
1 天內
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1 年內
女童2歲初經就來,全是這NG行為把毒吃下肚?原來生活中的常見物品,紙吸管、感熱紙、香氛、化妝品正在毒害你的身體|初日診所李唐越醫師【TODAY健面聊】#02 (食安風暴自保 塑化劑 雙酚A PFAS)
🔔點下方專屬連結,加入「初日醫學」LINE官方帳號 🔰即可獲得「李唐越醫師-環境荷爾蒙懶人包」 https://hi.cofit.me/jK0M6 (🔺記得選擇用「預設瀏覽器開啟」,避免無法轉跳到LINE) 日常生活中,有一些看不見的化學物質, 默默地影響著你的身體。 輕則讓你發胖、影響免疫系統、生殖系統…等, 嚴重甚至會導致罹癌, 這些危害健康的物質就是環境荷爾蒙。 那環境荷爾蒙到底是什麼? 對身體又會有哪些影響呢? 這集影片李唐越醫師將會一一告訴大家, 生活中哪些物品要避開, 以及如何正確挑選裝食物的容
PFAS エキスパート インタビュー:HueiHong Lee
ウォーターズ アジア太平洋地域の PFAS エキスパート HueiHong Lee をご紹介します。正確な結果を保証するために、自動化された PFAS 分析を使用して世界的な PFAS 問題にどのように取り組んでいるかご覧ください。 ※日本語字幕に切り替えてご覧いただけます
Chesapeake Bay Summit 2024 | Q&A: What is the future concerning agriculture, PFAS & road salt?
Our expert panelists weigh in on audience questions recorded during the Chesapeake Bay Summit 2024: Course Correction program. Stream and watch the full show on the PBS App and learn more about Chesapeake Bay Summit 2024 at https://www.mpt.org/baysummit/.
What is Canada doing about 'forever chemicals'? | About That
For the first time ever, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is introducing standards to limit PFAS, or 'forever chemicals,' in drinking water. Andrew Chang explores how prevalent these chemicals are in our daily lives, why they're so dangerous and wh
EPA Finalizes Rule To Clean Up PFAS (Forever Chemicals) and protect Public Health
Big news! The EPA now classifies two key PFAS chemicals and is enhancing efforts to clean up contamination. While it will take a little time to implement, you can protect your water with an NSF Certified water filter system from Multipure. #multipure #wate
Understanding PFAS & Contamination Implications | A Call to Action for the Datacenter Industry
We had an insightful conversation on PFAS contamination with Alexandra MacDiarmid, Content Manager at Submer, Nathalie Cruchet, Head of ESG & Sustainability, and Peter Cooper, VP of Fluids & Chemistry. In this engaging discussion, we delve into the signifi
PFAS エキスパート インタビュー:Joanne Ho
ウォーターズ アジア太平洋地域の PFAS エキスパート Joanne Ho をご紹介します。世界的な PFAS 問題にどのように取り組み、規制の変化に対応し、最新の PFAS 開発とソリューションを共有しているかご覧ください。 ※日本語字幕に切り替えてご覧いただけます
PFAS エキスパート インタビュー:Daniel Ng
ウォーターズ アジア太平洋地域の PFAS エキスパート Daniel Ng をご紹介します。世界的な PFAS 問題にどのように取り組み、サンプル前処理を最小限に抑えてラボの効率と生産性を向上させているかご覧ください。 ※日本語字幕に切り替えてご覧いただけます
Uncovering the Hidden Dangers in Cosmetics: PFAS Screening [Full Talk]
If you missed our inaugural 𝗣𝗙𝗔𝗦 𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘁: 𝗔 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀, 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜 back in March of 2023, you're in luck: for the first time, we're making each of the presentations from Part I of the summit available to watch for free, from beginning to end. In this pre
PFAS, gli inquinanti eterni
3 週前
 • 10 次觀看
Una puntata di approfondimento dedicata ai cosiddetti "inquinanti eterni", i PFAS, che contaminano diverse zone dell'Europa e dell'Italia. Il programma è ideato e condotto da Mariaelena Leggieri. Lo speciale approfondirà il tema spiegando cosa sono i forev
PRIME Lawsuit Alleges "POISONOUS" Chemicals
3 週前
 • 19 次觀看
Prime is being sued for poisoning you ‌ The Logan Paul and KSI brand is consumed by kids around the world and advertised as “healthy” containing electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants, but is there something in there that’s killing you? ‌ A consumer clas
EPA Sets Drinking Water Standards
3 週前
 • 14 次觀看
Raise your hand if you had no idea that the EPA had never set drinking water standards before this month » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/knowthis_youtube » Su
【高顏值不沾鍋推薦】義大利CUOCO石墨烯小帥鍋S2 深煎炒鍋煎煮炒炸燉滷都適用 料理小白好幫手!(附團購優惠連結)
蝦仁豆腐煲、金沙炮管透抽、蔥鹽牛排蓋飯、爆炒蒼蠅頭、麻油雞湯....煎煮炒炸燉滷都適用的小帥鍋! 有需要的就趁現在有優惠時把母親節禮物也買起來呦:
PFAS危機 健康殺手 身在氟中不知氟|記者 陳沿佐 盧松佑|華視新聞雜誌EP2403單元1 2024.3.9
🔥完整版影片連結: https://youtu.be/vlsr40ouWWc 🔥單元2 我的學習不一樣 https://youtu.be/sdjoJw91QgQ ⭐更多精彩影音 https://goo.gl/qEMao8 你有沒有想過,為什麼食物不會黏在煎鍋上?為什麼油脂不會浸透微波爐爆米花的包裝袋呢?其實,它們都使用了同一種合成化學品,也就是「含氟表面活性劑PFAS」。這種化學物質,為人類生活帶來便利,但學者長期追蹤,發現這些永久性化學物質,具有致癌性,甚至可能經由臍帶,由母親傳給胎兒。PFAS無法輕易在
This Chemical Does Nothing, But It's Still Bad For You
Check out the MinuteFood video on Teflon here: https://youtu.be/R1hbV3EzOD4 PFAS - also known as the “forever chemicals” we use in all sorts of household products - are able to cause all sorts of health problems without ever really reacting with anything L
3M to pay more than $10 billion in PFAS case
10 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
According to a release from the company, a total of $10.3 billion will be provided to cities, towns, and other public water systems over a 13-year period. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/3m-will-pay-more-than-10-billion-in-pfas-case/89-f8e99c1e-8
How 3M And DuPont Are Being Sued Over ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Water
Maine recently joined a growing list of states suing chemical manufacturers over toxic "forever chemicals," or PFAS, claiming significant harm to residents and natural resources. An estimated 64 million people across the U.S. are affected by drinking water
DIESER Stoff sollte verboten werden!
11 個月前
 • 69 次觀看
PFAS sind überall. Sie stecken nicht nur in Outdoor-Klamotten und Pfannen, sondern jeder von uns hat sie im Blut. Bei jedem 5 Kind in Deutschland sind die Werte deutlich zu hoch und einige diese „ewigen Chemikalien“ sollen unter anderem Krebs auslösen. An
PFAS: So schädlich sind Teflonpfannen! I Ökochecker SWR
In fast jedem Haushalt lässt sich eine Teflonpfanne finden. Das darin enthaltene PFAS ist allerdings extrem umweltschädlich. Geht Kochen auch nachhaltiger? 00:00 Intro 00:20 Teflonpfannen: Was steckt drin? 01:29 Wird Teflon bald verboten? 02:25 Probleme mi