. Join us as we guide you through a series of relaxing stretches
大部分的人認為瑜伽墊的功能,就只能在運動或伸展的時候使用嗎? 其實瑜伽墊在我們的日常生活中,是非常實用的,家中有老人或小孩的,可以鋪放在安全的地方,預防跌倒或...
大部分的人認為瑜伽墊的功能,就只能在運動或伸展的時候使用嗎? 其實瑜伽墊在我們的日常生活中,是非常實用的,家中有老人或小孩的,可以鋪放在安全的地方,預防跌倒或撞傷,冬暖夏涼可以隨時席地而坐,甚至可以當作一個休息片刻的小睡墊,所以瑜伽墊不只是運動及健身人的專利喔! 這款Lotus瑜珈健身墊,寬80公分、厚15mm之外材質也非常紮實👍 【GLORIA健身媽媽團購】3/13-3/19 LOTUS台灣製雙面壓紋環保無毒 NBR瑜珈健身墊15MM 超激厚、紮實止滑 含$199收納組(收納背袋+綁帶) 現貨免運 htt
Apple crumble or this peach crumble? 🤤
1 年前
 • 74 次觀看
All you need: - 1x tin of Peaches - 1/3 cup Rolled Oats - 1/4 cup Brown Sugar Replacement - 1/4 cup LEAN Protein Powder - 3 tbs agave Syrup - 2 tbs peanut Butter Method: 1. Preheat oven to 180°c 2. Place peaches in an oven safe dish 3. Stir together crumbl
『彼得日常』|初一十五土地公補運補財庫超靈驗!!|台南甜食EVE伊娃泡芙🍪,沒想到自己是個甜點控|Peter Lin彼得
今天要來跟大家分享自己的拜拜秘方😎 每到初一十五的時刻,自己就會在中午時刻來到土地公爺爺這裡跟爺爺們聊聊天,順道買他們愛吃的花生麻糬🥜來給他們吃😋 因為每個月都受到土地公爺爺們的愛戴與照顧 才能讓我能夠繼續有能力跟能量往前走 也繼續經營這個頻道😭 也謝謝大家
Joe Wicks 7th Annual Boxing Day HIIT Workout | 2022
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you had an amazing day. Thank for joining my 7th annual boxing day workout. This has become a yearly tradition on YouTube that I absolutely love. Lots of love, Joe x If you are ready to get fitter and stronger than ever
【VLOG 】沈浸式泡湯|苗栗不是美食沙漠|頭份爆紅美食-食測篇|噴汁湯包\爆肉餡餅\燒麻糬\看離槽水庫與300年古厝-地方媽媽Ellie的旅遊筆記Taiwan 台湾温泉♨️
影片一開始,先來去看水豚君(大誤) 一起來個“沉浸式泡湯”, 告別這一年,犒賞自己的儀式; 泡湯時喝的甘酒,之前有拍影片介紹過做法, 就是用米麴養出甜甜不含糖不含酒精的飲料~ 關鍵字: (自製甘糀甘酒-酵素滿載鳳梨船-精製糖的替代品) 聽說苗栗是美食沙漠, 其實我一