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grok:musk开源X的千亿大模型grok 1.0,在开源大模型领域排名第一,强于mistral8*7b、meta的llama70b和google的gemma
grok:musk开源X的千亿大模型grok 1.0,在开源大模型领域排名第一,强于mistral8*7b、meta的llama70b和google的gemma
Obs157|用Copilot外掛使用本地AI模型服務-使用Ollama與LM Studio | GitHub開源、免費、強大、便利
Copilot外掛提供了下列 11 種 LLMs(Large Language Model,大型語言模型)的整合: 1. GPT-3.5 2. GPT-3.5 16K 3. GPT-4 4. GPT-4 TURBO (預設) 5. GPT-4 32K 6. Azure OpenAI 7. Claude 3 8. Gemini Pro 9. OpenRouter.AI 10. OLLMA (Local) 11. LM Studio (Local) 其中的OLLMA與LM Studio都是能安裝在本機的本地模型
【全集】陸兩會「維穩」不准賣股票?基金經理人喊「割肉也得走」山雨欲來? - 【57新聞王】20240227
00:00 陸兩會「維穩」不准賣股票?基金經理人喊「割肉也得走」山雨欲來? 11:30 聯發科MWC「放大絕」抗三星、榮耀!「天璣9300火力秀」靠AI產值翻? 23:31 朱國榮潛逃「女友全家」都有事? 揭「囂張雙煞拍光碟」跨海勒索內幕! 34:55 陸艇翻覆「新凹痕」揭真相!? 解放軍喊話「點燈驅魔」決戰金門? 李強首份工作報告「今年目標GDP不妙」?兩會「搞低調」鞏固習核心? 人、錢、航班3丟「吞經濟歸零膏」!「江蘇、四川、湖南大潤發」連環倒! 高通拋出「AI Hub」瞄準開發財?手機大模型能「多輪來
陸兩會「維穩」不准賣股票?基金經理人喊「割肉也得走」山雨欲來?@57newsking #shorts
全集:https://youtu.be/dKWEmP4ofYY #中國 #經濟 #習近平 #高通 #MWC #AI手機 #朱國榮 #潛逃 #國寶集團 #中國漁船 #漁民 #海巡署
NVIDIA'S NEW OFFLINE GPT! Chat with RTX | Crash Course Guide
Nvidia has released their new private GPT chatbot called to Chat with RTX. This quick video shows you how to download, install and use it. It's very simple and super powerful. You can ask the AI about documents, folders, PDFs, Docs, Videos and more! By the
付费频道订阅:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUGLhcs3-3y_yhZZsgRzrzw/join 国产大模型,就是小镇做题家。四处刷排行榜,四处刷题,取得了超出实际能力的名次。刷题,取得高分,算是作弊吗?可耻吗? 0:00 我在大模型出来的早期,就预测跑分是个创业方向。大模型为什么要跑分? 2:45 小镇做题家的宿命 5:15 手机跑分和大模型跑分的差异 10:33 国产大模型的跑分。刷题可耻吗? 14:45 应用了大模型之后,效果在很长时间内,都没法明确显现 16:
付费频道订阅:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUGLhcs3-3y_yhZZsgRzrzw/join 李开复创建的零一万物,推出YI模型被指LLMA套壳,和刚刚入职零一万物的老朋友聊聊,这背后到底有什么故事。创新工场最后的遗产,YI模型,开源LLM,到底怎么玩儿? 0:00 零一万物大模型套壳、抄袭,究竟怎么回事? 12:50 零一万物模型评分高是不是因为刷题了? 19:13 LLMA怎么规定开源协议? 23:50 开源大模型到底开源了什么? 26:39 零一的YI模型使
MrBeast is a Meta AI
7 個月前
 • 33 次觀看
Save up to $850 on OriginPC’s lineup of laptops and up to $350 on their pre-built desktops this September at https://lmg.gg/OriginPCTLSept ► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com ► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane ► LISTEN TO THE
Meta Just Blew Everyone's Minds!
7 個月前
 • 34 次觀看
Meta had some major announcements today that have huge implications on the AI world. Here's the breakdown. Discover More From Me: 🛠️ Explore hundreds of AI Tools: https://futuretools.io/ 📰 Weekly Newsletter: https://www.futuretools.io/newsletter 😊 Discord
LLama 2 LLM for PDF Invoice Data Extraction
7 個月前
 • 27 次觀看
I show how you can extract data from text PDF invoice using LLama2 LLM model running on a free Colab GPU instance. I specifically explain how you can improve data retrieval using carefully crafted prompts. Sparrow - data extraction from documents with ML:
Build an API for LLM Inference using Rust: Super Fast on CPU
In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the process of building an API for Large Language Models (LLMs) inference using Rust. You'll be amazed at how fast and efficient this can be on your CPU. We'll dive into the 'LLM' library by Rustformers, exploring it
Meta Hands Out Free Llamas
9 個月前
 • 87 次觀看
Print products with your own designs! Visit VistaPrint at https://lmg.gg/vistaprint ►► LTX 2023 TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW: https://lmg.gg/ltx23 ► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com ► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: https://lmg.gg/lttfloatplane ► LISTEN TO TH
🔥 Llama 2 the BEST AI model from META is FREE | FREE AI tools | Large Language Model
Meta and Microsoft Introduce the Next Generation of Llama. They made it open source so the complete code is available for you to try. In this video I have shared the details about the model. Recent breakthroughs in AI, and generative AI in particular, have
Microsoft, Zalando, LLaMA 2, Schildkröten-Roboter | Kurz informiert vom 19.07.2023 by heise online
kurz informiert liefert werktäglich die wichtigsten Nachrichten zu IT, Mobilem, Gadgets, Netzpolitik & Wissenschaft. Mehr Infos zu den heutigen Themen: 1. Microsoft-KI https://heise.de/-9220365 2. Zalando https://heise.de/-9220492 3. Metas LLaMA 2 https://
MetaAI Llama 2 LLM Is Here Free and Open Source 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Meta AI just introduced Llama 2. Llama 2 is available for free for research and commercial use.This release includes model weights and starting code for pretrained and fine-tuned Llama language models — ranging from 7B to 70B parameters. Llama 2 was pretra
Llama 2 is here - Bad for coding, good for roleplay
9 個月前
 • 48 次觀看
Llama 2 release, open source and free. Online - https://llama2.ai/ Download - https://huggingface.co/TheBloke How to run AI model on your PC: Koboldcpp (CPU) - https://youtu.be/_kRy6UfTYgs Oobabooga WebUI (GPU) - https://youtu.be/c1PAggIGAXo GPT4All (CPU)
LLAMA 2: El modelo OPEN SOURCE que une a META y MICROSOFT 🚀 ¡Pruébalo GRATIS!
Meta libera LLAMA 2. El primer modelo de Meta 100% Open Source disponible para uso comercial. ¡Y a Microsoft le gusta! Descubre sus características y cómo probarlo gratis. 📕 Descarga mi guía gratuita para crear contenido con IA 👉 https://snip.ly/guia-IA EN
Meta Unleashes Llama 2 : Empowering Commercial Applications with Open Source AI
Llama 2 is a large language model (LLM) developed by Meta AI. It is available for free for research and commercial use. Llama 2 is pre-trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creat
Llama 2: All you need to know about Meta’s new AI model
Meta has announced a new AI model called Llama 2, which is trained on a mix of publicly available data. Llama 2 is available for free for research and commercial use, and it comes in two formats: Llama 2 and Llama 2-Chat. #MetaAI #Llama2 #Chatbots #zeebusi