
1 天內
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1 年內
VLOG: shopping in NYC, djerf avenue pop up, easter sunday, pastaramen date night + more
Thank you Helix for sponsoring! Visit https://helixsleep.com/gretchen to get 20% off your Helix mattress, plus two free pillows. Offers subject to change. #helixsleep black elwood hoodie https://bit.ly/3ZCW4bR black alo tank https://bit.ly/3VARAT3 anine bi
【Lululemon合集】2024春夏8件新品156cm開箱測評|最美皮膚衣不要錯過!|矮個子必買的Lululemon褲子| 最值得嘗試的單品|日常必备的款式 |時尚運動穿搭 |尺码建议|顯高穿搭|
hi,大家好,这个lulu测评是之前拍好没有剪出来的,有些单品已经没有了🥹但是下一年还会有的,可以提前看提前想好,因为很多热门单品很快就卖完或者断码了!这次最令我惊艳的是皮肤衣!不用买卡戴珊家的皮肤衣了!!这个太舒服了!还有那些适合矮个子的裤子~~ 超多宝藏单品,10几套时尚和日常穿搭~~ 不要错过哦!! 一起看下去吧! 欢迎大家订阅我的频道, 给我点赞o( ̄▽ ̄)d 你们的支持是我最大的动力(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ 谢谢大家♪(・ω・)ノ 我的身高 Height:156cm 体重Weight 100Ib 鞋码
⭐️在这里也能找到我-FOLLOW ME⭐️ ▪️Instagram: jessieishere0930 ▪️Bilibili: jessieishere ▪️Xiaohongshu: jessieishere ▪️Business Inquiries: jessiema0930@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- ⬇️视频中的单品信息 ⬇️ ▪️灰色长裤:1688叶乐服饰 ✨LILYSILK
//【穿搭】Lululemon瑜伽界的精品!Align瑜伽褲x運動上衣x慢跑褲開箱&尺寸分享,瑜伽墊、彈力帶、滾筒yoga健身周邊~// 全球運動風潮襲捲 運動穿搭也是我平常喜歡的look 假日帶小孩去運動場、學校或是戶外放風我都常穿運動服~ 運動時尚界的精品lululemon 它的魅力穿過的人都懂啊! 不僅長度、尺碼分類得很詳盡 就連運動類型都會做區分 像是日常瑜伽、慢跑、登山、單車、重訓… 以不同的運動強度 搭配適當等級的材質 讓運動服的附加價值更高 穿起來就像客製化一樣! 現在運動時尚已經深入日常生活
【穿搭改造】運動單品也能穿去上班?這樣混搭得體又有鬆弛感👍 | 運動褲休閒穿搭 | 上班穿搭 | 2024早春穿搭 | 乾貨分享 | 小鄭杰西卡
【穿搭改造】運動單品也能穿去上班?這樣混搭得體又有鬆弛感👍 | 運動褲休閒穿搭 | 上班穿搭 | 2024早春穿搭 | 乾貨分享 | 小鄭杰西卡 ✨ 購買 HOW TO GET : 我身高1.66米,體重112斤 胸圍:83cm/33inch,腰圍:71cm/28inch,臀圍:91cm/35.8inch,肩寬:42cm/16.5inch ➡️ 00:24 Before 🏷️ Goelia 内搭白色羊毛衫(我穿L): https://rstyle.me/+QaN-f5PZm6Lrx5aWy_F0gg 專屬折
3 stocks to watch: Lululemon, Abercrombie & Fitch, Costco
Despite rising interest rates and inflation, consumer spending stayed strong in 2023. But not all retailers benefited from that resiliency. Three stocks are standing out —Lululemon (LULU), Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF), and Costco (COST). Watch the video above
【錢線百分百】20231229完整版(下集)《年終獎金加倍賺! "少了0" 自己拚回來?!智慧城市新生力軍! "5G智慧杆"藏大商機!》│非凡財經新聞│
00:00 2024產業閱兵秀 "AI.電動車.奧運"鳴禮炮 14:49 年終獎金加倍賺! "少了0" 自己拚回來?! 27:30 智慧城市新生力軍! "5G智慧杆"藏大商機! 非凡新聞台、台視財經台【錢線百分百】週一~週五 晚間21點(首播) 晚間12點半(重播) #20231229錢線影片#陳龍#許博傑#胡毓#蔡明翰 更多內容 敬請鎖定 【非凡新聞台】【非凡商業台】 錢線百分百粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/ustv.money100 非凡電視台粉絲團 https://www.
涼涼天氣穿出質感!終究還是買了三宅一生HOMME PLISSE✨ 初秋3樣質感衣物開箱|家庭兄弟
大家開始準備秋冬了嗎🍂💫 找到在「版型 跟 質料」上有所著墨的單品 一起度過2023年的最後兩個月吧😆✨ 然後記得下週HARE聯名款一定要期待起來🫶🔥 我們下週見~✨ --- 【 2023 涼涼天氣穿出質感!3樣質感服飾開箱介紹 】 lululemon Scuba Oversized 官網:https://www.lululemon.com.hk/zh-hk/p/scuba-oversized-高領半拉鍊式運動衫/prod10850250.html?dwvar_prod10850250_color=4373
Outlet Shopping Adventure: Lululemon, Ugg, and More! 🛍️
Join us on a fun-filled day at the outlet mall where we hunt for the best deals at Lululemon, Ugg, and other top brands! From cozy vests to hilarious moments, this shopping vlog has it all. Plus, watch till the end for a mini-haul of our favorite finds. Do
lululemon fall essentials | try on haul
6 個月前
 • 34 次觀看
@lululemon #lululemoncreator #ad Back with another lululemon haul of course! This time I have a bunch of great fall pieces that I know you'll love! From pants to jackets to tops: Define Jacket Luon: https://go.magik.ly/ml/1xbmq/ Align High-Rise Mini-Flared
THE BIGGEST LULULEMON ORDER I’VE EVER MADE?! | lululemon try on haul | Fall 2023
THE BIGGEST LULULEMON ORDER I’VE EVER MADE?! | lululemon try on haul | Fall 2023 I’m back with another lululemon try on haul! This is my first try on haul after having my baby and I’m happy to be back making these videos. I’ve picked up a lot of fall piece
🍂秋冬穿搭|美拉德|clean fit|万能公式|重复搭配|运动休闲|牛仔裤|skims分享|lululemon|lilysilk|madewell
🧵视频的时间线及产品信息🧵 0:00 intro 1:00 skims Skims cotton rib t-shirt (长度刚好,剪裁很显身材,百搭且面料柔软) https://rstyle.me/+onN2ACWZI9tByIl2Yxnhjw https://rstyle.me/+Vke1e_1qR32nW3Bi4k32qA (同款背心) COTTON JERSEY LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT https://rstyle.me/+VNa5pahjdjEE4oebs4trtw FITS E
The Shockingly Comfortable ABC Pant: Ft. Wayne Gretzky, DK Metcalf, and Casey Neistat
Serious stretch. Unreal room. And remarkable tailoring to conceal it all. Your legs deserve ABC. Get into it: https://shop.lululemon.com/c/men-pants/_/N-7ubZ1z0xss9
這也泰有誠意了吧! 曼谷最好買的百貨公司centralwOrld探店合輯 I 尚泰世界購物中心 I 路客Luke
又放假了xD,特地跑去centralwOrld打探了兩家全新開業的店,也盤點了我超愛的一家泰國本土店的TOP10熱賣單品。除了教大家如何乘車攻略,更有過期不候的優惠券大禮包領取辦法,當然,影片的末尾有驚喜 歡迎訂閱我的頻道 👉 https://bit.ly/3eDxMI7 快速解鎖centralwOrld好逛店鋪* .................................... 00:00 交通攻略 01:16 我超愛的泰國本土店 03:13 領取迎賓大禮包 04:30 尚泰世界限定的店 05:0
Lets see if there is anything good this week! #lululemon #lululemonoutlets #comealongwithme #minivlo
Follow on TT & IG @mckennahashcroft shop products here: https://shopmy.us/mckennahashcroft all other links here: https://hoo.be/happilykenna Lets see if there is anything good this week! #lululemon #lululemonoutlets #comealongwithme #minivlog #shoppinghaul
Looters hit Philadelphia Apple, Foot Locker & Lululemon stores; at least 15 arrested in mass chaos
A group of young looters created havoc in Philadelphia on Tuesday night, stealing from several stores in a spree that is unrelated to earlier peaceful protests over a judge’s decision to drop charges against a cop who fatally shot Eddie Irizarry, police sa
The History of Lululemon
7 個月前
 • 48 次觀看
Patreon (Exclusive Episodes): https://patreon.com/threaducation?utm... Lululemon is everywhere - but where did it come from? The seemingly overnight sensation is actually decades in the making, and in this episode of Threaducation, I'll be tracing it back
My MASSIVE Lululemon Collection | What's Worth Buying?
In this video I share ALL of my Lululemon pieces and give my opinion on if I think they're worth buying or not, enjoy! Items: ABC Slim Pants (5 Pocket Pant) - https://rstyle.me/+dRDPt4OWFLL4Abu9vXsELw Relaxed Tapered Trouser - https://rstyle.me/+9FgSA3Wp9M
8 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
My sister and I went shopping at Lululemon 🛒! Tags: Pinterest girly preppy pink that girl aesthetic it girl coquette Lululemon scuba hoodie shopping strawberry milkshake ke vlog