
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
China is NOT What My Italian Family Expected 老外家人感嘆,如果不來中國,真不敢想象真實的中國是這樣的
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Follow us o
My Italian Family Getting Ears Cleaned in China for the First Time 带老外家人第一次来中国成都,体验采耳按摩,全程都是懵的!
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Follow us o
My Italian Family Visited the Chengdu Panda Base for the First Time 家人第一次來中國,終於看到大熊貓,老富感嘆這是他的榮幸!
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Follow us o
My Italian Family Tried Spicy Hot Pot in Chengdu for the First Time 帶家人第一次在成都吃火鍋,非要挑戰成都辣椒,最後哭著離開!
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Follow us o
My Italian Family Was Shocked to see This in Shanghai for the First Time 帶家人第一次去上海外灘,看到啥都好奇!
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Follow us o
KFC vs Shake Shack in China: Does Fast Food Taste Better in China? 在中國,美國肯德基和原版肯德基對比,區別真的那麼大嗎?
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Do yo
What is China like during the recent COVID Outbreak? 我被隔離了?老外體驗驚心動魄12小時,中國的疫情防控真牛逼
Hi!My name is Rachele and I am an Italian expat living in China for the last 5- 6 years , Luca is Chinese and we are an Italian- Chinese couple based in Hangzhou, China! If you enjoy seeing expat life in China, please subscribe to our channel ! Do yo