
1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
No rest for the Wicked LABBOMBA!!!
1 週前
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Ho aspettato questo gioco dal suo primo, timidissimo annuncio. Non sapevo cosa aspettarmi ma sapevo chi aspettarmi. I Moon studios sono una realtà di sviluppo che, almeno per quanto mi riguarda, ha salvato la scorsa generazione di Microsoft. La biologia di
Tainan/台南麻豆老街屋區:中山路→興中路 Madou Old Street House Area 先吃阿蘭碗粿,再前往電姬戲院(電姬館) 和中央市場、麻豆戲院吧/Taiwan Walk 台湾旅行
【4K】Tainan Walk/Madou Old Street Area:Walk along Jhongshan Rd. and Singjhong Rd. ▶ 台南市麻豆區,舊名為「蔴荳」,是舊台南縣的麻豆鎮,位於台南市中部偏西一點的地方,目前人口大約43000多人,最有名的土產是麻豆文旦 (柚子)。 ▶ 電姬戲院,又稱為「電姬館」,已歇業,建於日治時期的1938年 (昭和十三年),已被訂為臺南市歷史建築。2007年,侯孝賢導演曾為坎城影展60週年拍攝以電影院為主題的紀念短片《The Electric
The ABC Sunday Night Movie - "Salvage" (Complete Broadcast, 6/3/1979) 📺 🚀
Here's the complete broadcast of "Salvage" as presented on The ABC Sunday Night Movie over WXYZ Channel 7 in Detroit, MI. (this was the a repeat broadcast - the movie originally aired on Saturday, January 20th 1979) This made-for-TV flick - which served as
Two Hyper Magnum Ultra Instinct Kazuya Comebacks
2 個月前
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Thanks for watching the video! My livestream is here: http://bit.ly/2rvjrnP Merch: https://masku.creator-spring.com ThatBlastedSalami makes amazing Tekken 8 Guides https://bitly.ws/3aIck
Has The Tomb Of Gilgamesh Been Found?
2 個月前
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Join us on Spotify!! Now you can listen to Origins Explained! Click here ---- https://spoti.fi/3rW60R2 Or join us on our other socials: https://linktr.ee/originsexplained See you there! Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos
英文世界裡大家說的「You’re GOAT」是什麼意思?如果你覺得是山羊,那或許你也有成為梅麗史翠普的潛力 😂 在英文中「GOAT」除了山羊這個常見的意思,其實...
英文世界裡大家說的「You’re GOAT」是什麼意思?如果你覺得是山羊,那或許你也有成為梅麗史翠普的潛力 😂 在英文中「GOAT」除了山羊這個常見的意思,其實還有「永遠是最棒的」(G.O.A.T. = Greatest Of All Time) 之意。像是在 NBA 的世界裡人們就會說 Jordan、Kobe 是 GOAT;樂壇則像是碧昂絲等等天后天王級的人物。而在影壇,梅麗史翠普則當然是許多人心中的 GOAT。 Jennifer Lawrence 在宣傳《千萬別抬頭》時就提到劇組都會不經意地稱梅姨為「G
你有想過 100 年前沒有 CGI 特效、綠幕的那個年代,電影中的驚險畫面要怎麼完成嗎 👀? 如今就要人拆解了黑白電影中經典的畫面,告訴你在沒有特效的年代,夠過...
你有想過 100 年前沒有 CGI 特效、綠幕的那個年代,電影中的驚險畫面要怎麼完成嗎 👀? 如今就要人拆解了黑白電影中經典的畫面,告訴你在沒有特效的年代,夠過視錯和借位,一樣能拍出宛如綠幕的效果! 一百年前的電影《安全至下!》(Safety Last !, 1923)中,Harold Lloyd 掛在鐘塔的經典一幕以及卓別林在《摩登時代》(Modern Times, 1936) 溜直排輪的驚險瞬間就都是依靠這些錯位手法。也證明了就算沒有科技,這些超現實的畫面也不是不可能! credit / PedroCi
"horse" (Indo-European roots)
5 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
#shorts #linguistics #horse
"5" (Indo-European roots)
5 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
#shorts #linguistics #protoindoeuropean
兩老太在新人面前大打出手,互相撕扯頭發,新娘反而笑得花枝亂顫!The two old ladies had a big fight in front of the new couple!
兩老太在新人面前大打出手,互相撕扯頭發,新娘反而笑得花枝亂顫!The two old ladies had a big fight in front of the new couple, tearing each other's hair, and the bride actually laughed wildly!#wedding #bride #china #society #love #marriage #movement #moving #wedding #shorts #short #groom
Tainan/台南中西區:赤嵌樓(赤崁樓)→ 神農街 Chihkan Tower → Shennong Street 星期日傍晚漫遊臺南府城老街區/Taiwan Walking Tour 台湾旅行4K
【4K】Tainan Walk/Walk from Chihkan Tower (Fort Provintia) via Guohua Street to Shennong Street. 星期日傍晚,天色漸暗,臺南府城街頭的色調也漸漸地濃厚了起來,我從知名的觀光景點「赤崁樓」周邊出發 ( 又稱「赤嵌樓」,最早稱「普羅民遮城 Fort Provintia」 ),沿著民族路走,經過西門圓環、國華街永樂市場前,最後抵達近年很熱門的海安路,並散步兩旁的水仙宮市場和神農街。這時候的神農街,遊客仍多,滿布的各式小燈籠
狂言師の365日Plus! 2023/9/1-9/2 狂言師の365日 公演に行った場所の紹介や現地のグルメなど プライベートも公開!! その日の出来事を日記のようにUPします。 #旅 #車旅 #旅行 #北陸 #おわら #風の盆 #越中八尾 #氷見 #漁港飯 #魚市場食堂 #食堂 # 公式HP👉 kyogen.info Twitter👉@nari0303 Instagram👉motonar.ohkura YouTube👉 youtube.com/c/KYOGENLOUNGE… 公式LINE👉 lin.ee/
The life and legacy of singer Tony Bennett
9 個月前
 • 32 次觀看
ABC News contributor Mike Muse talks about the legendary career of crooner Tony Bennett and how he was an enduring star for generations. WATCH the ABC News Live Stream Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Ma8oQLmSM SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https://bit.ly/
「我就是喜歡我的光頭!」,將落髮危機化為轉機的巨星告訴你接納自己的重要 👤! 👉🏻 90 年代的裘德洛被譽為「英國最帥美男子」,然而之後卻因為後退的髮際線被網友...
「我就是喜歡我的光頭!」,將落髮危機化為轉機的巨星告訴你接納自己的重要 👤! 👉🏻 90 年代的裘德洛被譽為「英國最帥美男子」,然而之後卻因為後退的髮際線被網友認為「崩壞、回不去了」! 👉🏻 除了傑森史塔森等等男明星選擇剃頭,像是 Jada Pinkett Smith 也因為脫髮症理了光頭;裘德洛也曾經剃光頭過! 👉🏻 最後他選擇自信地面對自己的模樣,扭轉大家對於「禿頭就要剃頭、植髮」的刻板印象! 👉🏻 裘德洛表示「我知道我不再是過去的美男子,但這對我來說反而是一種解脫」! 👉🏻 SMAP 的草彅剛也曾經被
Reacting to Smosh They Bought it back
10 個月前
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hope you all enjoyed this video if you did dont forget to leave a like and subscribe its free and if you dont like it you can always usubscribe later #smosh #nostalgia
DIABLO 4 DAY 1: Unsponsored and unbiased playthrough of Diablo 4
As I am forced to open my own wallet to play the game early, I am also allowed to choose my own words to describe Diablo 4 as genuinely as possible. Come join me for a fun day of hype, excitement and probably a lot of Nox while we get put back into queues.
Rusty Iron Restoration
11 個月前
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Thanks for watching the video ! Hope you enjoyed it ! PATREON https://www.patreon.com/ladb FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/LADBrestoration INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/ladb_restoration/ TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@ladbrestoration Email : hello@
Full RestorationCOMPUTER picked up from the Landfill| Restored PC Main asus z77 card PowerColor
Full RestorationCOMPUTER picked up from the Landfill| Restored PC Main asus z77 card PowerColor Power Color Red Devil Rx 570 4G 3fan ........................Restoration VR...................... I founded the youtube channel with passion. Many rusted or bro
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#日劇シネマ#東映#昭和な風景 昭和レトロ探索のブログはこちらで https://xn--fdkude7857ayos.tokyo/retoro/ twitter→https://twitter.com/seikei2004take インスタ https://www.instagram.com/syouwaretoro80/?hl=ja