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Tudum: A Netflix Global Fan Event | Official Trailer | September 24 | Netflix
Calling all fans! Tudum is back with 5 shows around the world! Mark your calendars on 24 September to watch your favorite global stars and creators on the virtual stage for an exciting day full of Netflix news, exclusives and first looks: https://www.youtu
TUDUM: Netflix 全球影迷盛會 | 上線日期預告 | 9 月 24 日 | Netflix
Tudum 回來了!去年成功吸引全球 184 個國家/地區的 Netflix 影迷,觀看次數破 2570 萬的線上活動,將於 9 月 24 日星期六隆重回歸!我們將於 24 小時內帶來五場全球活動,先由韓國打頭陣,印度緊隨其後,再由美國和歐洲帶你獨家搶先看精彩的拉美娛樂內容,最後以日本的慶典完美作結。全日驚喜不斷,為你放送獨家消息、絕密片段、預告和搶先看內容,以及與 Netflix 巨星和創作者的訪談,萬勿錯過。這場免費線上盛會是屬於 Netflix 影迷的慶典,針對超過 100 部來自世界各地、影迷最愛的
TUDUM: A GLOBAL FAN EVENT | Official Trailer | Netflix
On September 25, Netflix’s biggest stars and creators from around the world will join the virtual stage for an exciting day full of exclusives and first-looks. It's our first ever global TUDUM event, and our goal is simple: to entertain and honor Netflix f
Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker gives an overview of Season 5’s episodes
"As dark, and yet lighter, than stories we've done before." Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker speaks about the three new episodes of Black Mirror Season 5: Striking Vipers, Smithereens and Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too.
《黑鏡》碎片 | 正式預告 | Netflix
4 年前
 • 54 次觀看
別忘了幫你的司機評分。 ______________ 訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 關於 Netflix Netflix 是全球首屈一指的網路娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.48 億名會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以透過任何配備上網功能的裝置,隨時隨地、不限時數地盡情觀賞,亦可輕鬆播放、暫停與接續播放,享受無廣告及無合約拘束的娛樂體驗。 持續獲得 Netflix 相關資訊: 瀏覽 Netflix 網站:http://nflx.it
《黑鏡》瑞秋、傑克和小艾希莉 | 正式預告 | Netflix
「艾希莉,妳還好嗎?」 ______________ 訂閱:http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 關於 Netflix Netflix 是全球首屈一指的網絡娛樂服務事業,在逾 190 個國家與地區擁有超過 1.48 億名付費會員,內容包括影集、紀錄片與劇情長片等,橫跨多種類型和語言。會員可以透過任何配備上網功能的裝置,隨時隨地不限時數盡情觀賞,亦可輕鬆播放、暫停與接續播放,享受無廣告及無合約拘束的娛樂體驗。 持續獲得 Netflix 相關資訊: 瀏覽 Netflix 網站:http://nflx.it
Black Mirror: Smithereens | Official Trailer | Netflix
Don't forget to rate your drivers. ______________ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading internet entertainment service with 130 million memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature
Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too | Official Trailer | Netflix
"Ashley, are you ok?" ______________ SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world's leading internet entertainment service with 130 million memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films across
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Tech Featurette | Netflix [HD]
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a sprawling fantasy novel into a video game and soon faces a mind-mangling challenge. Welcome back. Watch Black Mirror: Bandersnatch On Netflix SUBSCRIBE: http:
Black Mirror : Bandersnatch | Consumer Featurette | Netflix [HD]
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a sprawling fantasy novel into a video game and soon faces a mind-mangling challenge. Welcome back. Watch Black Mirror: Bandersnatch On Netflix SUBSCRIBE: http: