
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
DO NOT play Gray Zone Warfare on the GTX 1650.....
GZW running on the GTX 1650 4GB GDDR5 at 1080p, 720p, 540p, 360p and 240p, using the lowest settings! ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ Intro, Specs, Stuff - 0:00 1080p Lowest - 0:41 1080p Lowest / FSR Quality - 3:05 1080p Lowest / FSR Quality / FG - 4:27 1080p Lowest / FSR
Gray Zone Warfare "Destroys" the RTX 4060 !
2 天前
 • 1 次觀看
GZW running on the RTX 4060 8GB graphics card at 1080p, using the Epic, High, Medium and Low settings and DLSS / Frame Generation! ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ Intro, Specs, Stuff - 0:00 1080p Epic / DLAA - 0:36 1080p Epic - 4:16 1080p Epic / DLSS Quality - 4:44 1080p E
RTX 4080 SUPER - Gray Zone Warfare
1 天前
 • 4 次觀看
GZW running on the RTX 4080 Super 16GB graphics card at 1440p and 4K resolutions, using the Epic settings, with and without DLSS / Frame Generation! ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ Intro, Specs, Stuff - 0:00 4K Epic / DLAA - 0:36 4K Epic / DLSS Quality - 3:59 4K Epic / DLS
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Minix最新產品評測 | Z100-0dB Mini PC | C1 H1 Wireless Display Dongle | P4K Charger | SF16 Portable Monitor
今日同大家介紹Minix最新5款產品 ➀ Neo Z100 odb fanless Mini PC ➁ C1 USB-C to HDMI Wireless Display Dongle ➂ H1 HDMI to HDMI Wireless Display Dongle ➃ P4K GaN Charger HUB 4K ➄ SF16 SRGB Portable Monitor (Touch Edition) 如果對以上產品有咩問題,可以隨是問我 ———————————————————— 本集分段內容: 0:4
『燃油不死 or 純電享受』BMW 520i 與 i5 之間該如何選擇?【新車試駕 】
我們去年底試駕過BMW全新G60系i5電動車,數個月後總代理汎德導入燃油版的520i,在動力、配備及感受上有何差異又該如何選擇?究竟是燃油車不死還是真香定律,讓我們繼續看下去! #bmw #5series #燃油不死 主持人:邢男 邢雨龍 攝影、剪輯:鄭登元 「秀愛車」歡迎投稿私訊車水馬龍網、邢男 邢雨龍臉書粉專即可報名! 敬請「訂閱」我們頻道,並按讚、開啟小鈴鐺喔! 「車水馬龍網」官方網站 http://www.maloncars.com 「邢男 邢雨龍」FB粉專按讚 http://www.faceboo
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【新車試駕】BMW 520i M Sport|全新第8代5系列 運動&舒適一次擁有!【7Car小七車觀點】
新在哪裡? 外觀: ●BMW 5-Series 擁有達到 5 米旗艦級距的 5,060mm 車長,車寬與車高則分別增加至 1,900mm與1,515mm,相較舊款 G30 世代分別增加了 97mm、32mm、36mm,軸距則增加 20mm 達到 2,995mm 的表現。 ●車頭引擎蓋採用全新垂直式 Air Curtain 氣簾設計。 ●BMW 520i M Sport 外觀細節與純電版 i5 僅有些微的細節差異,其中 520i M Sport 的鍍鉻水箱罩造型與 i5 eDrive 40 M Sport 造
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RX 7600 Launch Leak, Intel’s Apocalyptic Earnings, Zen 5 Recap, AMD Strix vs MTL | April Loose Ends
I leak new info on Navi 33 RX 7600, discuss Intel Q1 2023 earnings, and take Zen 5 Q&A! [SPON: Get a FREE 256GB SSD at Micro Center: https://micro.center/z4a ] [SPON: Save $200 on the Apple MacBook Pro – Space Gray: https://micro.center/igl ] [SPON: Get $2
AMD Zen 5 Strix Halo Leak: Killing Nvidia Laptops & MTL Adamantine! (+ RTX 4070 Sales Update)
I leak Zen 5 Strix Point, Hawk Point, Fire Range, Intel Meteor Lake Adamantine, and more! [SPON: Click http://www.athleticgreens.com/brokensilicon to support MLID and get a 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D3K2 & 5 travel packs FREE with your fir
RTX 4070 AIB Relief, Zen 5 16C Stagnation, RDNA 3 Reboot, Nvidia Blackwell | March Loose Ends
Tom provides final RTX 4070 launch updates, and answers AMD / Nvidia / Intel Questions Live! [SPON: Save 20% off Vance Global Products w/ code “brokensilicon”: https://vance-global.com/ ] 0:00 Intro Babble 1:46 RTX 4070 Pricing, Supply, AIB Relief Update!
RTX 4070 Ti - The Last Of Us
1 年前
 • 81 次觀看
Benchmark of TLOU Part I on the RTX 4070 Ti 12GB at 1920x1080, 2560x1440 and 3840x2160 resolutions, using Ultra settings with and without DLSS! ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ Intro, Specs, Stuff - 0:00 1440p Ultra - 0:39 1440p Ultra / DLSS Quality - 5:55 4K Ultra - 8:31 4
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【電競懶人包】MSI 微星也出路由器了!RadiX AX6600發佈會重點整理。
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Intel vs AMD Price War, Sapphire Rapids vs EPYC Genoa, i9-13900KS | Level1Techs | Broken Silicon 189
Wendell joins to discuss Xeon, EPYC, 13th Gen Releases, Threadripper, and more! [SPON: dieshrink = 3% off Everything, brokensilicon = 25% off Windows: https://biitt.ly/shbSk ] [SPON: Get 10% off Vite Ramen AND a FREE Pack w/ “MOORESLAW”: htt