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初階工程師如何面對 AI 造成的衝擊
3 週前
 • 51 次觀看
現在除了自己在帶的團隊 也在面試遇過各種類型的人才 AI 的出現確實能取代初階工程師的許多底層工作 在業務逐漸複雜跟備受挑戰的狀況下 我確實也停止了招聘初階工程師(AI 並非主因,但有些許關聯) 影片的後半段 希望能帶給初階工程師一些 AI 使用技巧 去提升額外的這些附加技能 我相信能夠讓這個圈子更好! 影片中提到的 zero shot, few shot, CoT 參考 1. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.11916.pdf 2. https://www.promptingguid
Devin is here to take Software job
1 個月前
 • 13 次觀看
Welcome to a youtube channel dedicated to programming and coding related tutorials. We talk about tech, write code, discuss about cloud and devops. That’s what we do all day, all year. Get all source code for react application: https://github.com/hiteshcho
This Isn't Just A Chatbot (OpenAI Should Be Scared...)
I heard nvidia was doing some chat bot stuff, but Chat With RTX ended up being much more interesting than I expected. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a fascinating new technique and I'm curious how we see it adopted over time. Compared to ChatGPT a
A Deeper Look at OpenAI's Sora
2 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
OpenAI is on a roll. From ChatGPT to Dall-E to...Sora? Interesting choice of name. Regardless, the quality of the video generation I'm seeing here is insane enough to genuinely scare me. Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg SOURCES h
BREAKING: Figma Might Be Doomed
4 個月前
 • 19 次觀看
Figma's an incredibly important tool for all us web and app devs. The Adobe deal ending is very scary. Not just for Figma, but for the entire world of start ups. How do y'all feel about the EU jumping in on stuff like this? Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Di
專攻資安的白帽駭客帶你看懂:暗網是什麼?駭客也分黑白兩道?|名人專業問答|GQ Taiwan
白帽駭客青山桃子在日文版的 Tech Support 中揭秘有關駭客、資安等問題。她作為日立集團數位業務核心之一的日立集團安全精英團隊的成員,並被選為「全球活躍在網路安全行業的 50 名女性領導人」之一,輕請觀賞由她為我們帶來的白帽駭客問題解答。 Timecode: 00:00 intro 00:27 會像電影演的那樣 即時抵禦駭客嗎? 01:26 「駭客」「怪客 」「白帽駭客」之間有什麼分別? 02:14 跟「怪客」之間的貓捉老鼠 是要玩到什麼時候呢? 02:47 有哪些事情是日常活中應該要注意做好的?
I could NEVER have predicted the new OpenAI CEO...
5 個月前
 • 18 次觀看
Well, I guess Emmett is CEO of OpenAI now. I could never in a million years have predicted this, but at least I can be useful. My experience at Twitch has never felt more relevant. Nor has Candyland.
5 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
...I give up. Sam Altman is now a CEO at Microsoft. OpenAI will continue working with them. Greg is going there too. I have no idea what to expect. Well done, Satya, well done.
Why OpenAI Un-Fired Their CEO
5 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
I did NOT think OpenAI would flip this quickly. What a wild story. Sam Altman is clearly well loved by his team. ChatGPT, write me a Netflix script for a documentary about OpenAI's board firing their CEO Steve Jobs style, only to have him return days later
OpenAI Just Fired Their CEO
5 個月前
 • 13 次觀看
OpenAI and ChatGPT have changed the world in short time. It seems like that wasn't enough to keep them from canning Sam Altman :( Blog post: https://openai.com/blog/openai-announces-leadership-transition Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https:
Github Is Changing
5 個月前
 • 16 次觀看
Github's new direction is...interesting. Getting weird vibes from their Github Universe announcements. As much as I love Copilot and AI stuff, I am not sure it's the right direction. Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg S/O Ph4seOn3
Introducing the New Solana JavaScript SDK @solana/web3.js [Solana Tutorial] - Sept 28th '23
Did you know that there is a new Solana JavaScript SDK being developed? I spent 3h figuring out how to send a transaction such that you don't have to ;) The code I wrote in this video: https://github.com/loopcreativeandy/video-tutorial-resources/blob/main/
Han cometido un error monumental en Unity
7 個月前
 • 31 次觀看
Estaremos comentando y hablando sobre el desaste que hay en Unity y como esto como desarrolladores nos puede afectar bastante. ▶ No te pierdas más directos en: https://www.twitch.tv/midudev ▶ Discord de la Comunidad: https://discord.gg/midudev
The Unity Drama (A Dev's Perspective)
7 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
Unity is a decent game engine. It's a bit rougher as a company. I'm scared to think about how this will affect the industry ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): http
宅男工程師如何交女友? 女工程師的戀愛觀大公開! Ft.凱心琳 @kodeplay_untyped
身為軟體工程師 不乏最常見的就是內向專心衝技術的宅宅 經營 YT 至今 不少觀眾跑來問我「宅男工程師如何交女友?」 今天這集,只有我講不夠客觀 我們特地邀請在軟體開發界的女工程師來頻道分享啦 宅男工程師要怎麼破圈找到另一半? 關鍵就在這支影片裡啦,一起來看看吧! 喔對了,想追女工程師嗎?方法都在這支影片了! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 本影片言論純屬個人主觀意見,僅供各位參考 如果你還是追不到另一半,也許需要問問月老 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、直播留言
ChatGPT Functions - Full Tutorial for using OpenAI Functions
Learn OpenAI ChatGPT Functions and how to properly integrate them. In this video I'll cover Chat GPT functions and how to integrate ai into function calling. ChatGPT Function can be used to talk directly between your terminal and request Open AI to call sp
我如何面對最低潮的這三個月...? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
抱歉大家,幾個月沒上片了 主要是我很難得會有進入低潮期的時候,但還是掉進去了... 現在的我重新燃起動力,也完成了階段性的里程碑 謝謝大家一路以來的支持! 這支影片的最後,想回饋給最支持我的你們! 片尾活動辦法詳細請在課程開課後 Follow 臉書粉專 ━━━━━ 特別感謝 Feat 合作伙伴 ━━━━━ 【程人頻道】 (Podcast)開發者如何升級?快速學習新技能!工程師職涯計劃。 https://www.techporn.io/podcast/7cb79d57-099d-4ae3-b24f-7156d
OpenAI Embeddings and Vector Databases Crash Course
9 個月前
 • 37 次觀看
Embeddings and Vectors are a great way of storing and retrieving information for use with AI services. OpenAI provides a great embedding API to do this. Postman lets you make these with easy at https://www.postman.com/ (today's sponsor) In this video we wi
為什麼我不去接案公司?軟體工程師的分析與心得! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
軟體工程師的職涯道路選擇有很多種,從技術的前端、後端、Mobile 等等 公司的種類也會影響你在職涯當中 Domain Know How 的累積 人生很多時候是刪去法,先找到不喜歡的,勝過不知道怎麼選 所以我在能加入的眾多公司類型中,從職涯初期的規劃 就會刻意排掉接案公司,其中的原因就跟我一起來看看影片吧! 也歡迎底下留言理性討論囉! ScreenBar Halo 商品連結:https://benqurl.biz/3MG0NVI ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、直