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#部長評電影 #珍愛硬起來 【珍愛硬起來】這部電影必須說,電影名稱不管是英文中文都做得很好,給台灣的索尼片商鼓鼓掌。英文名稱 No Hard Feelings 意...
#部長評電影 #珍愛硬起來 【珍愛硬起來】這部電影必須說,電影名稱不管是英文中文都做得很好,給台灣的索尼片商鼓鼓掌。英文名稱 No Hard Feelings 意思是指『別往心裡去/別太在意』,但同時也有『不要有硬起來的感受』的直譯微雙關;中文的部份採用了『硬』的概念以及珍妮佛勞倫斯的『珍』做發想,同時再拿劇情中男主角必須要在感情上勇敢『硬起來/登大人』的雙關,讓中文與英文兩者的命名有一樣的力度,電影名稱翻譯得很棒。 - 故事劇情是很常見的校園耶片模式,主角Maddie想要誓死捍衛媽媽留給她的房子以及家園,
珍愛硬起來 觀後感 (人要事磨)
7 個月前
 • 20 次觀看
這天放了一天小風無雨的颱風假,先傳訊息給北北基要上班的朋友刺激他們一下後,幾乎休息和忙自己要做的事一天,然後稍晚就看了一部之前想看的電影-「珍愛硬起來」(No Hard Feelings),2023年作品,主要是女主角-珍妮佛勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)是我很喜歡的演員才會想看的。 故事是說開車載客維生的麥蒂(珍妮佛勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)飾,以下簡稱小珍),她的維生車子因為繳不出稅金被拖走了,維生工具沒了,就沒辦法賺錢繳稅,她母親留給她的房子就會被政府收走,不得已,小珍
W看電影_珍愛硬起來(No Hard Feelings, 不要見怪, 調教你處男)_重雷心得
珍愛硬起來,帶了色色今晚來一點輕鬆搞笑的吧! 好野人老爸老媽請人來幫自己宅男兒子破處任務, 來看看珍妮佛·勞倫斯,影后帶頭一起來惡搞, 吼吼…超勁爆,到底有沒辦法達陣、開張大吉呢? 我的FB粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cinema.vievoyage W看電影_奧本海默_重雷心得2 https://youtu.be/D9QKMZtXcSE W看電影_奧本海默_重雷心得 https://youtu.be/KEInhdUDQFA
調教你處男/No Hard Feelings/珍愛硬起來 說穿了,其實《調教你處男》這部電影一句說話可以總結, Jennifer Lawrence。喜歡她,你一...
調教你處男/No Hard Feelings/珍愛硬起來 說穿了,其實《調教你處男》這部電影一句說話可以總結, Jennifer Lawrence。喜歡她,你一定要入場欣賞;對她無感,入場意欲自然大打折扣。 🔞Jennifer Lawrence玩得起 銀幕誘惑玩到盡🔞 《調教你處男》的預告已經告訴你,這部典型美國喜劇基本上就是用Jennifer Lawrence的魅力作為賣點,再配上一些踩界不文笑話。擺明就是不文又如何,Jennifer Lawrence告訴你老娘玩得起,玩得盡。像我這些單純小男生,可以感受
【#調教你處男】 尋日端午節 去咗戲院『扒龍舟』 .....................🫣 JenniferLawrence 好狠好放 除咗有全裸演出(誤)...
【#調教你處男】 尋日端午節 去咗戲院『扒龍舟』 .....................🫣 JenniferLawrence 好狠好放 除咗有全裸演出(誤) 佢勾引『阿仔』 發火鬧『阿仔』 同埋暴力對待其他人 佢去冒險樂園阻住個𡃁仔玩個陣笑死我 望落去佢好似湊緊仔咁 但佢其實又要去溝佢 所以好搞笑 好鍾意套戲嘅節奏 唔係講緊全套戲快定慢 (其實都過得好快就睇完) 而係演員間互動及對白嘅節奏 嗰種開頭慢慢講...再到笑位就秒答 令到人反應唔切大噴笑 套戲入面有無限呢啲對話 JenniferLawrence
Jennifer Lawrence Has THIS MESSAGE For Parents Who Watch ‘No Hard Feelings’
Jennifer Lawrence has a message for parents who watch her comedic debut in “No Hard Feelings.” “Try not to be a helicopter parent, try to let your kid be who they're going to be and just love and support them,” Jennifer told Access Hollywood. The new mom a
NO HARD FEELINGS Out of the Theater Reaction! | Jennifer Lawrence
Christy went to a sneak preview screening of "No Hard Feelings" and has some quick, out-of-the-theater thoughts! Jennifer Lawrence stars in this R-rated comedy that's a throwback to the raunchy sex romps of the 1980s. Do you plan on seeing the movie when i
Andrew Barth Feldman Never Thought He Would Play Jennifer Lawrence’s Love Interest
Andrew Barth Feldman still can’t believe he was Jennifer Lawrence’s love interest in “No Hard Feelings.” “No, of course not,” he told Access Hollywood at the films New York City premiere. “But not to mention getting to play opposite of her, somebody who is
Jennifer Lawrence: Through The Years #shorts
11 個月前
 • 62 次觀看
Since Jennifer Lawrence is starring in No Hard Feelings out on June 23, 2023, we're looking at her incredible career over the years. We're looking at her performances in Garden Party, The Burning Plain, Winter's Bone, Like Crazy, X-Men: First Class, The Hu
Jennifer Lawrence takes on the Hot Ones gauntlet 😬
Jennifer Lawrence is coming to Hot Ones on Thursday 6/22 at 11AM ET! BUY HOT ONES HOT SAUCE NOW: https://fwfea.st/hotsauces TRY THE HOT ONES BONELESS CHICKEN BITE CHALLENGE: https://fwfea.st/chickenbites BUY HOT ONES TRUTH OR DAB: THE GAME: http://truthord
Jennifer Lawrence No Hard Feelings Premiere NYC
11 個月前
 • 88 次觀看
Jennifer Lawrence No Hard Feelings Premiere NYC All My Links: https://linktr.ee/lifeofdevint Business Email: lifeofdevint@gmail.com #nohardfeelinge #jenniferlawrence #moviepremiere #nyc #ny #newyork #newyorkcity #movie #movies #moviescene #movienight #movi
SIN MALOS ROLLOS. Jennifer Lawrence como nunca la habías visto antes. En cines 23 de junio. #Shorts
Cuando está a punto de perder su casa de la infancia, Maddie (Lawrence) descubre un curioso anuncio de trabajo: unos adinerados padres controladores están buscando a alguien que salga con su introvertido hijo de 19 años, Percy, antes de que este vaya a la
Why Jennifer Lawrence Is More Relaxed w/ Paparazzi After Becoming a Mom
Jennifer Lawrence is getting candid. The Oscar winner was interviewed by Cameron Diaz for Interview Magazine, and she spoke about married life and motherhood. She gushed about her husband Cooke Maroney saying, “Fortunately, my husband is the greatest fathe
Jennifer Lawrence talks new film 'No Hard Feelings' #JenniferLawrence #Shorts #short
Jennifer Lawrence talks new film 'No Hard Feelings' #JenniferLawrence #Shorts #short jennifer lawrence, jennifer lawrence trailer, jennifer lawrence new movie, jennifer lawrence interview, jennifer lawrence funny moments, jennifer lawrence and chris pratt,
Jennifer Lawrence & Andrew Feldman Reveal What The Hardest Feeling To Feel Is
Jennifer Lawrence & Andrew Barth Feldman are the stars of the new movie 'No Hard Feelings' but...what is the hardest feeling to feel for them both? Well, it's time to find out. #NoHardFeelings #JenniferLawrence #
Jennifer Lawrence talks about her new film #shorts #jennifer #Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence talks about her new film #shorts #jennifer #Lawrence jennifer lawrence,jennifer lawrence interview,no hard feelings,jennifer lawrence trailer,jennifer lawrence new movie,jennifer lawrence funny moments,jennifer lawrence and chris pratt,je
Jennifer Lawrence spricht über ihren GNTM-Auftritt und Heidi Klum
Eigentlich war sie bisher eher der Kumpeltyp, spielte oft komplexe Charaktere und ernstere Rollen. Gerade deswegen freut sich Jennifer Lawrence (32) nun endlich mal wieder richtig lustig sein zu können. In der sexy Sommerkomödie „No Hard Feelings“ lässt si
Jennifer Lawrence: Neuer Film nur fürs Geld? | It's in TV
Oscarpreisträgerin Jennifer Lawrence hat in der deutschen Hauptstadt für ganz viel Glamour gesorgt. Die „Hunger Games“-Protagonistin präsentierte ihren neuen Film „No Hard Feelings“ und strahlte auf dem roten Teppich der Deutschlandpremiere. #ItsInTV #jenn