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Meet Insta360 X4 - Magic in Action
2 週前
 • 15 次觀看
Back and better than ever. This is Insta360 X4, our 8K-ready, 360° action cam ✨ ✅ Incredible 8K30fps 360° cinematic video ✅ 5.7K60fps and 4K100fps 360° Video, plus Me Mode at 120fps for mind-blowing slow motion ✅ All-new Removable Lens Guards + rugged desi
Insta360 Ace Pro 25樣你必須知道的事 (含大量影片samples)
官網購買Insta360 ACE PRO:https://www.insta360.com/sal/ace-pro?insrc=INR3Z81 00:00 Insta360 ACE PRO 評測 00:23 夜拍 01:10 日拍 01:38 Leica鏡 02:02 Ace及Ace Pro 02:35 相機類型 02:56 4K/120 03:33 開箱 05:10 新配件 05:44 尺寸/機身設計 06:25 Active HDR 06:57 屏幕 07:25 手勢控制 07:58 對焦距離 08:2
Insta360 Ace Pro 最詳細評測!AI ChatGPT Camera!Active HDR| 最新低光拍攝PureVideo| 好玩 AI Warp |AI 自動剪接#cc字幕 #廣東話
Insta360 又出最新機種!呢個係全新系列叫Insta360 Ace Pro ! 呢集比較詳細!因為佢實在太多嘢玩啦!AI ChatGPT Camera!Active HDR| 最近低光拍攝PureVideo| 好玩 AI Warp 特別效果|AI 自動剪接完全不經人手 4K120fps | FreeFrame | 2.4吋反轉觸控螢幕,真係多到講唔晒。不如即刻去片睇吓我詳細嘅介紹啦。 #廣東話 #insta360 #acepro#運動相機 #cc字幕 如果大家有興趣可以到以下網址參考和購買~ 多謝支持
Insta360 X3 - Four Seasons, One Backpack: An Outdoor Travel Adventure (ft. Gimbal Guru)
Get your Insta360 X3 here: https://bit.ly/X3_yt Check out these easy cinematic shots before heading out on your next trip with @gimbalguru360! Take your shots to the next level with the Invisible Selfie Stick and capture your outdoor adventures for every s
Introducing the Insta360 X3 Car Kit
7 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
🚗 + Insta360 cameras = match made in heaven 🙌 So we made it better... Introducing our all-new Triple Suction Cup Car Mount! A truly premium build delivers high stability and performance, unlocking new car video perspectives. Easy-to-use suction cups with a
MotoVlogging with the NEW Insta360 GO 3
10 個月前
 • 46 次觀看
Insta360 just launched the NEW GO 3!! Let's take a dive into its new features and how they can benefit us Moto Feelerz USE MY AFFILIATE LINK and purchase your own Insta360 GO 3: https://bit.ly/44mtQ6f or on Amazon (US only): https://amzn.to/3NvUCm8 GO 3 Qu
Insta360 GO Japan - 5 Best Features of GO 3 (ft. Andras Ra)
Our all-new GO 3 camera is here! Join @AndrasRa_ as he takes on the best of Japan, showing off just how much GO 3 can handle! Effortlessly use the GO 3 with its included Magnet Pendant to capture immersive POVs through busy night streets (with upgraded low
Insta360 GO 3 ! 大躍進升級!自帶反轉屏幕|冇錄影時間限制|改善散熱問題| 增加續航力| 2.7K 解析度|色彩變得更自然!詳細介紹#cc字幕 #廣東話
Insta360 GO 系列再添新成員!今次嚟到 GO 3! 一改之前存在的問題! Action Pod 自帶反轉屏幕,拍Vlog 高角度遙距取景更方便,再沒有錄影時間限制,而且改善了散熱的問題, 續航能力亦都增加左!色彩更配有多個Filter俾大家選擇。想知畫質同埋功能係點?即刻睇吓我呢一集嘅介紹啦! #廣東話 #insta360 #go3 #運動相機 #cc字幕 如果大家有興趣可以到以下網址參考和購買~ 多謝支持本頻道: https://www.insta360.com/sal/go-3?insrc=I
Introducing Insta360 GO 3 - The Tiny Mighty Action Cam
Order today for free shipping 👉 https://bit.ly/Insta360_GO3 Unleash your creativity with Insta360 GO 3, the tiny mighty action cam. Weighing just 35g in a thumb-sized magnetic body, you can mount the camera anywhere for hands-free POVs and unique angles. T
Insta360 X3半年後還值得入手嗎?5 個在旅行時需要它的理由!! ft.firmware 重大更新解說#cc字幕 #廣東話
Insta360 X3 已經出了半年的時間,到底現在還值得入手嗎? 今集將會同大家分享使用它5個在旅行拍攝上使用的理由! 同場加映最新firmware 重大更新解說!而家終於可以喺手機上面做編輯,並放在電腦上匯出4K畫面了! #廣東話 #insta360 #運動相機 #cc字幕 如果大家有興趣可以到以下網址參考和購買~ 多謝支持本頻道: https://www.insta360.com/sal/x3?insrc=INRNV0C 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道 : https://www.youtube.com/奇積K
Insta360 X3 - 3 Epic Travel Shot Ideas (ft. Sebastian Schieren)
Don't worry if you're traveling alone — X3 is the only companion you need! Found yourself in the beautiful islands of Indonesia? 🏝️ @SebastianSchieren has some awesome shot ideas to help you capture your solo adventures. Learn the best settings, mounts and
Pokémon Ga-Olé - | 節慶企劃 | 💉護士節特別企劃💉 拿寶可夢中心喬一身旁的寶可夢玩樂,竟然意外達成多成就?氣勢999?手推大師?前輩?到底哪一個,祝各位護理師護士節快樂 #抽獎
#insta360onex2 #寶可夢加傲樂 #sega卡片遊戲 #寶可夢 #pokemon #gaole #頭大工作室 #rush1彈 #護士節 #六福村 想加入頭大工作室嗎? 請先看以下的連結說明喔! https://reurl.cc/deolyM 抽獎: 留言時間到下禮拜一剪片完就會抽~然後會放在影片中! 成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJF2vFJxI_PoLPhfFbFcAcQ/join ---------------------
尋找台灣南部峽谷飛龍,溪降大師集合中|探險威狼 Wilang Explorer |溪降|秘境|霧台鄉|屏東秘境|飛龍瀑布|Vlog 254 feat.@1HanVlog
大家好,我是威狼 而我們這次的行程就是屏東霧台鄉的『飛龍瀑布』 是一座獨特有靈氣的的瀑布 它介於佳暮和大武村交界 隱身在隘寮溪谷裡 要抵達這邊非常輕鬆 溯溪只要一小時既可抵達 而我們今天是用溪降的方式前往 沿途可以看見飛龍他媽媽 大大小小的瀑布與峽谷 接續來到飛龍神殿與超大S型瀑布 最後就抵達飛龍瀑布 因為枯水期與砂石堆積 所以深水潭變小了 大家可以趁豐水期再來玩水 這次非常感謝林教練的邀約 他也有溪降頻道 @1HanVlog 大家趕快去訂閱 也感謝彤彤、ivy兩位教練的協助 還有一同前往的錢他彭有們 太久
Insta360 Flow - Epic Parkour, Legendary Cameraman
Get your Insta360 Flow and learn more: https://bit.ly/yt_FlowLaunch Never miss a beat with Insta360 Flow. The parkour was 🔥 but the cameraman was the real hero. Flow keeps up with the action and keeps footage smooth as silk, even when you're scaling walls
Insta360 新機種?!Insta360 Flow!攝影快槍手!一步即刻做到開機,連接藍牙,調整平衡, 開啟應用程式?!內建三腳架超實際#廣東話#cc字幕
Insta360今次又搞搞新意思,推出一個佢哋嘅全新機種:Insta360 Flow ! 佢是一款AI驅動的智能手機穩定器,可輕鬆進行移動拍攝和剪輯。Insta360 Flow 匯集了 3 軸向穩定、AI 跟踪以及內置自拍杆和三腳架,將手機提升為便攜式內容創作工具。 而且最吸引就係一步快拍功能,真係唔使1秒就可以即刻應用到。試過相信係市面而家最快嘅手機穩定器暗!究竟佢有幾厲害?睇吓呢集就知啦! #insta360 # 手機穩定器#flow #cc字幕 #廣東話 如果大家有興趣可以到以下網址參考和購買~ 多謝
Introducing Insta360 Flow - The AI Tracking Smartphone Stabilizer
Shop the all-new Insta360 Flow: https://bit.ly/yt_FlowLaunch Create like a pro with Insta360 Flow, the AI tracking smartphone stabilizer. With next-generation subject tracking, professional-level stabilization and a built-in tripod AND selfie stick, Flow i
Insta360 Flow - The All-in-One Gimbal for Creators (ft. Chris Hau)
Shop Insta360 Flow and learn more: https://bit.ly/yt_FlowLaunch Meet the all-in-one smartphone stabilizer, Insta360 Flow💫 With 3-axis stabilization and next-level AI tracking, say goodbye shakes, hello Hollywood 🎥 Whether you're vlogging, playing basketbal
Il miglior GADGET per iPhone - Insta360 Flow
1 年前
 • 127 次觀看
La mia prova di Insta360 Flow in anteprima Insta360 Flow: https://bit.ly/3lYg21g Il mio canale Telegram: https://t.me/pAGOmenooffertetech La mia vetrina Amazon: https://www.amazon.it/shop/manuelagostini Seguimi su Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manue
Insta360 X3 - 8 Must-Try Travel Video Ideas (ft. Man From Earth)
Get your X3 here: https://bit.ly/X3_yt Feeling creative? @man.fromearth is here with 8 awesome shots to make your travel videos stand out from the crowd 👌 Which one will you try first? 0:00 Intro 0:07 Back to Front 0:22 Bullet Time 0:36 Tiny Planet 0:55 Fa