
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
Shopping Trips Compilation🎵supermarket, Daiso, drug store, goodies shop in Japan
A summary of my February shopping trips! I have shown the clips in my January vlogs, but putting them together again for my friends who only like to watch shopping trips 😎🛒🎵 Please skip this if this is not your cup of tea. 🍵 Favorite Gadgets 🌼Hario Leaf Te
Driving To An Artificial Island In Japan
2 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
I accept donations here as well: https://streamlabs.com/sorathetroll I appreciate the donations from the bottom of my heart. So I'll 100% read the comments with donations. (ここだけの話、日本人/日本に住んでいる人のコメント結構読むようにしてるんで日本の方も日本語でコメントしていただいたら割と読めるかもです) If you want to
Japan Enters Recession; Japan Q4 GDP Shrinks 0.4% DESCRIPTION:
Japan's economy has slipped into recession, contracting for two consecutive quarters due to weak domestic demand. This downturn has cast a doubt on the central bank's plans to exit its ultra-easy policy this year. Japan’s unexpectedly weak economy in the f
Tokyo New Years Countdown 2023
3 個月前
 • 25 次觀看
I accept donations here as well: https://streamlabs.com/sorathetroll I appreciate the donations from the bottom of my heart. So I'll 100% read the comments with donations. (ここだけの話、日本人/日本に住んでいる人のコメント結構読むようにしてるんで日本の方も日本語でコメントしていただいたら割と読めるかもです) If you want to
What a Supermarket in Japan is Really Like
4 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
Get 10% off with my link on Squarespace - https://squarespace.com/paolofromtokyo This is a Japanese Grocery Store Supermarket Tour in Tokyo Japan. I’ve always wanted to show you inside of a Japanese supermarket and I finally got permission. So I’m going to
Day in the Life of a Japanese Street Fighter 6 Game Planner
A Day in the Life of a Japanese Capcom Game Planner working on Street Fighter Six in Osaka Japan. This is everyday Japanese work culture and work hours for a Game Developer at Capcom, one of the top video game companies in all of Japan. Founded in 1979, Ca
Taiwan's Most Beautiful Hike - Jiaming Lake
10 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
One of the most beautiful summits I've made! Was a really special experience going hiking in a new country. I really hope to come back in the future. Thanks for having me Taiwan! Up next, New Zealand! Thank you again to Javier for helping me with planning,
謝謝你看我的視頻♡ 我住在漂浮在瀨戶內海的四國·香川縣的島“粟島”。 我訪問了樹齡1200年的大樹“大楠”和有“天空花田”的“志々島”和作為“猫飛翔的島”而受歡迎的“佐柳島” 😊 充滿魄力,讓人感受到悠久時間的大楠。 在那棵大樹進入視野的瞬間,沒有人會不發出驚訝和感歎的聲音吧。 莊嚴而神秘的空間蔓延開來,在那個地方度過的事真的是很棒的體驗✨ 島上的人們被精心保養的“天空花田”也是絕景。 美麗的花朵和很多島嶼的景色,就是樂園本身✨ 志々島。 雖然是個小島,但是是個很厲害的地方。 真的來了真是太好了☺️ 然後,
Day in the Life of a Japanese Game Illustrator
1 年前
 • 93 次觀看
A day in the life of a Japanese Square Enix Game Illustrator. Square Enix is one of the top video game developers in Japan, creating ultra popular titles known-worldwide such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and making it all happen, 3700 hard worki
Day in the Life of a Japanese Waitress
1 年前
 • 120 次觀看
A day in the life of a Japanese waitress in Tokyo working at a Japanese teppanyaki restaurant. This is a typical work day for a waitress in the Japanese food industry and the typical working hours in Japan. This is a look inside of Japanese work culture
日本生活vlog⛅夏日煙火祭典、無印良品家居好物!蔥抓餅披薩版🍕吉野家晚餐|Celia Tokyo vlog 日本生活
日本東京vlog⛅夏日煙火祭典、無印良品家居好物!時髦耳骨夾戰利品、蔥抓餅披薩版🍕吉野家晚餐|Celia Tokyo vlog 日本生活 👉 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/celialife_/ 合作信箱|ceal1226@gmail.com - - ☁每週日努力更新中🎬 大家好~我是目前住在日本的Celia
Japanese Costco Family Shopping Trip E.38
2 年前
 • 151 次觀看
Visit https://www.kiwico.com/tokyozebra to get 30% off your first month of any subscription! We're back at Costco shopping for gathering we're having soon. Check out our family on Instagram as well @tokyo.zebra ( https://www.instagram.com/tokyo.zebra ) G
日本旅遊|週末賞櫻小旅行🌸尾道拉麵、愜意文青商店街、狐狸喫茶咖啡店|celia vlog
日本旅遊vlog|週末賞櫻小旅行🌸尾道拉麵、愜意文青商店街、狐狸喫茶咖啡店|celia vlog 00:00 影片預告 00:26 今日穿搭OOTD 02:00 搭乘電車前往尾道旅行 03:46 尾道賞櫻花 05:30 尾道商店街 平時都在 Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/celialife_/ 合作信箱|ceal1
I'm getting nervous // My first seminar in Japanese ever and I'm freaking out!!
**Please turn on the subtitles to watch our videos in your preferred language! Today I'm in Nishinomiya, Hyogo in Japan. I wanted to do some sightseeing and turn this into a little family trip in Japan. However, the purpose of my trip was to participate
【Celia旅日本】搭飛機去雪國新潟!飯糰王國之旅、温泉咖啡、雲朵蛋糕捲、樂桃航空、Celia vlog
00:00 影片預告 00:23 樂桃航空大阪關西國內機場 05:00 抵達新潟機場 06:32 新潟車站、買東北五日周遊券 07:05 新潟車站鐵路便當 09:03 CoCoLo湯澤、爆彈飯糰 12:39 温泉咖啡、雲朵蛋糕捲 15:26 越後NASPA 平時都在 Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/celialife_/ 合作信箱|ceal1226@gmail.com - - 🌷每週日努力更新中🎬 大家好~我是Celia 分享週末日常 與下班後的煮飯日常 在平淡的
【日本旅遊】京都自由行、體驗京都高級旅館、京都車站拉麵小路、浪漫京都夜景、抹茶提拉米蘇 00:00 大阪旅館check out 00:56 大阪梅田車站出發到京都 02:56 京都車站 03:53 京都高級旅館check in 05:12 旅館免費提供甜點抹茶提拉米蘇 06:52 開箱京都旅館 10:03 京都塔、拉麵小
【日本旅遊】大阪梅田地下街、最靈驗戀愛神社、阪急百貨蓬萊包子551、散步悠閒大阪北浜河岸、河岸咖啡館、超市購物 00:00 旅館check out 01:00 散步大阪北浜 02:15 北浜河岸咖啡 Moto coffee 04:23 前往大阪梅田旅館 Nest Hotel 06:47 大阪最靈驗戀愛神社--露天神社 10:00 大
【日本旅遊】疫情下大阪心齋橋、道頓崛、章魚燒、超驚艷商店街美食、廣島到大阪之四日旅Day 1
【日本旅遊】疫情下大阪心齋橋、道頓崛、章魚燒、超驚艷商店街美食、廣島到大阪之四日旅Day 1 00:00 廣島出發至大阪旅遊 01:38 大阪梅田 02:48 心齋橋商店街美食 06:50 大阪旅館 Hotel androoms 08:00 心齋橋、道頓崛 12:16 回旅館享用晚餐 平時都在 Instagram 👉 https://w