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Insta360 X4 - No Drone? No Problem! Hawaii Edition (ft. Mercedes & Nathan)
Buy Insta360 X4, the brand-new 8K 360 action camera with free shipping: https://bit.ly/Insta360X4_ Mercedes Cava and Nathan Roque proving why life looks better with Insta360 X4. Has paradise ever looked this good?! 🙌 ✅ Incredible 8K30fps 360° cinematic vid
Is It Wrong to Kill a Fish? - Spearfishing in Hawaii with Kimi Werner
Joining @kimiwerner, we delve into the ocean depths in search of sustenance for her son Buddy while engaging in a fascinating discussion about ethics, values, conservation, and Kimi's profound and intimate bond with the ocean. Merch ALERT!! The Makai T - h
#HR時事 #夏威夷野火 👉🏻這當下該有多無助 🥺 @ tag 有在關注這起事件的朋友 👉🏻 發生什麼事? 今年夏天,世界各地氣候災害頻傳 上週夏威夷茂宜島...
#HR時事 #夏威夷野火 👉🏻這當下該有多無助 🥺 @ tag 有在關注這起事件的朋友 👉🏻 發生什麼事? 今年夏天,世界各地氣候災害頻傳 上週夏威夷茂宜島(Maui)就遭遇 嚴重的野火襲擊 火勢快速又猛烈 讓擁有 200 多年歷史 曾是夏威夷王國首都的拉海納(Lahaina) 迅速被燒成廢墟 許多人混亂之中逃生不及 使這場災難成為美國 21 世紀傷亡最嚴重的野火事件 👉🏻 警報沒有響 拉海納位在夏威夷第二大島茂宜島上 因為夏威夷平常就有海嘯、颶風、地震 所以設有全球最多的 400 座警報器 其中 80 座
8 個月前
 • 18 次觀看
節目名稱:趙少康時間 主持人:趙少康 節目播出日期:2023.08.14(一),09:00-10:00 #新聞 #趙少康 #趙少康時間 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 【趙少康時間】 FM103.3 中廣流行網,每周一至五 早上九點到十點。 吃 喝 玩 樂 胡思亂講 都在 I like radio 現在就請訂閱中廣流行網官方YouTube,直播節目即時通知、錯過節目可重聽 全頻道直播節目可鎖定 📍【葉蓉早報新聞】週一-週
夏威夷山火持續最少六死 數千人撤離有人跳海避火
夏威夷毛伊島(Maui)早前發生山火,至周二開始廣泛蔓延。外媒周三報道稱,大火已導致六人死亡,數千人被迫撤離,當地部分民眾甚至直接跳入海中以躲避大火和煙霧。 👇新聞詳情報道👇 https://bit.ly/3YAn7Eo ———————————————— 【橙新聞】www.orangenews.hk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orangenewshk/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkorangenews/ 【橙新聞A
ハワイ 山火事の被害拡大 マウイ島で6人死亡 2100人超が避難 | ニュース 2023年8月10日 | #話題のニュース
ハワイ 山火事の被害拡大 マウイ島で6人死亡 2100人超が避難 ハワイでは複数の島で発生した山火事がハリケーンに伴う強風で急速に燃え広がり、このうちマウイ島では歴史的な町並みで知られる観光地にも被害が拡大し、少なくとも6人が死亡し、2100人を超える人が避難を余儀なくされています。 ハワイでは8日の朝にマウイ島など複数の島で発生した山火事が、ハワイの南を通過していたハリケーンに伴う強風の影響で急速に燃え広がりました。 日本時間の10日午前5時すぎに会見した地元当局によりますとこの火事で少なくとも6人が死亡
Video shows Hawaii wildfires spreading across Maui
8 個月前
 • 45 次觀看
Fires on Maui started spreading widely – fueled in part by violent winds from Hurricane Dora, churning more than 800 miles away – decimating homes and businesses, launching urgent rescue missions, knocking out communication services and forcing residents i
Six killed in Hawaii as wildfires force people to flee into ocean | ABC News
Six people have been killed in Hawaii as a major wildfire burns parts of the US state's most popular tourist areas. Maui Mayor Richard Bissen confirmed the fatalities from the fire in the historic Lahaina town. Wildfires in Hawaii fanned by strong winds bu
Hawaii wildfires burn homes and force evacuations, while strong winds complicate the fight
Wildfires in Hawaii fanned by strong winds burned multiple structures, forced evacuations and caused power outages in several communities late Tuesday as firefighters struggled to reach some areas that were cut off by downed trees and power lines. The Nati
Devastating Hawaii wildfires concern passengers, impact Bay Area travel
Multiple structures in have been destroyed in Lahaina as thousands were ordered to shelter in place. Officials are discouraging all non-essential travel to Maui. Here's how it's impacting Bay Area passengers: https://abc7ne.ws/45kcXtr #wildfires #hawaii #t
'The fire was right above our property': Maui resident talks evacuating from wildfires in Hawaii
Mother of three and Hawaiian resident Malika Dudley discusses evacuating from wildfires with her two small children. WATCH the ABC News Live Stream Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Ma8oQLmSM SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Watch More o
【天下新聞】夏威夷: 野火席捲Maui島 至少六人死亡 多人跳海逃生 Hawaii: Deadly Wildfire Ravages Maui Island, 6 Confirmed Dead
週三,夏威夷Maui島遭到野火肆虐,摧毀了歷史名鎮Lahaina的房屋和商戶,造成多人受傷,至少六人死亡。野火迫使人們疏散避難,甚至有十多人為躲避火焰和煙霧而跳海逃生。當地911服務中斷,過萬名用戶停電。 副州長Sylvia Luke現亦為代理州長。她向CNN表示,島上的醫院系統因燒傷患者和吸入性呼吸道疾病而不堪負荷。她亦代表州長Josh Green發布緊急公告,並啟動了夏威夷國民警衛隊。 消防人員正在撲滅集中在Maui島西部和內陸山區的多起火災。夏威夷大部分地區處於紅旗警告,紅十字會正在Maui和Big
Maui and Big Island face evacuations as Hurricane Dora fuels wildfires
Unprecedented wildfires are burning across the Hawaiian islands, prompting mass evacuations and power outages. Acting Governor Sylvia Luke issued an emergency proclamation on 8 August and the Hawaii National Guard has been activated. Watch more: https://ww
開箱最輕的平價碳纖維輪組 & 秒改棘輪聲的趣味套件 / Nepest MAUI / 碳纖板輪 輕量化爬坡輪組 開箱 評測 DT Swiss 棘輪改裝 / 自行車 公路車
今天來開箱很有意思的 Nepest MAUI 輪組,這個應該是市面上 "平價輪組" 中,重量最輕的,只有 1250 公克。這組輪組使用了完全沒上油漆的輪圈,雷雕的 LOGO,碳纖維輻條,還有 DT Swiss 的棘輪結構。可以說是流行元素大集合,蠻有意思的:) 這組 Nepest 輪組價格是 1299 鎂,似乎最近親民輪組的價格,就差不都都是落在這一個範圍。這一組的重量的確是蠻讓人驚訝的,我印象中重量是 12XX 的輪組是有,但是價格至少是 2 倍以上,甚至 3 倍都有。前幾年甚至不敢想像能有一組怎麼輕的輪
探索太平洋中間的神秘私人島嶼!二戰巨大幽靈船竟然擱淺在這!|The DoDo Men 嘟嘟人
這次來探索拉奈島!夏威夷竟然有島嶼是私人的… #私人島嶼 #兆萬富翁 #幽靈船 加入我們頻道會員:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfq75-6J5seC82CmtLSFxXw/join 歡迎追蹤我們The DoDo Men的IG和FB: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedodomen/ Facebook: http
【4K】豪華郵輪,8天,環夏威夷四島遊,Pride of America, Norwegian Cruise Line,NCL
第1天 郵輪駛離夏威夷,檀香山(Honolulu)港口 第2天 夏威夷, 茂伊島(Maui) 第3天 夏威夷, 茂伊島(Maui) 第4天 夏威夷, 希洛(Hilo) 第5天 夏威夷, 科納(Kona) 第6天 夏威夷, 考艾島(Kauai) 第7天 夏威夷, 考艾島(Kauai) Na Pali Coast 海岸景觀 第8天 早晨郵輪到達夏威夷,檀
Moana Official International Trailer 1 (2016) - Dwayne Johnson Movie
Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Alan Tudyk, Auli'i Cravalho Moana Official International Trailer 1 (2016) - Dwayne Johnson Movie Watch more Family and Animation videos to get all the best content that's fun for all ages. Animated Trailers & Clips https://g
Moana Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Dwayne Johnson Movie
Get Tickets - http://www.fandango.com/moana_185801/movieoverview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Alan Tudyk, Auli'i Cravalho Moana Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Dwayne Johnson Movie Watch more Family and Animation videos to get all th
Moana Official Olympics TV Spot (2016) - Dwayne Johnson Movie
Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Alan Tudyk, Auli'i Cravalho Moana Official Olympics TV Spot (2016) - Dwayne Johnson Movie Watch more Family and Animation videos to get all the best content that's fun for all ages. Animated Trailers & Clips https://goo.gl/