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1 年內
Affordable and Clean Energy 🌏♻️ SDG 7 ⚡️ Sustainable Development Goals for Kids
Educational video for children to learn about the seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Affordable and Clean Energy. Energy is defined as the ability to make things work. When we talk about affordable energy, we mean ensuring access to adequ
Clean Water and Sanitation 💧 SDG 6 🛁 Sustainable Development Goals for Kids
Educational video for children that talks about the sixth of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), clean water and sanitation. Water is a very important resource that all living beings depend on. Water sanitation refers to the set of technical and soci
Quality Education 📚 SDG 4 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Sustainable Development Goals for Kids
Educational video for children that talks about the fourth of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): the goal of quality education. Education is the process by which people gain access to knowledge. This is what allows us to better understand our commun
No poverty 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 SDG 1 🌍 Sustainable Development Goals for Kids
Educational video for children that talks about ending poverty, the first of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Poverty is a situation in which people are unable to meet their basic needs due to lack of resources. Poverty is not just about not having
Educational video for children in which they will learn what the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are. The Sustainable Development Goals are a list of 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations and the countries that make it up. They aim to eradicate
2060年,台灣就會沒有冬天?永續發展目標SDGs是什麼?| 志祺七七
本集節目內容與「行政院環境保護署」合作播出。 氣候變遷是全球共同面臨的挑戰, 一起關注永續發展目標(SDGs)、永續行動,落實環境永續、實踐全民綠生活,為地球盡一份心。 👉 最新永續發展資訊:https://nsdn.epa.gov.tw/ 🌱 全民綠生活:https://greenlife.epa.gov.tw/ 🗣 氣候公民對話平台:https://www.climatetalks.tw/ 📦 一次用產品源頭減量宣導網:https://reurl.cc/MkMXYn #永續 #SDGs #氣候變遷 --
Sustainable Development Goals explained with 3 useful tips | Environment SDG Sustainability
In this whiteboard animation, I explain how the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are interconnected (the SDG wedding cake) and how you can use them to understand how sustainable your country or your business is. 0:00 Introduction 0:41 T
SDG vs SN 蘇寧上野炸裂節奏爆開 Maple阿卡莉劣勢找機會!Game 2 | 2019 NEST電競大賽
►Facebook專頁: http://facebook.com/bestleaguetw ►Discord: https://discord.gg/tRFBGQF ►聯繫電郵: bestleaguetw@gmail.com 這裡是最強聯盟頻道,本頻道自行剪製一系列英雄聯盟賽事精華,以個人的剪輯風格讓大眾在短時間內順暢完成精彩的電子競技賽事內容,也希望頻道對整個遊戲和電子競技環境帶來正面影響。 喜歡影片的話希望可以訂閱支持,你的支持就是我的動力 :) 如有任何問題歡迎私信最強聯盟專頁或在頻道討論區留言~
The Sustainable Development Goals: 17 Goals to Transform Our World
In September 2015 the United Nations made history - 193 member states unanimously adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): seventeen goals that the world aspires to achieve by 2030. These goals aim to economically develop the world in a way that e
Do you know all 17 SDGs?
6 年前
 • 18 次觀看
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Read more on https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ 17 Goals to Transform Our World The S
Sustainable Development Goals: Improve Life All Around The Globe
"Sustainable Development Goals: Improve Life All Around The Globe" is a hip hop music video that was produced by Flocabulary in partnership with the Education Outreach Section of the Outreach Division of the United Nations Department of Public Information.
A Look at the Sustainable Development Goals
8 年前
 • 34 次觀看
https://www.globalgoals.org On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. End extreme poverty. Fight inequality & injustice. Fix climate change. The Global Goals for sustain