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30X the Performance!?
1 個月前
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Check out Paperlike 2.1 at: http://paperlike.com/techlinked ► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com ► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane ► LISTEN TO THE TECH NEWS: https://lmg.gg/TechLinkedPodcast ► SPONSORS, AFFILIATES, AND PARTNE
斯里蘭卡必去的八大景點懶人包|斯里蘭卡文化三角|錫吉里亞獅子岩、康提佛牙寺|雅拉野生國家公園|茶園火車|#斯里蘭卡 #斯里蘭卡特色 #斯里蘭卡景點 |斯里蘭卡必去
#斯里蘭卡 #斯里蘭卡旅行 #斯里蘭卡景點 斯里蘭卡必去的八大景點懶人包|斯里蘭卡文化三角|錫吉里亞獅子岩、康提佛牙寺|雅拉野生國家公園|茶園火車| 號稱印度洋上的珍珠之國,有座謀權篡位而建造的空中宮殿?佛陀悟道的菩提樹竟然飄洋過海到了這裡?不用到非洲就能探索各種野生動物?還有充滿歐洲殖民風格的堡壘小鎮?不要再說不知道要去哪裡玩啦!今天要跟大家分享八個斯里蘭卡必去景點,還有當地傳統美食喔~記得看到最後! 00:00 開場 00:26 斯里蘭卡歷史&斯里蘭卡文化三角 01:19 錫吉里亞獅子岩-Sigiriy
斯里蘭卡必去的八大景點懶人包|斯里蘭卡文化三角|錫吉里亞獅子岩、康提佛牙寺|雅拉野生國家公園|茶園火車|#斯里蘭卡 #斯里蘭卡特色 #斯里蘭卡景點 |斯里蘭卡必去
#斯里蘭卡 #斯里蘭卡旅行 #斯里蘭卡景點 斯里蘭卡必去的八大景點懶人包|斯里蘭卡文化三角|錫吉里亞獅子岩、康提佛牙寺|雅拉野生國家公園|茶園火車| 號稱印度洋上的珍珠之國,有座謀權篡位而建造的空中宮殿?佛陀悟道的菩提樹竟然飄洋過海到了這裡?不用到非洲就能探索各種野生動物?還有充滿歐洲殖民風格的堡壘小鎮?不要再說不知道要去哪裡玩啦!今天要跟大家分享八個斯里蘭卡必去景點,還有當地傳統美食喔~記得看到最後! 對旅遊知識有興趣的朋友 記得要訂閱頻道🔔按👍及分享! 我們會不定期更新不同類型的影片🐷 「好好旅行」頻道
AMD 最新 GPU MI300 大戰 NVIDIA GPU H100 誰更適合AI ?! NVIDIA 被後來居上了? 閒聊系列
AMD 最新 GPU MI300 大戰 NVIDIA GPU H100 誰更適合AI ?! NVIDIA 被後來居上了? 閒聊系列 AMD的MI300問世,很多人拿來跟NVIDIA的H100比較,而大家最關心的應該是AMD這款產品對AI方面應用的影響,因為AI現在最紅,而且很多領域都需要AI,所以目前這些「加速器」被華爾街或是大眾給評價好壞的指標自然就是對AI的能力啦! 今天阿財跟大家聊聊AMD 和 NVIDIA 兩者GPU或是說加速器的好壞,歡迎各路高手一起來聊天喔~
Post-Flight Inspections at Starbase - Rover 3
5 個月前
 • 19 次觀看
After the historic launch of Starship's IFT-2, crews move in to inspect the launch site. All images are explicitly owned by LabPadre Media and may not be used without written consent.
2023 PONANT夏古號 北極90度 浮冰北極熊21日
行者無疆旅行社 聯絡電話: 02-25000585 行程推薦: www.spirittour.com.tw 23 0905 AM 麗麗霍克冰川 #雙北極點 #西北航道
【全球大頭條】皮衣男來了!黃仁勳大秀輝達新一代超級晶片平台|早安進行式 #鏡新聞
輝達創辦人黃仁勳在昨日(8/8)晚上11點出席美國洛杉磯演講,大秀新一代超級晶片平台,更宣告生成式AI時代來臨。這個超級晶片實現每秒5TB的資料傳輸速度,比現有模型效能提升逾3.5倍,客戶可以減少機器設置或是更快完成任務。 (「鏡新聞」已上架凱擘、天外天與屏南有線電視系統86台,在中華電信MOD508頻道也可看到。) -- 鏡新聞YouTube👉https://reurl.cc/yrypNy 鏡新聞官方網站👉https://www.mnews.tw/ 鏡新聞Facebook👉https://www.face
WATCH LIVE🔴 - Starship Orbital Test Flight From Starbase, Texas - COMMENTARY
The highly anticipated inaugural launch of Starship and Superheavy has arrived! Our live coverage of this historic event will be accompanied by insightful commentary from Thomaseo1, Phila Kid, NateZ, CSI Starbase, and Stephen from Spaceflight Now. As soon
REPLAY - Starship Orbital Test Flight From Starbase, Texas - [SCRUBBED]
The highly anticipated inaugural launch of Starship and Superheavy has arrived! Our live coverage of this historic event will be accompanied by insightful commentary from Thomaseo1, Phila Kid, NateZ, CSI Starbase, and Stephen from Spaceflight Now. As soon
Musk Announces that Starship is "Ready for Launch" - Starbase Weekly Update #57
This week at Starbase we cover the latest updates from SpaceX's Starship development and testing. This includes the transportation of ship 24 to the launch site, testing of the FireX system, and the stacking of Starship ato complete another full stack. Sta
突急拜訪!輝達竟如此密會台積電,猛搶3nm GPU晶片大單。急見台灣各大供應商,狂買各類黑科技。英特爾、AMD,均把TSMC視為未來兵家必爭之地。為供貨中國,轉單更多5nm繪圖卡至H100顯示卡。
儘管台積電日前才在法人說明會釋出展望,但業界人士認為,魏哲家發信鼓勵員工放假,比法人說明會講再多都更具體,就是訂單更鬆了、不用那麼多人力,堪稱一錘定音,為走勢定調。 在英特爾執行長季辛格,AMD執行長蘇姿豐,前後腳訪台後,現有消息顯示,輝達CEO黃仁勳10月底也按
Stranger Things Season 4 Bloopers | Netflix
1 年前
 • 146 次觀看
These bloopers could single-handedly save me from Vecna. Season 4 bloopers have officially dropped. Watch Stranger Things, only on Netflix. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment servic
Stranger Things 4 | Becoming Vecna: A Behind the Scenes Look | Netflix
Screams in demogorgon: Get a behind the scenes look at the making of VECNA featuring Jamie Campbell Bower, Barrie Gower, the Duffer Brothers and more.
Stranger Things 4 | Eddie, This Is For You | Netflix
Eddie Munson: Master of Puppets, Master of D&D and Master of our hearts. 1-Acre Eddie Munson Corn Art by Stan Herd. Location: Somewhere in Indiana. Music: Master of Puppets - Metallica All episodes of Stranger Things 4 are now streaming, only on Netflix.
Stranger Things 4 | Stranger Things Cast Reacts to Max's Attic Scene | Netflix Geeked
Watching the ST4 cast react to Max’s dramatic attic scene for the first time has me in my feelings all over again. Sit down with the cast as they react to the iconic scene from Vol. 2 of Stranger Things 4.
來去澎湖跑Bar,Bar Hopper Vol.6|恩熙俊 Feat. 玖壹壹 健志KenG|Bar Hopper|
兩年沒來發現澎湖酒吧文化蓬勃發展中,跑Bar跑起來 ! ⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄ Facebook 連結:https://bit.ly/3P7ZCww YouTube 訂閱:https://goo.gl/jzuIpP ⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄⋄
Stranger Things 4 | Volume 2 Trailer | Netflix
1 年前
 • 159 次觀看
It might not work out for us this time. The epic 2-part season finale of Stranger Things 4 premieres 1st July, only on Netflix. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/39caHHE About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with 222 mil
Stranger Things 4: Everything You NEED to Remember! | Seasons 1-3 Recap
Stranger Things Season 4: Breakdown of everything you need to know before you watch. If you forgot what happened in the first three seasons, catch up quickly! Stranger Things recap: Whitney Van Laningham explains Seasons 1- 3 of Stranger Things. How di
Stranger Things 4 | ST Cast Recaps Seasons 1-3 | Netflix
Less than a week to go & the Stranger Things cast is here to get you caught up just in time for ST4. Stranger Things 4 Vol. 1 premieres May 27th, only on Netflix. Watch Stranger Things, Only on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/strangerthings p.s. Stra