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Poliziotti picchiavano detenuti minorenni, il prete del Beccaria: "Imperdonabile non aver capito"
Nelle prime ore di lunedì mattina sono stati arrestati 13 agenti della polizia penitenziaria accusati di maltrattamenti sui detenuti minorenni dell'istituto penale “Cesare Beccaria” di Milano. L'accusa a vario titolo è di "maltrattamenti in danno di minori
米蘭旅行遇到下冰雹🌨️|來去吃米蘭的排隊名店- LUINI義式炸三明治和GELATO🤩|米蘭必看達文西“最後的晚餐”就在恩寵聖母教堂旁邊|芒果這一家🥭|2023年義大利自由行🇮🇹EP35
#義大利自由行 #milano #米蘭景點 #duomo #米蘭大教堂 #italy #gelato #LUINI #恩寵聖母教堂 旅行日期:2023/6/02 登頂和參觀米蘭大教堂Duomo di Milano之後 因為肚子餓了就去吃米蘭的排隊名店- LUINI義式炸三明治 和好吃的GELATO義式冰淇淋😃 🎬下一部影片🦴 敬請期待🤩🤩 芒果這一家🥭部落格相關文章看這裡👇👇👇👇👇 🇮🇹義大利自由行全攻略懶人包👉🏻https://mangofamily56.com/category/europe/italy
AC Milan vs Inter : Serie A Score Predictor - hit pause or screenshot
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米蘭大教堂Duomo di Milano值得參觀嗎⁉️|購買門票的方法和登頂、參觀攻略🎉|米蘭大教堂附近付費廁所和免費廁所在哪裡?🤩|芒果這一家🥭|2023年義大利自由行🇮🇹EP34
旅行日期:2023/6/02 回到米蘭的第二天依舊一大早就起床準備 就是要去參觀我們期待已久的米蘭大教堂Duomo di Milano和登頂 現在就跟我們搭乘復古的路面電車前往米蘭大教堂附近 先前往售票處買門票囉!🤩 🎬下一部影片🦴 敬請期待🤩🤩 芒果這一家🥭部落格相關文章看這裡👇👇👇👇👇 🇮🇹義大利自由行全攻略懶人包👉🏻https://mangofamily56.com/category/europe/italy/ 🇮🇹義大利美食|羅馬最好喝的金杯咖啡La Casa del Caffè Tazza d’O
##義大利自由行 #milano #米蘭景點 #DM藥妝 #蕾莉歐 #L'ERBOLARIO #italy 旅行日期:2023/6/01 我們又一起回到米蘭中央車站換好票後 就可以繼續玩遍米蘭囉 現在就跟我們搭乘復古的路面電車前往米蘭景點 斯福爾扎古堡、森皮奧內公園、和平之門囉🤩! 🎬下一部影片🦴 敬請期待🤩🤩 芒果這一家🥭部落格相關文章看這裡👇👇👇👇👇 🇮🇹義大利自由行全攻略懶人包👉🏻https://mangofamily56.com/category/europe/italy/ 🇮🇹義大利美食|羅馬最好
傻眼耶❗️剛剛買的米蘭交通3日票3 day ticket才搭1次就無法打票成功怎麼辦⁉️|去米蘭中央車站ATM point成功換米蘭交通3日票全記錄🎉|芒果這一家🥭|2023年義大利自由行🇮🇹EP32
#義大利自由行 #義大利國鐵 #trenitalia #米蘭中央車站 #米蘭交通3日票 #milano #ATM point 旅行日期:2023/6/01 開心抵達米蘭中央車站Milano Centrale後 我們就去位於地下一樓的香菸店Tabaccheria/Tabacchi 買好這三天會使用到的米蘭交通3日票3 day ticket 就去附近的公車站牌準備搭公車前往這幾天要入住的Airbnb 結果我們買的2張米蘭交通3日票其中一張無法打票成功...... 現在就看著影片跟著芒果這一家🥭一起去米蘭中央車站
Cassano: "Dopo il cielo c'è l'Inter" #cassano #intervista #shorts #inter #milan #calcio #seriea
In questa intervista, Antonio Cassano svela finalmente la verità sul suo controverso passaggio al Milan e sul suo amore per l'Inter. Cassano racconta dell suo provino da bambino con l'Inter e il suo sogno di giocare per la squadra nerazzurra. Scopri perché
Coach Pioli and Davide Calabria | Post-match reactions | #LazioMilan
🔴⚫ Join the AC Milan Members Area and choose between 2 levels to get access to exclusive perks: https://bit.ly/JoinACMilan 🔴⚫ 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Fourth Kits 👉 https://acmi.land/4th_Kit_23-24 🌗 🛒 Buy the 23/24 Home kit 👉 https://acmi.land/Home_Kit_23-24 ❤️
A Rossonero heart, a Grand Slam winner ❤️🖤 | Jannik Sinner | #Shorts
🔴⚫ Join the AC Milan Members Area and choose between 2 levels to get access to exclusive perks: https://bit.ly/JoinACMilan 🔴⚫ 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Home kit 👉 acmi.land/Home_Kit_23-24 ❤️🖤 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Away kit 👉 acmi.land/Maglia_Away-23-24 🤍 🛒 Buy the
米蘭作為意大利最受歡迎的旅遊目的地之一,有眾多必打卡景點,如艾曼紐二世迴廊、米蘭大教堂、米蘭星巴克咖啡、斯福爾扎古堡、森皮奧內公園、運河區等等。今次我們還會嘗試用30歐元吃遍意大利人強烈推介的當地美食!最後還會介紹2024年最新、最詳盡的米蘭市中心交通攻略,有打算到米蘭自由行的朋友,記得睇到最後啊。 觀光情報 Sightseeing Info: Panzerotti Luini: http://www.luini.it/ Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/HjhNznhWM
The Arctic Circle by Train / Part 2 / Trondheim to Bodø
Use my Link to get up to 15% OFF with amazing Level8 Luggage this Christmas: https://www.level8cases.com/?ref=Nkw03qqI Hello and welcome back to Norway, where today we're embarking on the second of a two part trip up to the Norwegian Arctic Circle by Train
MVP of the night speaking | Tijjani Reijnders | #championsleague | #shorts
🔴⚫ Join the AC Milan Members Area and choose between 2 levels to get access to exclusive perks: https://bit.ly/JoinACMilan 🔴⚫ 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Home kit 👉 acmi.land/Home_Kit_23-24 ❤️🖤 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Away kit 👉 acmi.land/Maglia_Away-23-24 🤍 🛒 Buy the
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3️⃣ goals to kick off December on a high note 🔝 | #shorts
🔴⚫ Join the AC Milan Members Area and choose between 2 levels to get access to exclusive perks: https://bit.ly/JoinACMilan 🔴⚫ 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Home kit 👉 acmi.land/Home_Kit_23-24 ❤️🖤 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Away kit 👉 acmi.land/Maglia_Away-23-24 🤍 🛒 Buy the
韓國頂流女神韓韶禧超強氣場 身穿FILA米蘭羽絨系列 魅力襲捲冬季街頭
國際運動精品FILA繼攜手好萊塢星二代超模Hailey Bieber之後,儼然成為女神收割機,邀請到韓國頂流女神韓韶禧出任全球品牌代言人,以其獨特的個性風和魅力詮釋FILA品牌全新樣貌!FILA最新發佈的形象廣告中,韓韶禧以兩個不同身分身著限量新款MILANO DOWN羽絨衣系列,出現在人車湧潮街道與運輸貨車上,兩個風格的韓韶禧對視,大展不畏寒冷冬天的自信態度與女神個性美。 今年首波低溫來襲,正是入手韓韶禧同款限量羽絨外套最佳時刻! 韓韶禧代言款 https://reurl.cc/ed4Xe7 FILA專櫃
Nubifragio a Milano ed esonda il fiume Seveso, i cittadini: "Chi ci governa ha altre priorità"
Mattinata di forti disagi a Milano dove il nubifragio che si è abbattuto nella notte sulla città ha mandato in tilt il quartiere Niguarda, a nord della città. Nonostante le vasche di laminazione, in costruzione da anni, il quartiere intorno a viale Fulvio
PSG 3-0 AC Milan | #championsleague Highlights | Matchday 3
🔴⚫ Join the AC Milan Members Area and choose between 2 levels to get access to exclusive perks: https://bit.ly/JoinACMilan 🔴⚫ 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Home kit 👉 acmi.land/Home_Kit_23-24 ❤️🖤 🛒 Buy the new 23/24 Away kit 👉 acmi.land/Maglia_Away-23-24 🤍 🛒 Buy the
SONY A6700: L'APS-C DEFINITIVA?! | Recensione e Test
SONY lancia la nuova a6700 con tantissime novità, nuovo sensore, nuovo processore, sistema di autofocus e corpo. In questa recensione con test in Italiano parleremo di tutte le nuove caratteristiche foto e video, 4K, 120fps, focus stacking e molto altro. •
Welcome into the all new #EX30 😎
10 個月前
 • 47 次觀看
Time for more EX30 😎 In this video the main focus are the interior, but we're also looking at some safety tech and cargo capacity. Hope you will enjoy 😉 Recorded 5th of June Milano, Italy 🇮🇹 Thanks to @krisrifa for recording me Chapters 00:00 Introduction