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What is Rabbit R1 and Why is Everyone Going Crazy For It?
Rabbit R1 is a $200 handheld AI assistant with a 2.88 inch touchscreen. The device resembles a walkie talkie with its square design and eye popping orange adding to its retro feel. It includes features like a camera, a control wheel, speakers and microphon
🤖 👾Rabbit R1- 5th Batch sold out again | Rabbit R1 Review and Updates 🤖👾
This video explores the shockingly smart Rabbit R1 device that sold out in 24 hours and could make smartphones obsolete! Running the proprietary RabbitOS and Large Action AI models, this nostalgic gadget acts as a personal assistant that accomplishes tasks
Rabbit R1: The Ultimate AI Assistant WITHOUT Subscriptions!
Say goodbye to monthly fees and say hello to Rabbit R1, the AI assistant that's changing the game! 🚀 In this video, join Nicky Saunders as we dive into the world of AI wearables and hardware, exploring the innovative Rabbit R1 – an assistant that makes Sir
设计碉堡了: rabbit r1 和 Nothing 背后的 teenage engineering
+++++++++++++本视频含有CC字幕,建议打开+++++++++++++ Jack 正在使用的数码产品和拍摄用设备详细清单可以在这里找到:https://jackkkk.notion.site/Jack-f47ff5bfa4fc471dbb146aec99d17ebe 视频中出现的产品有: rabbit r1 渡鸦 Raven H Nothing Phone(1) teenage engineering PO-33 teenage engineering PO-80 CMF by nothing T
Rabbit r1 Midjourney Teaching & Image Generation Demo (Part 2) #ai #rabbitr1 #technology
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Rabbit R1 Review - The New SHOCKING AI Device
4 個月前
 • 20 次觀看
Rabbit R1 Review - The New SHOCKING AI Device Let's Explore a shockingly smart Rabbit R1 gadget that could make smartphones obsolete! Its advanced AI assistant called RabbitOS handles tasks seamlessly by manipulating apps and services just like a personal