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下載PDF檔案請上網搜尋「何必日語」 何必博士免費LINE@學日語: https://lin.ee/YpCHhgz 何必博士telegram學日語 :https://t.me/hobi568 臉書社團免費學日語: 何必博士 日語線上教學課程 從五十音初級入門到高級日語 日本語能力試驗 日文檢定 jlpt 日本留學代辦 日語學校代辦 日本專門學校代辦
1 Hour Simple Japanese Listening - Anime, Manga, Game
This video is useful for listening and shadowing practice using simple Japanese. ✅You can display subtitles by pressing the subtitle button. ✅Don't forget to click the good button and subscribe! The first half is a slow voice with furigana, and the second
Complete Coverage of 1248 Genre-Specific Japanese Nouns
In this video, I have combined all the videos I have created on my channel about Japanese nouns into one video. These nouns have been selected for their frequent use in Japanese, and do not include words that are too difficult or rarely used. These videos
【日本旅行必備】別再被當觀光客! 用這35句日語,在日本土產店大顯身手!| Ep.194
▶贊助支持:https://bit.ly/2XPtRCT ▶【加入頻道會員】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl-bOC-5Sjb0-vEigSlCvqw/join ▶【下載PDF】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjlanguages/extras ▶持續學習請訂閱我們的頻道 https://www.youtube.com/@mjjapanese ▶背景擷取於【 @JJhongShih 】 ▶【Spotify/Apple Podcast/Go
Japanese Podcast|日本人は【チカンに敬語 Keigo】で話します|Listening Practice 聴解 #japanesepodcast #日本語ポッドキャスト
#japanesepodcast #日本語ポッドキャスト #japaneselanguage #nihongoclass #jlpt_n2_reading #jlpt_n2_vocabulary #jlpt_n2 #jlpt_n1 #jlpt_n2_kanji ▶JLPT N2 N1 Listen 聴解 ちょうかい Vocabulary 語彙 ごい Reading 読解 どっかい 日本語能力試験 =========== 【ビジネス日本語】【Reading どっかい】 🌸わたしの【Online Lessons
【日本旅遊必備】餐廳日語會話,預約與點餐的關鍵短語!| Ep.192
▶贊助支持:https://bit.ly/2XPtRCT ▶【加入頻道會員】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl-bOC-5Sjb0-vEigSlCvqw/join ▶【下載PDF】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjlanguages/extras ▶持續學習請訂閱我們的頻道 https://www.youtube.com/@mjjapanese ▶背景擷取於【 @JJhongShih 】 ▶【Spotify/Apple Podcast/Go
日本旅遊必看!| 日本商店流暢結帳 45句日語會話實用指南!| Ep.191
▶贊助支持:https://bit.ly/2XPtRCT ▶【加入頻道會員】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl-bOC-5Sjb0-vEigSlCvqw/join ▶【下載PDF】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjlanguages/extras ▶持續學習請訂閱我們的頻道 https://www.youtube.com/@mjjapanese ▶背景擷取於【 @JJhongShih 】 ▶【Spotify/Apple Podcast/Go
Native Japanese Podcast【日本人のLOVE♥恋愛】肉食系女子と草食系男子|Listening Practice 聴解 #japanesepodcast #日本語ポッドキャスト
#japanesepodcast #日本語ポッドキャスト #japaneselanguage #nihongoclass #jlpt_n2_reading #jlpt_n2_vocabulary #jlpt_n2 #jlpt_n1 #jlpt_n2_kanji ▶JLPT N2 N1 Listen 聴解 ちょうかい Vocabulary 語彙 ごい Reading 読解 どっかい 日本語能力試験 =========== 【ビジネス日本語】【Reading どっかい】 🌸わたしの【Online Lessons
Japanese Podcast【敬語】話せる?女子からモテる?野球部VSバスケ部|SLAM DUNK|Rui Hachimura 佐々木麟太郎#japanesepodcast #日本語ポッドキャスト
#japanesepodcast #日本語ポッドキャスト #slamdunk #ruihachimura #shoheiohtani #佐々木麟太郎 #japaneselanguage #nihongoclass #jlpt_n2_reading #jlpt_n2_vocabulary #jlpt_n2 #jlpt_n1 #jlpt_n2_kanji ▶JLPT N2 N1 Listen 聴解 ちょうかい Vocabulary 語彙 ごい Reading 読解 どっかい 日本語能力試験 ==========
1 Hour Simple Japanese Listening - Japan Tourist Attractions
This video is useful for listening and shadowing practice using simple Japanese. ✅You can display subtitles by pressing the subtitle button. ✅Don't forget to click the good button and subscribe! The first half is a slow voice with furigana, and the second
【Premiere】Listening Practice #15: Reasons why I started my Japanese Youtube Channel.
🌸 Welcome to my engaging Japanese language lesson! 🔍 In today's inspiring episode, delve into: 🎌 My personal story: How I became a Japanese teacher and launched a YouTube channel. 🌏 Relatable insights to fuel your language learning motivation. 🖥 Essential
【Beneficial】Listening Practice #13: How to Master Japanese Particles & Nuances.
🌏 Welcome to a transformative journey in Japanese language learning! 🌟 In this video, you'll experience with: 1️⃣ In-depth exploration of common misunderstandings and subtle nuances in Japanese particles, illuminating their practical usage. 2️⃣ Expert stra
【Practical】Listening Practice #11: My Daily Routine.
🚆 Welcome to my engaging Japanese language lesson! Dive into this video to: 🌸 Follow my typical Friday from morning till night. 🌟 Learn essential Japanese expressions that are perfect for casual chats and crucial for acing the JLPT speaking section. 🌍 Disc
【Enchanting】Listening Practice #10: Explore Japan's Secret Heaven “Tokunoshima”.
🌟 Welcome to Japanese Podcast with my special episode! In this video, you will: 🌄 Uncover Japan's hidden treasures beyond the well-known cities. Dive into the serene beauty of Tokunoshima, a secret gem waiting to be explored. Share your discoveries with fr
日本遊客來台灣,覺得哪個部分最棒呢?他們最喜歡的食物?抵達台灣機場,感覺簡直...!? 👋我是來自日本的Haru老師。在這十幾年的教學經驗當中,我發現有些“錯誤的日語”是台灣學生特有的,因此我要把焦點集中在台灣學生常搞錯的種種日語說法,偷偷告訴你到底怎麼說比較正確。若有疑問或要我提到的文法,語彙等等問題,可以留言一下哦!日本語学習者の皆さん、こんにちは!ご視聴いただき、ありがとうございます! Hi, I'm Haru! I'm Japanese, but I've been teaching Japanes
聽歌自學日語免費課程推薦 無敵鐵金剛歌詞日文翻譯講解
下載PDF檔案請上網搜尋「何必日語」 何必博士免費LINE@學日語: https://lin.ee/YpCHhgz 何必博士telegram學日語 :https://t.me/hobi568 臉書社團免費學日語: 何必博士 日語線上教學課程 從五十音初級入門到高級日語 日本語能力試驗 日文檢定 jlpt 日本留學代辦 日語學校代辦 日本專門學校代辦
Efficiently Complete 500 Japanese Verbs You Must Know
In this video, I have carefully selected the 500 most important Japanese verbs. If you master the verbs in this video, your Japanese language skills will improve dramatically! This video is level-based, so you can study according to your level! 👇Exclusive
5 個月前
 • 13 次觀看
載PDF檔案請上網搜尋「何必日語」 何必博士免費LINE@學日語: https://lin.ee/YpCHhgz 何必博士telegram學日語 :https://t.me/hobi568 臉書社團免費學日語: 何必博士 日語線上教學課程 從五十音初級入門到高級日語 日本語能力試驗 日文檢定 jlpt 日本留學代辦 日語學校代辦 日本專門學校代辦