
1 天內
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1 年內
Auckland, New Zealand - lovely daytrip to Devonport 😍 (vlog 3)
Join us as we explore Auckland, New Zealand's bustling main city! We're taking a short day trip across the harbor to the charming suburb of Devonport, where we discover historic landmarks and stunning views from Mount Victoria and North Head. Before that,
#VastLife #OOTD 乘風追浪穿搭!Freedom to Roam
#VAST熔岩燈防曬機能衝浪T 融合濃厚弛放漫流的熔岩燈圖樣元素並結合水手服飾所鍾愛的橫條元素,完美詮釋 VAST 明星商品之一的機能型速乾Surf Tee。 #VAST經典條紋防曬機能衝浪T 藍/白 以亮藍色與白條紋相間的設計,充滿法國里維埃拉風情,且兼具防磨與日常穿搭的上衣,非常適合城市潮流系浪人,不管是在大洋上恣意馭浪,又或是岸上觀察浪況、享受這片靜謐的美好時光。 #VAST防曬機能衝浪T Color Block 使用大膽的亮色線條配色設計,穿上這件 Vast防曬機能衝浪T ,必定能成為今年夏天戶外最
#VastLife #OOTD 澳洲黃金海岸穿搭!Surf with your Vast Homies
#VAST熔岩燈短袖上衣 白/黑 設計靈感源於海洋的多元性及層次感,透過寶藍和紫藍兩色,以抽象的手法呈現,形成多種元素交織而成的獨特圖樣。 #VAST銅系列機能衝浪褲 摩登Yogi 靈感來自經典的黑白拼色融合品牌人物Yogi設計,展現一種現代摩登俏皮風格,搭配創新褲頭防滑矽膠條與180部分貼合、快乾技術 ,陪伴你在海上的任何時光,讓你享受舒適穿著感,是一件追浪人必備的單品。 #VAST銅系列機能衝浪褲 Aquatic 將我們自然追求海洋風格融入衝浪褲中,打造乾淨美學,搭配創新褲頭防滑矽膠條與180部分貼合、
It's gonna be MAY 🎤 Check what's coming to Prime Video this month 📺 #Shorts
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#VastLife #OOTD 城市漫遊穿搭!街頭潮流兼顧機能防曬
#VAST立體格紋Logo短袖上衣 白/綠 以揉和復古與現在為設計發想,背部圖樣透過濃郁復古感配色及立體印花字體,搭配現代感強烈的俐落線條;與前胸活潑的VAST Script Logo,有著鮮明又亮眼的對比效果。 #VASTXRWBXIn4mation聯名桂冠葉長袖上衣 海軍藍 由 VAST X 著名保時捷改裝名廠Rauh-Welt Begriff X 夏威夷經典潮流品牌In4mation三方攜手聯名重磅打造出的長袖上衣,袖擺印花以獨特動感的桂冠葉圖樣設計呈現,搭配前胸顯眼的RWB標誌、背面印有簡約的In4
#VastLife #OOTD 追浪人性格穿搭!今夏好好浪一回
#VAST翻玩短袖上衣 藍莓紫/白色 此款以Nature Always Wins所延伸出的Nature衝浪棉質短袖上衣,透過多種現代感字體的堆疊,呈現滿滿潮流感及當代藝術的氛圍,是穿搭追浪人不可錯過的單品之一。 #VAST夕陽海面短袖上衣 白/灰 以簡約抽象的手法,詮釋夕陽下平靜的海洋及源於自然的深層靜謐。舒適的棉質布料,讓每位追浪人無論是日常生活、戶外踏青或岸上觀察浪況等都非常適合。 #VAST熔岩燈雙面漁夫帽 可雙面穿戴的BUCKET HAT 將濃厚弛放漫流的熔岩燈融入設計中,並以抽象的手法呈現,多種元
#VastLife #OOTD 超Chill親子出遊穿搭!機能防曬系列火辣上市中
#VASTNeonRevolt防曬機能衝浪T 將潮流系的桃紅色漸層揉合了渲染手法,不受性別設限的中性款式。以 VAST 專利環保彈性服飾科技Aqua Terra取代萊卡纖維, 利用DOBBY編織技術,打造出凹凸立體網紋效果的內裡,讓布料不易黏身,展現更好活動度。 #VAST漸層雙面漁夫帽 將潮流系的桃紅色漸層揉合了渲染手法設計的漁夫帽,不受性別設限的中性款式,無論男女都能輕鬆穿搭的單品,且有著多元的佩戴風格。 #VAST水陸兩用水桶帽 黑色/迷彩/水藍色 快乾、透氣的材質且有效遮陽,非常適合從事戶外運動,頭
30国西太海军论坛,中国立无人系统规范|印度交付菲律宾首批“布拉莫斯”!美摸底俄巡弋飞弹|中越推进南海共识!范明政:项目开工!|马代亲中政府胜利|中国拉美策略:拉紧卢拉痛打米莱 #国际蔓谈
📣 请您随着主持人#吴蔓 进入今天的#国际蔓谈 ,重点国际新闻热点如下: 🔥 30国西太海军论坛,中国立无人系统规范 🔥 印度交付菲律宾首批“布拉莫斯”!美摸底俄巡弋飞弹 🔥 中越推进南海共识!范明政:项目开工! 🔥 马代亲中政府胜利 🔥 中国拉美策略:拉紧卢拉痛打米莱 🔥 援乌法案通过!俄呛声 感谢大家观看今天的 #国际蔓谈 ,更欢迎您评论、点赞、订阅、转发,您的每一份支持,就是我们持续精进的动力! -----------------------------------------------------
對唔住! Sor9ly!
1 個月前
 • 37 次觀看
曾經喺Fujifilm Xh2s嘅 review 入面講過叫大家死左條心 富士呢世都唔會俾返個 object tracking 俾你架喇 點知早兩日出嘅 firmware 6.0 就係加返俾你 對唔住囉.............. #Telegram攝影教學討論谷 https://t.me/joinchat/BE8H1xchYls6_ztVWGbNEA Signal Group https://signal.group/#CjQKIPeVeMiChlKwnlb738QxIK4mMgigXKQHj79aPNc
Storm bears down, OJ Simpson dies and drinking strains EDs | Focus Morning Bulletin, April 12, 2024
Fierce storm moves up the country, former NFL star OJ Simpson dies aged 76 and the burden of excessive drinking on our EDs revealed. Video / NZ Herald/ Getty / AP Subscribe and be notified of breaking news: https://goo.gl/LP45jX Check out our playlists: ht
Harry Potter's Weasley Twins and Rugby Legends | FOMO | Best of HSBC SVNS in Hong Kong
In the next episode of the series, we join Tom Mitchell in Hong Kong as he catches up with Harry Potter stars, rugby legends and new found DJs. In this episode, the former Team GB Olympic captain talks to James and Oliver Phelps who play Fred and George We
SILKY play from Great Britain! 😎 #Rugby #Shorts #Sevens
GB 7s produced some beautiful rugby in the build-up to their try against the Canada sevens at the Hong Kong HSBC SVNS! #Rugby #Sevens #Rugby7s #Shorts #HongKong #GreatBritain SUBSCRIBE to World Rugby on YouTube! Keep up-to-date on all things rugby by follo
New Zealand CRUISE to semi-finals | Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens Day Two Women's Highlights
Relive all of the action from Day Two at the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens Women's competition, as teams fight for a place in the semi-finals. New Zealand 7s put on a dominant performance, whilst Australia sevens dispatched of a fierce Japan side. #Rugby #S
My Entire Hoya Collection 2024 🌱 30+ Varieties!
Todays video is an updated version of my Hoya collection for 2024! It has been 3 years since my last proper Hoya collection video so I thought this one was well overdue. Im in the process of emptying my greenhouse and propagating/re-potting before winter c
French finesse on full display👌 #Rugby #Shorts #HongKong
Creative and inventive talent proved to be too much for the Great Britain defence, as Les Bleus scored this try at HSBC SVNS Hong Kong in 2023. Rugby #Sevens #Rugby7s #Shorts #France #HongKong SUBSCRIBE to World Rugby on YouTube! Keep up-to-date on all thi
紐西蘭EP1 解鎖新國家 七天都住在房車上!🚗
睽違一年常勇生日之旅回來了 紐西蘭這個天氣真的讓我大問號 還好跟朋友一起還是很開心 😙
Copying F1's Lando Norris | Stronger Than You Think
2 個月前
 • 20 次觀看
Lola Lovinfosse is on track to making it as a Formula 1 star. It all started with a pink Lando Norris style helmet and an unplanned karting experience. The 18-year-old explains how being faster than her brother started a life-long dream in the latest editi
『#1794:海外で食べる中華が好き!(COLOR)』 もみじ真魚/MaoMomiji 2024年3月11日 00:46 「クリスピーポークが大好き過ぎる」 ...
『#1794:海外で食べる中華が好き!(COLOR)』 もみじ真魚/MaoMomiji 2024年3月11日 00:46 「クリスピーポークが大好き過ぎる」 テイクアウトしてホテルでワインと一緒に飲む幸せ。ニュージーランド編はこのあたりでひと段落です、まとめて本とかにしたいなって考えてます。乞うご期待です! I love crispy pork way too much." I am happy to take out and drink it with wine at the hotel. This is