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⚙️瓦干達稱霸世界的秘密:黑豹8大最酷科技盤點|基莫由珠的由來|瓦干達出遊戲我一定買爆|Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
🔥瓦干達這8樣科技讓世界看不到車尾燈!黑豹最酷科技盤點! 🔥基莫由珠的由來竟然是這個?每個瓦干達人出生都有一顆? 🔥這個科技不做成遊戲太可惜?醫療科技也太強大?新影片一次告訴你! 我們在前幾天推出了最新的黑豹2解析影片,分享了我們為何認為瓦干達「成也黑豹,敗
黑豹2 瓦干達萬歲 十點吐槽有雷影評【羅比】
#黑豹2 #瓦干達萬歲 #黑豹2瓦干達萬歲 # 羅比頻道訂閱者募集中👉 http://goo.gl/4YzOjF 我的臉書粉專👉 羅比頻道 我的IG帳號👉 robbie_ins 成為我的line好友👉 https://lin.ee/ywu3eTz 商業合作邀請信箱👉 robbielintw@gmail.com 近期影片: 流浪之月 影評 Wandering【
🐈‍⬛成也黑豹敗也黑豹:帝查拉死後沒人扛的起?劇透|片尾的意思|先祖之地原來是這裡|Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
🔥瓦干達成也黑豹,敗也黑豹?千年制度拖垮強權? 🔥感人歸感人,但電影最大的致命傷在這! 🔥片尾是什麼意思?新的國王竟然是他?先祖之地到底是哪裡?新影片一次告訴你! 2020年8月28日,一個新聞震驚了全球的影迷:在漫威電影宇宙中飾演黑豹/帝查拉的影星查德維克・博斯
告別之後-黑豹2:瓦干達萬歲〈Black Panther: Wakanda Forever〉
《黑豹2瓦干達萬歲》影評!片尾彩蛋超感動讓人哭爆!|VS MEDIAx@羅比頻道
#VSMEDIA #原創授權 ✔羅比頻道👉 https://reurl.cc/eW676W #黑豹2 🆚創作者全面徵稿中 ▶https://goo.gl/ISUxJs 🆚按讚VS MEDIA臉書 ▶ https://goo.gl/9jdXjA
獨/《黑豹2》嚴防劇透「舒莉乾脆裝傻」 娜奇雅笑:想害我被開除嗎?
✔️訂閱星光雲YT:https://bit.ly/2T7r9l0 ✔️加入頻道會員:https://bit.ly/2Y2LD2N ᴍᴏʀᴇ▸熱播綜藝:https://bit.ly/3iKkz1F ᴍᴏʀᴇ▸娛樂新聞:https://bit.ly/38hXwHO ᴍᴏʀᴇ▸韓星爆爆:https://bit.ly/397y5HR ᴍᴏʀᴇ▸天王到你家:https://bit.ly/3Of
黑豹2 瓦干達萬歲 影評 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever【羅比】
#黑豹2 #瓦干達萬歲 #黑豹2瓦干達萬歲 #blackpanther2 羅比頻道訂閱者募集中👉 http://goo.gl/4YzOjF 我的臉書粉專👉 羅比頻道 我的IG帳號👉 robbie_ins 成為我的line好友👉 https://lin.ee/ywu3eTz 商業合作邀請信箱👉 robbielintw@gmail.com 近期影片: 王儲的抉擇 第
The 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' Cast on Sharing Grief and Building New Worlds
'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' closes out the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 4 with a bang, but it had to overcome enormous challenges to make it to the big screen. The tragic death of star Chadwick Boseman, aka King T'Challa, not only meant the s
漫威宇宙第五階段佈局靠他《黑豹2》含淚危機處理帝查拉和新角色發展_Black Panther: Wakanda Forever【電癮好選喆Top movie picks】
#blackpantherwakandaforever #blackpanther #wakandaforever #黑豹2 #瓦干達萬歲 #漫威 #簡立喆 #mcu #marvel 《黑豹2:瓦干達萬歲》(英語:Black Panther: Wakanda Forever)是一部將於2022年上映的美國超級英雄電影,改編自漫威漫畫旗下的超級英雄黑豹。本片由漫威影業製
Best Black Panther Moments | Countdown
1 年前
 • 116 次觀看
Wakanda Forever! We're counting down the best Black Panther moments throughout the MCU. BUY THE MOVIES: Captain America: Civil War: https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/Captain-America-Civil-War/744550?cmp=Movieclips_YT_Description Black
《黑豹2》見證口風最緊的超級英雄🙅🏾‍♀️MARVEL佈局走心的感性時刻_Black Panther Wakanda Forever【電癮好選喆Top movie picks】
#blackpantherwakandaforever #blackpanther #wakandaforever #黑豹2 #瓦干達萬歲 #漫威 #簡立喆 《黑豹2:瓦干達萬歲》(英語:Black Panther: Wakanda Forever)是一部將於2022年上映的美國超級英雄電影,改編自漫威漫畫旗下的超級英雄黑豹。本片由漫威影業製作,並由華特迪
#BlackPanther2 #blackpantherwakandaforever #chadwickboseman 懷念查德威克💖 https://youtu.be/VQt_bTNmOBk 更多漫威英雄💖https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZkITK9pr_lIyL_jujIk660z7jRSuLuF9 🍿訂閱【爆米花看電影】頻道影片:https://popcornmoviestw.pro
Everything You Need to Know About 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' | The Ketchup
Plans for the sequel to 2018's massively popular 'Black Panther' shifted dramatically when star Chadwick Boseman, aka King T'Challa, sadly passed away due to colon cancer. Marvel pressed on, choosing not to recast Boseman, and two years later, 'Black P
Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever - Official Teaser Trailer (Lupita Nyong'o) | Comic Con 2022
Marvel Studios released the first trailer for Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever at San Diego Comic-Con 2022. The Ryan Coogler-directed sequel stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Martin Freeman, and Tenoch Huerta in hi
THE SILENT TWINS - Official Trailer [HD] - Only in Theaters September 16
Silence was their bond. Imagination set them free. Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrance star in #TheSilentTwins, only in theaters September 16. THE SILENT TWINS is the astounding true story of twin sisters who only communicated with one another. As a
‘Small Axe’ Stars Letitia Wright & Shaun Parkes On the Power of Steve McQueen’s Vision
’12 Years A Slave,’ ‘Shame,’ and ‘Widows’ director Steve McQueen has delivered what many consider his most ambitious work yet in the five-part anthology series ‘Small Axe.’ The project, which airs on BBC One in the U.K. and is released one epi
How to do the 'Black Panther' Handshake | All Access
'Black Panther' stars Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, and Letitia Wright discuss seeing the impact the movie had on the fans and attempt to teach Fandango correspondent Nikki Novak how to properly do the famous T'Challa and Shuri handshake. Watch More
Letitia Wright as Shuri in 'Black Panther' | Scene Stealers
We sat down with Letitia Wright who plays Shuri in 'Black Panther' to learn more about her scene-stealing role and preparation for the character. Watch More: ► New on RT: http://bit.ly/2D4vReA ► Exclusive Interviews: http://bit.ly/2APqfQl ► Rotten
Black Mirror | Featurette: Metalhead | Netflix
6 年前
 • 167 次觀看
Anyone there? Hello? Six new stories from Charlie Brooker are now streaming on Netflix.